Check out this super clever optical illusion video featuring RayBan sunglasses! The more you watch it, more surprising it gets.
It’s really amazing what all can be done with simple perspective manipulation. If you like this kind of stuff I recommend you browse through our #videos, as well as #anamorphosis section – you will find few more similar amazing examples there! And now for the video:
Very cool!!
ok, the last one had me fooled
What’s with the faux-amateur filming style with all the unnecessary zooming and unfocusing
wow! those drawing were very deatailed.
hmmm!! for some reason i couldn’t reproduce the video on the page, but i searhc it external, and was not much impressive but i like it i give it an 8.
I love how the video leads you to believe that you know the pattern and what’s coming with the final zoom-in to the sunglasses…and then it blows your mind one last time.
last one got me
Love the surprise ending.
This is stunning. Love the twist at the end.
the mind boggles
ahahah! I was expecting something different for the sunglasses (a joke or glasses+ books anamorphosis) but not the whole desk! 5*
Why wouldn’t the video work??? :(
I was thinking ‘it would be funny if we found out even the table is an anamorpho… WTF?’
It’s sure quiet on this web site! :(
I find it interesting how the images almost snap into perspective at the very last instant. There appears to be very little difference in placement between having the proper perspective and being very noticeably out of perspective. Really cool video. Love the ending!
I assume Brusspup did this one for the RayBan channel, considering how much this resembles his work, down to the music used. As usual, pretty good video.