Posted on October 14, 2016October 18, 2016Art Illusion Rob Gonsalves Tile Paining Optical Illusion Okay, so I’m pretty sure that this next optical illusion is a Rob Gonsalves painting, but I could be wrong. And, if that’s the case, please… Continue Reading
Posted on January 13, 2016March 7, 2016Art Illusion Rob Gonsalves Magic Realism Chess Painting Rob Gonsalves is a Canadian painter who has created numerous paintings that fall into the magic realism genre. I don’t know how the heck this… Continue Reading
Posted on June 26, 2015Art Illusion Curtain Illusion by Rob Gonsalves I have an awesome curtain illusion from an amazing surrealist painter today! Take a look… Did you see the beautiful city skyline first? Or did… Continue Reading