Unless you’re Spiderman, hanging off the side of a building can be rather exhausting and crawling or walking along its facade are even more impossible. Fortunately, for all those wannabe superheroes, artist Leandro Erlich has developed a system that allows you to see what you would look like as a gravity-defying, building-climbing comic book character.
To do so, he created Bâtiment, a massive building facade planted firmly on the ground with a giant mirror sitting at a 90 degree angle from the bottom of the building.
The end result is a building that people can not only climb, sit or stand on, but one where they can watch themselves do these things.
Of course, just as amusing as the artwork itself is seeing the reactions of the people interacting with it. While some people admire their superhero selves, others try to set up more realistic scenes where they dangle from the windows. Even as dozens of people play on the building, others stride briskly over it without ever looking up, apparently uninterested in how they look walking across the side of a building.
The exhibit where the installation was shown has been over since March, so it will be interesting to see if Erlich will end up setting up his creation somewhere else or if that was the only place and time people could interact with the piece.
I think it’s more likely at 45 degrees
I was thinking the same thing. It would have to be 45 degrees. At 90 degrees they would only be able to see the rafters.
Took me a minute to figure out what was going on..
I like it =)
The angle of the mirror is 45 degrees, not 90!
Ummm. That’s not a 90 degree angle, but instead a 45 degree angle, so that the reflection appears at 90 degrees!
(Things a physics teacher notices)
The mirror would have to be set at 45 degree angle, not 90, to create the illusion. Look closely at the photos and you can also see that the mirror is slanted at 45 degrees, not vertical at 90 degrees.
That. Is. Awesome.
omg where is this i wanna go there
Is the mirror at 90 degrees or 45 degrees ?
Nice full scale illusion. Leandro should solve some small imperfections like the deformation and seams in the image caused by the mirror. Also “create” a sky arround the house instead of the reflection of the ground.
I think the mirror is at 45° rather than 90°.
Don’t think that’s a 90 degree angle btw mirror and the building on ground. A 45 degree angle more likely.
Looks like a lot of fun, actually.
not really an optical illusion but kinda cool all the same.
To get the illusion of the 90 degree attachment the mirror would need to be more at about a 70 degree angle with the building image. Otherwise you would see the plaza behind the photographer and not the building.
this actually gave me a bit of vertigo, looking up at the window in the first panel, i almost thought the cameraman was on the top of a building.
Ehm, that is 45 degrees, not 90. The mirrored wall seems to be at 90 degrees, the mirror is right at the half angle.
Very cool!!!
Some things simply defy description.
SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha .. that’s kick butt & rather ingenious.
i am guessing thier is a camra look down on them some where. looks fun!
sorry i mean there and looking
A missed opportunity to create something great. Couldn’t he align the mirror pieces? I mean, if you are goind to do something like that, do it right.
I love this one!
That’s so cool! I want to do something like that.
I would believe:”a giant mirror sitting at a 45 degree angle from the bottom of the building.” Not 90 degrees!
super cool!
Love This Site!!!
I wonder where Erlich got a mirror that big?
thats 45
Cool I like it.
but all the posters complaining about the Degree Get a life ;-)
Not bad, rather a clever idea!
As no one has mentioned this before me, I’d like to state the mirror is at a 45 degree angle, not 90
Very impressive o_O
omg how many peeps going to say the angle of the mirror is 45 not 90 ? IS this a forum for parrots here ? LOL
Where is this? It looks like SO much fun!!
ya it should be 45 degree and i think those in it would never see themselves the total illusion will only be visible for where the pic is taken the will only see the photographer.
It’s Awesome….\(゚▽^*)/
When i will be there, i´ll take a pic of it, ´cause i´m loving it.
I think the mirror is at 45 degrees.