One of our fans, person that goes under the nickname BSmile sent me some of his favorite .gif creations. I found them interesting enough, but wasn’t sure were they considered illusory enough to be presented on this site. Until I stumbled upon this animation below. Whoa! Can you see the illusion before I point it out? If not, concentrate on the pink cell-like formations. I don’t understand how BSmile managed to get them to constantly appear to shrink, while in fact their size is constant. Please reply you if see them shrink too, or have I gone crazy an started to see things…
rofl love it <3
Also first comment. Had to :D
It is awesome and I do see it shrinking – after I look away – whatever I look at seems to be distorted for a while. Then when I look back they are large and start their shrinking. A real game changer.
Thanks for posting my animation Vurdlak.
BTW, this was created using only 4 individual frames.
Hey man! I don’t know about the shrinking pink things, but I do know that watching this makes me get the munchies! Peace Out!
I thnk I could watch that for hours.
i love it! it matches my theme for igoogle homepage
Yeah they constantly appear to shrink. Took me a min to find out which part was not changing, but the pink does seem to be stable as the rest is dynamic.
I saw it shrinking too! :)
o.o trippy stuff
Where do you find the answers to the illusions on this site if you can’t figure out what they are?
that’s a great one. I stare at it and it really seems like it is shrinking and moving away from me.
love it :) really awesome illusion! second comment :)
Wow, not only do I see them shrink, but they almost seem to keep going down a tunnel. I found that if I stare at them long enough, I can actually kind of hold and release them in motion, and if I blur my vision slightly, they reverse and grow.
if you look in the corners, it looks like they are shrinking into the corners
If I wasn’t tripping before this illusion, I am now. It was fun.
I see it!
to me it looks like the whole “snowflake” keeps moving away. great animation!
awesome!!! i see it :D
WOAH!!! that’s awesome!
nope, you’re not crazy :] i see it too
it’s really neat
looks like the pink thingamagummys are spinning around and they seem to expand and shrink constantly
Technically the shapes are shrinking, while being replaced by new ones.
Meh, not for me.
No they are not technically shrinking. That’s the point. You simply fell for the illusion which means “meh,” it is for you.
this is so cool…….i c it shrinking
love this
they get smaller
OMG! So cool, I love it!!! :) :D
I found that so soothing…
REALMENTE INCREIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shrinking maybe ? but can u see the jumping frogs as well lol don’t know if they were intentional or are they just an optical illision ??? lol
haha just because we both see the pink things move doesn’t mean you aren’t crazy, it just means that we are both CRAZY!
The pink ovals definately appear to be shrinking. I also see the corner pink objects to be retracting into the corners and seeminly disappear. Furthermore, the pink ovals that are shrinking suddenly grow back to their original size and begin shrinking again. Also, stare at the image for about 20-30 seconds and then look at a wall – reminds me of my mushroom days! lol
I love my brain!
Whoa it’s getting smaller O_o
:O woh
whoa! I’m not sure what would happen if you stare at it for long, but it seems something would.
Trippy is right!
yeah it does look like there shrinking, u not going crazy :P
the yellow radiating out from the center makes the background appear to be getting bigger, which makes the pink appear to be getting smaller.
Yeah, and if you look at the corners (for me anyway) it seems as thought they’re shrinking away offpage…. pretty neat stuff
lol at first im like whats the illusion? i only see them shrinking…. then im like OMG THAT IS THE ILLUSION!!!!! lol im smart :P
haha its awesome BTW nice way to be first! xP
The illusion is very nice, I to visuallised the pink spots contacting and violet colured regions continuously expanding ,I enjoyed it!! thanks for sharing!!
Very strange. Yes they do appear to shrink. Nicely done.
the snow-flake pattern does seem to shrink, and the same time i see the pattern receding into the distance but at the same time it stays the same size. ive seen stuff like this before, and it a trip.
this is the first that ive registered, but ive been viewing MOI for maybe a year. very good stuff, i “LIKE” it!
