Look what just popped-up in our Facebook group. This beautiful autumn photo perfectly fits with the season we recently dived into. There is a hidden bird somewhere inside it, and boy did it take long before I could find it! Let’s see how long does it take before you spot it as well… Ready, steady, GO!
found it! took about a min :)
It took less then 5 seconds for me to find it.
About 20 seconds.
You will never make a good predator.
it was so easy it is little so look more if you cant find it it toke me about 10 secons but im 10 so m good
Took about a second, and that was on the thumbnail… Is this really an ‘optical illusion’?
Actually this is the best of illusions, camouflage. This pic comes from a series recenly featured on Yahoo news of natures camo in full effect.
Once I enlarged the pic, it was easy.
Found it before I even finished scrolling,,,too easy
I found it before I loaded the page! I am THAT good.
About 3 seconds for me. Thank you, I like this one.
Found it instantly!
found it! years ago you had a great room escape game posted…any others you can share?
only the rear half.
i found it in 2 seconds as soon as it popped up. Really you should give us something harder to spot. please i luv a challenge.
very good. It took a minute but there it was
I don’t see a bird… I do see an obviously bird-shaped arrangement of leaves… as well as a hidden picture of what appears to be a kneeling man… is that the “bird”?
Oh… I had to go look up the _appropriate_ definition of “bird”. Yes, I definitely see it now :) Took about a minute to see, and another 2 or 3 to understand…
It looked to be impossible, then suddenly, there it was; it’s a kind of wren-anyway, a small bird. Very sweet. (smiles conceitedly) It didn’t take long at all :D
I think there are 2 birds… the tail doesn’t align with the body.
The tail of the first bird is hidden behind the leaf, the head of the 2nd bird is hidden behind the leaf.
Looks like 2 birds to me. The tail doesn’t seem to line up perfectly with the bird’s head & body.
Putting the head and tail together makes the bird look kind of crooked and overly elongated. Also the shadow behind the leaf is a little weird. Anyone else seeing this?
i can only guess cuse i cant find it… is it the Word bird, not the animal bird?
There’s also a butterfly in this picture!
That will be a warbler, methinks…
( Yay, having an Orinthologist for a Hubby…!! He has caught some even harder ones…especially with even smaller ones..They survive for a reason…Great pic!)
Ahah! I found you little birdie, Clever Bird,,nice place to hide from hunters…
That little squared off tail gave you away, Mr. Bird!
I like your site, but only about half of what you post are optical illusions. This is simply a bird that blends in, a sort of where’s Waldo.
30 seconds
just on the middle one leave hide it only tail and the head appear
The head and tail are two different birds or one long strange twisted bird
So I read the article and looked down… the it was with its beady little eyes staring through my soul
took me a sec, really, becuz i too clicked almost a same snap once…… :)
easy, i found it in like 3 seconds
thats not an illusion!
Once I saw the shape of the tail I got the rest of it, but wow he is well camouflaged!
I still can not see any bird. Is it big or small?
I see two birds. A question of looking closely instead of stepping back.
Found the bird, spaceman, 2 faces, finger, and John Lenon and more
less than 5 seconds, if i am correct
In the middle/center! Tricky!
i’v found it within 3 seconds.. it’s almost at the middle of the pic.. alittle bit right side about 2 inches.
2 sec
What bird?? – All I see is a bunch of leaves. Oh and one leaf with 2 eyes a beak and a tail… wait… that’s a bird! Found it!
a real bird? or a “bird” made of the tree sheets?
cause I found 2 like birds made with the sheets
Actually, click or type this link: http://perspectives.rea-hedrick.com/hidden-bird-solution
There are actually *two* birds. Look closely…
Sneaky bird!
Is there only one bird? The tail and the head do not seem to belong to the same body!
He’s hiding behind a leaf! At first, I thought it was the leaf up and to the right of him that looked like a humming bird, then I saw the real bird. Well camouflaged!
Yep 10 secs!
good one it took about 20 seconds very clever photo, I hope it was original and not photoshoped, but either way CLEVER…
Well,,,,, where is it?
Found it! Took about a min. i swear that wasn@t there to start with! :)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I found it before I looked at it. How ’bout that!
it took me ages to find it!
found it
Ah, there it is, near the elephant.
Wow some of you people should be overly proud of yourselves.
“I found it right away!”
“I found it on the thumbnail!”
Oh yeah?
I saw it 2 days before I looked at the picture.
I’m more awesome than any of you!
took about 10 seconds its hidden under a leave and its yellow its also slitly to the right of the middle
didn’t see it in the thumbnail; found it when I opened it up… took just 2 seconds.
it’s a gold finch…
my parents favorite bird to feed…
2 seconds.
Well, i found it and for those who havent yet, or are in suspicion, it is an actual bird, not a leaf like formation or even a play on words, its simply a little bird holding onto a branch in the picture, it is however quite hard to spot as its the same colour as the leaves, but also as beverly said, i too can see a little john lennon face, but you have to look really closely for that one!!
5 minutes..
with help from the comments.. D:
Found it but it looks to me like only its tail is there cause what I thought was a head looks like a leaf.
And it doesn’t look like the colour of the tail.
I had to turn the iPhone sideways so I can see it larger
Found immediately
Camouflage–God’s illusions in nature. Very necessary for several reasons. I like the variety of illusions. Doesn’t have to just be art w/illusions for me.
Peekaboo, I SEE YOU, sneaky little birdie. Come into my parlor.
BIRD: It’s a metaphor referencing the way in which a chicken bends its head down to peck at its food so in the same way does a woman who enjoys giving men oral sex for money, drugs or favors.
From http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/bird
It’s there folks. It’s hidden, but it’s there. Most of you are WAY off. The bird-shaped leaves are a misdirection.
Found it in 1 millisecond. :)
Can someone tell me where the bird is???
Oh wow! I was looking at this wasp of leaves when I saw it!
this is pretty hard
I also agree with the 2 birds theory. At first i saw a couple of leaves that looked a bit like a bird and i though oh, you tricky bastard! but then i found it between that group staring at me. it could have pooped in mi t-shirt like 20 times by then…
I see no bird :-( sorry
At least I tried.
Oh, I found the bird !!! Half of her body is hide it behind a leaf as also part of bird´s head. She is staying right in front of our eyes behind the first leaf. I found it :)
It almost slaps you in the face it’s so obvious.
Hate to sound precocious but that was tooooo easy!
I think is more a men thing and not women, as man were born to be “hunters” so men´s eyes are made for seeing even in the most finest, small places. So it obvious for you all man kind *__*
That took ages
I feel so stupid! It took me like 10 minutes, it was killing me!!!
Yay! first comment(written in English that is!)
If you were wondering, the bird is near the middle of the photo, more in the background, kinda hanging out in the tree. You can see his little tail as well! good luck finding it, but for me personaly, it was not too hard
fairly easy.
It took me 20 seconds.
I was whining about how I couldn’t find it, looked on the comments for a hint, scrolled back up and bam. Saw it instantly.
25 seconds
To be honest, it took me a while.