I found out today about this wavy collection, which consists of three different variations of our well known Floating Rice illusion. You have probably seen still images of this type before, and understand that they only appear to move (in a fashion of Rotating Snakes illusion), but the effect is non the less intriguing. To enhance the ripple effect of this wacky photo, more your head up and down, and it’ll appear to crumple and wrinkle right in front of your eyes. Few dozen of similar images can be found in the appropriate category, while most popular are variations of this type.
Didn’t work for me.
i got an headache xD
pretty cool, but the first didnt work
dang thass hottt ;)
wow I’ve never found anyone that these have not worked for. If you keep your eyes focused on one spot, the image will appear still (which I find rather hard to do)… but if you let your eyes wonder over the image it should appear to move
Thats soo cool lol
didnt work for me either, id like to know which dud put this up lol
It doesn’t work for me either, I guess this is something personal, not everones eyes will react the same.
What I see: a patern of brown leaflike shapes in a green background. Nothing moves.
Interesting though that some people will see a movement. How come they see it moving? What kind of movement is it? And why don’t all people see it this way?
Then my son you’ve got very stable eyes. The illusion is caused by small involuntary eye movements which to my best knowledge occur in everyone. Even if you try to fixate on the image the eyes still keep moving in little ‘jigs’. If it doesn’t work for you try to look at it more ‘relaxed’without ‘fixating’. The more ‘unfixated’you watch at it the stronger the illussion gets.
Then you are pretty damn blind!!
only the middle worked for me
not working for me…..
Works great, try slowly scanning the picture with your eyes left to right and it look like there is a ripple movement…great illusion
sorry, i just can see static floating rice ..
Thats neat but I can’t stare at it too long or it gives me a headache….ugh
Huh, the top one is strange. it looks like the boxes move….not just waves. I still think the spinning girl is the best.
this isn’t helping my hangover… :)
That’s pretty cool!
It worked for me
Wahey… that is fantastic… the little squares really move…
The original still works great for me, but I don’t think the new one is all that.
ehh, how does it work?? interesting.
the first one, no… but the other two… WOW
nice illusion
i find just looking from one edge to the other works better, spec. with the last one
did for me :)
Focus on the center of the images and your mind will create the illusion of movement based on the visual signals and shapes that suggest movement.
Wow! Usually these types don’t work for me, but these worked REALLY well!!!
Let your eyes wander over the pattern slowly and the leaves move like waves.
That is so cool. I love these things. My first instinct was that they were animated, but when I looked close, it was still. (Duh)
not as good as the original illusion, however the first one was awesome just because youd think it wouldnt work with there being spaces between the illusion and all but it was still cool!
i didnt like the second one… third was was ok as well…
yay illusions!
me neither.
am i supposed to see something?
I tried moving the page bar slider thingy at the side up and down. Still didn’t work.
you have to move your eyes a little. when just staring at it it didn’t work for me either =)
worked for me but then again i have been chasing the dragon!
i couldn’t see the third one but the first two were pretty good.
Actually don’t move your head, move your eyes…side to side and up and down
These are awesome!
lol that was creepy and cool
just let your eyes wander across the images and they look like they move.
I like the last one the best, the first one doesn’t really do much for me.
just let your eyes wander across the images and they move, really like stuff like this.
The last ones the best!
I love these kinds of illusions. Great stuff!
it works better if you just move your eyes around the photo
that is SO FREAKEY!!!!!!!!!!
how does it do that?
am I being brainwashed by aliens?
is the workd ending?
why am i asking all these questions?
it was fun it did work for me you are silly you other guy that said it didn’t your name should be goofy or something cause you ain’t right or some shiznitz
Moving my head up and down didn’t work but scrolling the picture up and down did. As soon as I stopped it appeared to move on its own. Try that.
Don’t move your head. Even better, look at it through the corner of your eye, it will start moving. It doesn’t work for me if I move my head.
Nothing seems to be moving – except my head. If i try any longer i’m going to get a headache!
1st one doesn’t work for me, but 2nd and 3rd one do.
Weird!! they still move
take some shrooms and it will work fine :)
worked for me. its supposed to move or swirl. but its pretty disapointing.
I have seen similar ones that have worked, but these ones are pretty bad!!!
Holy crud…that is scary!
You move your eyes around the image, it works way awesome!
It is awsome ! I love it …. tee hee
I get the same effect when I ride in the car or on the bus and stare at the asphalt. When the bus stops the asphalt still appears to be curling and moving for 5 or so seconds. I always get a rush of nausea when I realize the bus is standing completely still.
Actually, you can try to stop the movement if you want:
hard way: try to tell your mind to focus in the fact that all the image is a whole thing (concentrate in that), with practice your brain will form the whole image at the same time without processing the individual objects that will trick you.
half-hard way: view the image askance, try to lightly turn your head outside the picture and concentrate in the whole picture. This way must be easier because the brain process different the information that comes from the lateral part of the eye -faster, without much detail, with poor quality color and looking for movement-.
easier way: focus in one object and move your head from side to side (lightly, remember that the speed of the movement depend of each person); As the brain can’t process all the details, it will not have other option to store the whole picture and save it while you are moving your head, and -Whola!- now the image are static.
dude thats feakin awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!
lastone looksliike coffe beans going down the toilet
omg holy frig thats so epic!!!!!