I couldn’t look at this for more than five seconds. This is almost exactly what I see when I suffer from migraine headaches. Not pretty.
I do see them shrinking
Very nice, it’s the surroundings that shrink and therefore you assume the pink parts are shrinking as well.
By the way, at first I saw shrinking, but I can also see it expanding!!
It’s just an illusion boss:)
trippy is right
It shrinks amazingly fast!
Definitely trippy. My first impression was that they’re shrinking too, but if you really watch one you can see that they don’t. Excellent!
Yes, it looks like they’re shrinking.
That doesn’t mean you’re not crazy. It just means you aren’t seeing things.
so amazing!
Wow. Pretty cool though it hurts my eyes…. But I DO see them shrink. It seems any moment they should disappear..
They’re shrinking….but they’re not. Trippy!
second comment!!! they are so shrinking
No, they are not fixed, they are shrinking. ‘-D
The lines glide over the purple patches. The lines shrink,the purple patches don’t.
its a good optical illusion,it looks like its shrinking but really its srinking and getting bigger.
Really nice illusion!
Also, I noticed this: If you focus on the center for some time, it’ll seem like the pink dots in the corners of the picture moves further and further away from the center, and at last disappear!
Yep they shrink, but the centre star explodes. Very good! hate to look at it with having had too much to drink!
I see it and so does my friend. Nice illusion!
but seriously…WITCHCRAFT!!!
Love it! I am lamo!! The comments cracked me up, I looked back at the image, and it cracked me up!! You all are great~
Curious… I wonder if you can force yourself to see the exact opposite; every line and curve moving in the opposite direction (and thus instead of shrinking, expanding).
But that depends on the number of static pictures that it contains. Are there two, or are there three? (or even four?)
Is there a way to permanently download or buy this Illusion for one’s on computer?
The easiest way to save this GIF (in Windows) is to ‘right-click’ on your mouse and choose ‘save as’. Then save it to a designated folder on your hard drive.
Glad everyone (mostly) is enjoying it.
Nuuuutttsss… It’s real:
That’s the best illusion in a long time…
Whoa is what I got. Very nice work!
the definitely appear to shrink
Thankyou it was refreshing!!
It gives the illusion of the pink spots getting smaller,very nice.I love it.
To me they appear to come at me!,then go around then back in!!!
Yes, they do appear to shrink!
But I can also force myself to make them look fixed.
Good job!
Creepy! Sure looks like its shrinking.
Try blinking fast, it wont shrink
Are you sure this ain’t animated? This is making my eyes hurt…
if you look in the middle it stops moving!!!! try it and see for yourself!!!
it didn’t happen the second time…it was just coincidence. and it is definitly animated coz I pasted it onto word document and it stopped moving!!!!!
concentrate on the centre, and the corners will leap away o0
it looks like they are pulsating. my eyes are hurting now.
Definitely shrinking !
its not the outer side of is pink a little inner side is slight green in the pink that you cant recognise. inner alittle greener the in is real green and the flowing to center effect distrat your concentration massively that you cannot concentrate. so you think that shape gotta get lost in the center that it gets alitte bigger thant it gets aliitle smaller thats what we saw
but its alittle distraction trick
Its a gif image so its animated… FAIL
Oh god dammit, if you look in the middle it shrinks, read first and then post.
its cool but hurts my eyes
wow cool its an animation the pink stuff isnt shrinking the outer beadsare getting smaller then bigger
fake optical illusion, its a animation that is moving, not a picture , u can con others but not me , try using paint of somehting to open nit will stop moving
READ and then post, it’s gonna shrink if you look in the middle.
it is shrinking but it is not,, how amazing!!
i felt like anytime,, it will disappear
i see the get smaller to i think
They are shrinking. its a constant streem of lines and they shrink but new lines replace them giving the aperance of never shrinking.
yes its like the mirror effect it looks like its getting smaller because the lines are moving closer while the pink stays the same and the lines fade and new lines appear
use your best Chong voice, “Hey, far out man, now pass the acid”
And not an
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