When I woke up this morning and opened my mailbox I saw a dozen of submissions containing the very same link pointing to brusspup’s YouTube channel – I was immediately aware something important was happening. Boy was I right!
After seeing this video for the first time I couldn’t believe my eyes. I played it again and again, until I was certain there was no black sorcery involved – just typical old school illusion effect, only this time brought to a whole new level.
Just in time for year’s end, I think we got ourselves a very strong candidate for illusion of the year award! Which of the objects used in this video you think was a deal-maker? Was it a Shoe, Rubik’s cube or the tape roll? After you’ve seen the video, be sure to check the gallery below. Those with a keen eye will notice how first scene was somewhat staged, and will also notice how seamlessly “the switch” was made. However, in no way does this effect the awesomeness of the video!
I’ve included the images in this video for you to download (here) and try yourself. Print them on 8.5 X 14. Cut the paper any way you’d like to add more of an effect. – Brusspup
Wow perfect, is that drawing or print?
:o i just creamed ma pants
Oh My God!
that is a very nice illusion indeed, and the cat was funny, too
I consider my mind well blown.
That was awesome..I love it..of course may favorite out of all of them was the kitty one..lol..no I really like them all :) Thanks for sharing.
Wow. Can’t even describe how mind blowing that was. Illusion of the year in my eyes for sure! The way the camera zoomed in to show to texture of the items made them seem so real, so physical. With each new item I had to be re-convinced that it was truly not a physical roll of tape and shoe being feature. Truly awe-inspiring.
Really good job w/ the lighting & “shadows” to create the 3-D appearance.
Can we have a pic of the cat too please?
The last one was amazing. It looked just like a real cat!
I hope you were being sarcastic, and not dumb. Because that last frame was a real cat.
luff that cat (o.o)<
(| |)~
To whoever runs this site I would like to send a big thank you.
I have it on my home page and it’s the first thing I see…always upbeat,positive and delightful.
Those moments aren’t easy to find and it sets me in the right space to deal with the less delightful.
I just saw the Anamorphic video..truly excellent.I purposely did not look at the “how”…it was to sweet to spoil.
Again,just wanted to let you know your efforts are appreciated and if your only compensation is Satisfaction,I hope you’re enjoying a great deal of it.
I love this illusion,but where are the images you can try yourself? The link just goes back to the video on my computer.
Would love to try these for myself.
Thank You
If you follow the link to the youTube page, then in the bottom of the information section there are the links to the 3 images.
Wow! that cat is so realistic!! Amazing post, thanks.
Fabulous, awesome, amazing! To answer the question, there is a split second of refocus just after the zoom out on the close ups and that, I think, is when the “switch” was made but, I’d swear it was all clever 2D anamorphic drawing. (Clearly everyone is kidding about the cat.)
I’d also like to thank you for this site. Your taste in illusions has expanded my concept of illusions which I thought had been maxed out decades by the most common ones we’ve seen over and over in books. Bravo!
Woah. That’s pretty awesome.
Fabulous. One of the best illusions I have ever seen (and I’ve been a major fan for decades.)
Silly cat, anamorphic pictures are for mighty optical illusions.
Wow, wow. As an artist, this is absolutely blowing my mind. I want to do one myself, but this is not the norm. Watching it over and over. Excellent work!
and we trust our eye
Would have been cool if the cat was some sort of animated anamorphic
so cool and the cat looked like my cat her name is Taffy
Where are the images that can be printed and cut out? There is no where to get them as stated! I would love to have these.
It s realy great.
There s only one thing, in the first seconds, the objects shown are real, we can see the cube is covering the background, but it is good to set up the illusion
WOW, truly amazing. I too have this on my desktop, I don’t know what I am going to do when Igoggle go’s away. does anyone have any suggestions? I love seeing these illusions first thing in the morning!
Wow, I love how he then puts what I assume are real versions of the item in the background before the next demonstration.
Wow, never seen such a detailed anamorphic illusion before! Still, I’m starting to wonder if it’s not just a matter of using a specific software to obtain these effects nowadays.
Awesome, but check out that background.
Maybe they shouldn’t have put their props there when they were done with them…
Don’t you just love the magic of technology? We live in it every day and take it for granted to the point where we don’t even recognize that technology and magic are the same thing. 21st century humans are amazing.
wow, your cat is really popular
Awesome! The CGI budget for this must have been through the roof!
OmG that was so awesome and i can’ believe how it is done but my question is: If i was there and i was turning the paper then would it look the same as we saw it??
Thank You, Layla Penning:)