Posted on October 6, 2016October 8, 2016Art Illusion Pretty Cool Back to School Art Illusion! The new school year is well under way, for sure. By now, the allure of the shiny new school supplies has worn off, and kids… Continue Reading
Posted on September 18, 2016September 19, 2016Art Illusion Funky Fist Illusion I’ve been pretty into artsy illusions lately, and I’ve been running across quite a few of them lately. The most recent one is an interesting… Continue Reading
Posted on June 20, 2016June 20, 2016Art Illusion Escaping People Lined Paper Drawing Illusion Drawn optical illusions have always fascinated me. It takes a certain talent to create any sort of art, but optical illusion art takes some massive… Continue Reading
Posted on January 21, 2016March 7, 2016Art Illusion Don’t Want a Haircut! | Drawing Optical Illusion I was in the mood for a fun little illusion today. Something lighthearted and not so serious. I think I found one, and I have… Continue Reading
Posted on November 24, 2015November 24, 2015Multiple Meanings Interesting Candle Optical Illusion After a long day, coming home to a candlelit dinner is pretty nice. Not that that happens these days, but still—it would be nice. I… Continue Reading
Posted on July 23, 2015July 23, 2015Art Illusion Little Guy Escapes From Lined Paper Drawing Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Little guy escapes from lined paper drawing! I guess he got sick of hanging out behind bars… I love… Continue Reading