Can’t say I expected that many of you BEING WRONG regarding our previous post! It seems only a fraction of our visitors managed to isolate the correct answer. Anyway, to conclude the test I posted the solution, and now can officially say that the correct answer was: circle no.3.
But let’s quickly share the newest billboard set, one that has been circulating the net lately. As it seems, people behind Volkswagen’s ad campaigns have actually listened to our advice, and heavily implemented optical illusions into their ads! I have always been firm believer that there aren’t much better ways to capture viewer’s attention in marketing, other than using optical illusions (naked girls being an exception). Btw, I know I promised we won’t repeat the Ebbinghaus effect, but I’m aiming at broader idea here…
haha i like it ;)
tht neat!
Good job volkswagen :)
I like the top one best, the other 2 don’t work very well for me
yess i knew it was 3 hahaha lmaoo i got the riteh answer
Cool! I dont really get it, but cool!
People are using illusions for advertising…Cool!
Dang, that’s good advertising! I like the “shorter road” one the best.
i love this!!! cool ass!!!
btw i guessed rite on the last one!!!
They look the same size, except the small drop one looks lower.
Cool advertisement!
That’s really cool of them. I especially like the last one with the road though.
thats really cool
All clever optical illusions aside, VW may be risking a lawsuit from the original “Caddy” for hijacking the vehicle’s name!
haha, I’m now totally buying that car after watching those illusion billboards xD
Always Caddy Campaign
All Equal
ya good advertizing! pretty well-known illusion though, nothing special.
Same size, just focuse at the actuall..thing :P
wat is it soppose to be LOL???tell me
Same dot!