By now, most of you know that 3D chalk drawings and wall murals can create quite impressive optical illusions. Unfortunately, this only works if you observe them under precise and unique angle. Numerous times we have seen them conventional drawings look 3D from perfect perspective, but there is a new approach by Utrecht student Sander ter Braak, who brought this onto the next level.
Sander created a real-time animated object that tracks your location, and accordingly adjusts itself to look 3D from wherever you are standing. He called the installation “Augmented Anamorphosis“, which by the way is his graduation project at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. In the video below, first we see some simulations, user views, and finally the anamorphosis in practice.
For now, it is just a simple blue cube … but imagine the possibilities: 3D holographic landscapes that update in real time, video software you can download and project at home on walls, floors and ceilings, backgrounds you display on the outside of a building, three-dimensional gaming, effects… Where people once thought that virtual-reality would happen overnight, we are learning that augmented reality and virtual worlds combined with experiments like this may finally start to blend realities and blur the line between digital and physical spaces.
lol, nice
Totally Love it and I want this in my house…………’s so perfect
please obi-wan, you are my only hope.
wow kudos for Sander! that dude just improved every future game! virtual reality is finally not just for the movies anymore!!
that’s awesome
Great job to Sander! Let’s see what happens in 5 years…:) Great site Vurdlak!
way cool!
what if there are more than 1 person in the room?
Very nice – this is a similar effect to what people expect the upcoming ‘Nintendo 3DS’ will be like – using a camera or something to track your head as you play and give you a 3D play experience without glasses. Possibilities are endless with stuff like this.
WOW! This is really cool trick.
haha, cool
You do realize that the blue cube doesn’t exist in the real world? It’s in a virtual computer world. Nothing new, really…
How long until the cube is turned into the top of some red head. Sell that with some vibrating do dad. We’ll be rich.
I realize this is the user moving though.
ka ching
I would like to see a giant Panda projected in my house.
But how about more than one viewer in multi-standing point?
Wow. See, now this will be truly great. It obviously still has some kinks to work out, but man… lotsa ramifications that this has.
this is rubbish GET IT OFF!
just a projector on the top pointin down the floor.. nothin new =) nice trick
then tou avously diddent read what he typed aboc=ve the video.
Awesome? Yes
Creative? Yes
Original? No
Buts its cool none-the-less
i want to learn how to do that!