Just when I decided how it would be much more professional if I invested more energy investigatingĀ origins and sources of our forthcoming illusions I got this interesting submission, only to find out I haven’t got a slightest clue how it came to be :( Don’t get me wrong, this vintage photo looks amazing, it’s just that neither the person who submitted it (nor I) couldn’t find out who and when created it.
Anyway, be sure to comment if you have the lacking info. If you concentrate only on the “illusion”, you might feel somewhat disappointed, but hopefully this photo as a whole will entertain you for a moment or two.
The good news is, I’ve started to approach this blog in much more serious manner. I’ve spent the last few days in search for some quality help, as I feel the moment has come this project overgrew my capacities. Don’t want to spill any bombastic news before the right moment arrives, but if all turns well, you might see some improvements in content and concept over the following days ;D Keep following us, as your presence is the main motivator for me as a person running this blog. Once again, many thanks for taking your time to visit this site!
Don’t put yourself down man. I’ve been following your page for a few years and I’ve always enjoyed the quality of stuff you bring us. There is only so much out there thats original but you keep finding new ones that defy explanation sometimes. Keep it up it’s appreciated.
I agree 100% with Steve above. I love the variety of illusions as well as the awesome archive.
Hey my name is steve too. It’s a steve party.
Quadrouple Steve attack
I think you doing a Great Job love this site ā„
I completely agree with those guys up there. Keep going. From how I know you I know you can do this.
Love, your number 1 fan
Thought id get in here 2 =D
There was a “Florida” shaped pool at Cypress Gardens attraction in Winter Haven Florida…
I cannot find any pics online… but there were times when they filled up the pool with oranges and other citrus industry promos. I’ve seen similar pics as the ones you posted where models would create the headless effect and a couple of other visual stunts.[img]http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5291/5482730642_2fe2a7a75c_z.jpg[/img]
Cool image, there is more going on here than is initially obvious. Hint: That is not an arm coming down to the bottom girl’s hip.
I think it is an arm, but yes, it certainly looks a little odd.
The limb coming down to the bottom girl’s hip is her own arm.
What makes it look like a leg is the fact that there’s an orange(?) there in about the right place to make a heel.
If it were a leg it would be a pretty small and deformed one – the “foot” is about the same length as the lower “leg”…
Similar citrus promo pic… but not floating in the Florida pool.
I just added this as a widget about a month ago and it’s one of my favorites.Don’t be so hard on yourself your doing a awesome job
Not the biggest illusion, but a super cool pick. Glad you shared it, I like these types of photos as much as the illusions.
Every day for the past year, i’ve visited this site, and not once disappointed. Brilliant work editing the material. Excellent illusions, thank you. Love this dismembered head illusion!
That is just wrong on so many levels.
wow alot of people have commented on this one the day it came out aka today
And just for that great and touching story, I will go numb on clicking some advertisements!
Nice illusion,like how at first glance your like,”Wait,what?” then you realize what’s going on…And your doing just fine,the site’s wonderful.
There are actually 4 girls. The girls at the bottom have their heads buried in the balls (that’s what she said), the girls at the top have their heads poking out of the balls, and the girl on the top left has her leg exposed, making it look like a strange arm on the other girl’s hip. Great photo, though.
It’s all good!
love it – so does my 12 yr old. Every day I go on the computer and he comes in and says what’s the illusion of the day mum! You must be doing something right! Keep it up.
Keep up the great work. Love the illusions. Full time college student I need the break
The Illusions website has kept me amused for about 3 years, I have great fun also sharing them with my grandchildren. Engrdude is right, (thankyou) about arms and legs on this one.
My favourite website.
I like this picture just fine. Sure, it’s a kind of illusion in that the heads are sort of disembodied.
I have the optical illusion of the day on my home page and I always find it is one of the first things I check out daily.
I; and it looks like many others, regularly enjoy your posts!
Thanks and cheers!
No belly buttons showing.
Only the oranges have navels.
“I Dream of Genie” also showed no belly button.
It’s been a pleasure to watch this website develop over the years! You’re doing a great job, but it must be overwhelming at times coming up with new images every day. Keep up the good work! Never give up!
that wrong in so many ways
Hi there I love this site. You should be proud that your site is so popular you cant handle it alone. Not everyone has such interesting content!!! I have it loaded on my google start page so i check it everyday!!!
Keep on Keeping on.
dont get down man! i love this site. i have it loaded on my google page. as for the illusion: i think there’s more thatn two people in there. four, maybe?
I look at your site every day. Thanks (and my brothers name is Steve).
your wrong on the leg thing its actually her
arm an orange is making it appear to have a heel. its just her arm with the back of her hand (fingers)are against her hip. ironic, an illusion within an illusion
oops sorry just saw kelsey message saying same thing
wow that picture is so epic. wow its amazing and what the heck is it if its not an arm. please tell me that.<3
I agree with Kelsey concerning the optical illusion.
I feel you are doing a great job running this page, please keep up the good work. I just hope that I am not left in MODERATION anymore. Thank you!………….:)
You should do a “Mighty Optical Illusions” Book, with the authors and data about every single photo in this site!
I would buy it!
Pretty cool!
the heads aren’t their real ones. the real ones are below the balls.
I think it’d be awesome if someone used mannequins to form an illusion like the one above with their heads removed and dressed up really cool like. Then real heads could be popping up nearby. It’d be similar to the illusion above and really simple to create.
I think the bodies are 2 separate peple with their heads dunked under the…oranges? And the heads are people whose bodies are hiddsen under the oranges.
the “arm” is a keg. for those of you saying it only looks like aheel, i don’t see a freaking orange there.
4 people, 2 for heads underneath the whatever it is, 2 bodies with heads underneath the whatever it is. Or 2 women with exceedingly long necks.