I decided that the last optical illusion this year (2006), should be another vintage one. As I said before, afterimages are one of the coolest optical illusion phenomenons in my opinion. If they are vintage ones at the same time, I’d call it a jack pot! It’s unnecessary for me to explain how this illusion works, since you all probably learned it with the original Jesus illusion. If by accident you forgot the method, be sure to read the vintage description beneath the original picture. Since the 2007 is closing in on us, and I’ll be out of town for two days, I wish you all Happy New Year, and all the best in the following days! Enjoy your time, and don’t forget to visit us in 2007, since there will be many many more illusions and surprises for all of you! Like we posted some new games for you this Christmas, we’ll think of something new and original in the following months. So stay tuned. For more optical illusions check our categories inside the sidebar – there are more than 1000 other if you missed them!
this one dont work for me. yay first!
Cool!Im the first 11oh,all I saw was the skeleton again.This is a retarted illusion.Just like peaches.
Mrs. Bovier-
It’s spelled “retarded”
the skull i saw was white when it appeared on my ceiling-the colours reverse. i have seen many of this variety of illusion. happy new year.
Ya, Thats what we’ll all look like if we break the ozone layer
COOOOL!!! Hahahaha!
Wow! it was like 3d cool!
yeah i see it. its in the cheek bone.
It got ay clearer and HUGE when I went further away from my wall. It was awesome;)
hahaah mitchell…………………………………………………..well as least i thought it was funny!
I liked this one! The skull appeared on the paper then it floated up off the paper like a ghost! Wow….pretty cool!
hahaha… lols…. when i looked back at the screen after seeing it on the wall, (the walls in my room are white) I saw it on the screen… screepy….
I think that a skull isn’t a skeleton. It’s only a part of a skeleton the same as a head is a part of a body.
i’ve been so scared that i pee my pants … LOL joke …
Its kind of scary for how long the image last afterwords..
Woahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!The skull floated off my piece of paper and turned into a ghost!Creepy and coool!
cool illusion.
oh kewl i c a ghost when i blink . lol awsume
it’s real easy actually. you stare at the image for so long that it kinda burns into your brain. so when you look away, you still see it. just like when you look at a light and then look away, you can see little dots or colors.
u know wat would be creepy? if it like started laughing….
Im to scared to do it can u give me advice
I saw it…. just the same skeleton. I just did it and i STILL see it on the keyboard. its ANNOYING!!!!
here’s a tip for you aweirdperson, DON’T DO IT it’s sooooo retarded, and you still see it for like an HOUR later. I’m in the process of making a website call madillusions.com, and im an expert at this stuff… so all in all don’t try it….
WTF that was waz awsome!
I’ve seen one like this but it looks like a black squiggle on the paper, then after you stare at it and look up you see Jesus
Just like 3D! O.O