The existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life can spark a heated debate. Some swear that aliens from other planets really do visit us, while others scoff at their existence. I, myself, am not quite sure where I stand. I won’t completely discount the idea that aliens and UFOs exist, but I do find the idea to be a little far fetched.
However, in light of some new evidence, I might just have to form a new opinion regarding UFOs and their existence!
Bam! How’s that for solid evidence that UFOs exist?!
Okay, so maybe it’s not rock solid evidence, but it’s still a fun UFO illusion. This is a perfectly timed photograph with the young boy standing in just the right spot. The sun is shining in just the right spot on the wall, but if it was any earlier or later, the effect would have been lost. The little boy seems to be standing there in awe of the UFO, perhaps waiting for it to beam him up?
The graffiti in this photo makes me wonder, though. Was it dumb luck that the sun shines in just the right spot or was it painted that way on purpose? I’m thinking that the artist quickly painted the UFO when the sun was shining in just the right spot to give the illusion of a beam of light. I find it really hard to believe that the perfect light placement in this photo was pure coincidence.
What do you think?
If you’re looking for more fun illusions with UFOs, be sure to check out the face in Area 51!
The aliens have plans to help us change the World! Interested?