Walking Pigeons Optical Illusion

reverse motion pigeons

The start of the weekend is finally here! We’ve still got some nice summer weather here, and it’s a good day to head to the park. While we’re there, we just might be able to feed the pigeons if they’re hanging around…

Looks like these little guys are just walking around bobbing their heads without a care in the word, huh? Well, except for maybe chasing those worms. But, these pigeons or worms aren’t really animated. Your eyes are playing tricks on you! The black and white vertical stripes just make it look like walking pigeons and wriggly worms. In reality, they’re just images moving across the screen, and no different than the images you see all the way to the left before they enter the black and white jungle.

If you liked today’s walking pigeons illusion, don’t forget to rate it below!

Thought this walking pigeons illusion was cool? Head over and check out the flying bird after image!

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