Hello everyone and welcome to Sunday, the very first day of March. February sure went by fast didn’t it, and now we have a whole new month starting today. So, how many of you all are fans of the Lord of the Rings series of movies? Do you all know what a troll is? If you all watch those movies, then you do know what a troll is, which brings us to today’s optical illusion. Check out this image of a giant troll standing over a woman with his massive club raised. Does it not look like that poor woman is about to be in very big trouble? The image does look like the troll is about to smash this woman, but naturally, that is not really the case.
How do you all feel about playing a game trying to find some hidden deer? There are many deer in the image, but we have never taken the time to count exactly how many there are. Do you all know how many deer there are? Well when you all figure out how many deer you can find, please post a comment and let us know! Today is Sunday, and we hope you all have a good first day of March!