Here’s something that started popping out all over the net lately. Below optical illusion animation takes some time to fully load (2MB #gif file), but when it does, all you have to do is blink fast and repeatedly – and when you do, beautiful mandalas shall emerge!
If you never heard of it, Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning circle. They have a spiritual and ritual significance, representing the universe in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Interesting, but not as important as not allowing gays to marry. I think when we blink our eyes it’s like Job nodding and allowing God to allow Satan to allow another abomination.
what a close/narrow minded approach. Fortunately, this is a legal issue and your lack of understanding and compassion shows where your real religion and humanity lay.
As for the mandala, I like it as both a Buddhist and humanist.
Wow SB, you are a piece of work. And by work I mean something much, much more unpleasant.
can’t you guys tell this is an obvious troll?
now thats a screen saver
Truly amazing, one of a kind..
you can also try squinky eyes!!!
Haven’t seen this on your site and you might regret watching this as much as I do so I’ll apologize now. – Dee
This is really beautiful!!
Very cool
The illusion is relatively cool, but that first comment posted is retarded. What were you even trying to say, you ignorant, close-minded closet-case?
I find that it’s much less tiring and more efficient to wave your hand back and forth in front of your eyes instead of blinking. Totally mesmerising, though!