Two days ago, me and my better half returned from vacation. I thought I would immediately start on the site. Post new illusions, add new functionality, etc… I forgot one little detail: Each year I return home, somewhere near the end of August, Ragweed (ambrosia ?) season starts. This little plant is a real pest! Did you know that a single flower produces over 1 billion pollen (which fly few miles from center), and that more than 10% of human population have allergies caused by it? Same goes for me – I can hardly open my eyes and breathe. What I hate the most is that this plant came to Europe in 19th Century from USA, and by now there is more of it here than back in the States where it originated from. You can see the epicenter chart here, if you live somewhere in Europe and if it interests you.
So now, after I shared my “life story” with you (which I realize many of you dislike), I’m ready to share some new stuff. These two animated pictures you see on your left, and below this article aren’t really spectacular. Still, they make really nice optical illusions. In my opinion, the snake one will take few moments of your time before you notice the illusion, while the constructor below was probably contracted by M.C. Escher to bring his architect drawings to reality. There was a “Rope Optical Illusion“, I posted last year which greatly resembles the Snake one. Be sure to check it out as well (if you missed it)!
Update: “The Snake Illusion” was originally created by Vlad Alexeev.

these illusions r sweet !!!! but i feel sorry 4 the guy in the second illusion! like how is he gonna get out??
With a ladder?
i like ’em!
People really complain about the personal stories? Fuck ’em. Skip the text if you don’t like them. Personally, I find them interesting and don’t mind them one bit.
i agree with yodez
and very nice illusions
These images do not animate in my browser.( Safari)
They appear as jpeg files, not gifs.
They are still very good.
erm, but they’re not animated?
The Pictures Don’t Move For Me. :(
mmmm I like the construction worker’s moobs. sexy.
I’m sorry about your allergic reaction, Vurdlak. Hope you’re better now. Isn’t there anything you can do to prevent it? You know, seeing that you knew what would happen in advance.
As for the illusions. They baffled me!
Not because they’re great or anything. Because they didn’t animate. I saw the type of the images (like trying to save them to my hard drive) and I found that they were jpg images. Well, jpg images don’t animate, do they? It was usually gif images that animate.
Anyone can help me with this? Thanks, guys!
Please, place my name and link to Impossible World http://im-possible.info near the impossible snake, because it’s my picture.
Someone Please explain the second one.
I can’t get the animations moving, unfortunately. They look like they’d be cool. And I don’t mind hearing about your difficulties, Vurdlak. It certainly explains why the Illusion didn’t change for a few days.
I like them, but what’s animated here?
Everyone… when he says “animated” I’m pretty sure he means “drawn” and not real life photographs taken with a camera. It has nothing to do with the pictures moving.
@Mark: It is possible, but I suppose Vurdlak needs to explain it himself. Why? Because:
1. Animated simply means “moving.” Even if Vurdlak is not a native speaker of the language, that much should be clear to him. Granted that you could be misled/misunderstood because of the abundant usage of the word “animated” to replace the word “cartoon” (as in the animated series or animated movie) so that you’d think “animated” means “cartoon” or “cartoon characters.” Still, it’s kind of a silly misunderstanding for someone who has created and maintained this excellence of a website for years, IMHO.
2. Not all of his illusions are real life people/object taken with a camera. Some are drawn, like the central dot illusion, the bending lines illusion, the Jesus illusion, and some are even cartoony like the missing egg illusion. And Vurdlak didn’t call them animated illusions.
3. Vurdlak has one full category of illusions he called “Animations” with moving images or images that seem to be moving, rotating and whatnot. I guess it’s fair to say that he knows what “animated” means.
@Vurdlak: Please, Vurdlak. Do this for your loyal visitors.
yar i don’t get the snake one :s
feel sorry for the dude though, how’s he gonna get out?!
Ohh i ghett the snake one. Its a worm.. and the snake has no tail if you follow its body..
i dnt get then constructor one.. is it b.c. he is trapped in there?
the guy in the second photo has man boobs. he has hair on his man boobs. im jelous of gossip girl. SHE HAS ALL THE GOOD STORIES!
the snake’s head isn’t conected to the tail!
the dude is making a neverending stairs
the guy in the second illusion is a retard
Ragweed kills farm animals and horses, and the law states, at least in Britain that we are obliged to pull it up whenever we see it growing.
We had to regularly go over our fields and pull up any ragweed growing there, it’s a pointless job unless you have farm animals because it’s so rife! An utter pest!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! builder!!! inpossible!!!!”!!!! build evil inpossible :I POKER FACE..