Apparently I was wrong when I said Beyonce does wonderful optical illusions. It turns out that the afterimage in my last post features Deepika Padukone (an Indian actress) instead. Thanks Toby! But let’s forget this little error I made, and concentrate on something more important – have you noticed something different about Mighty Optical Illusions? As promised, the new design is finally here! I know, I know… Only header and logo have changed, but this is something most of you complained about, and you were right. So what do you think of the changes? Are they for better or worse? What else do you think should be added? In general, how do you feel about the looks of our site now? What is the feeling you get the very first second you open this site? Be honest, please ;) Oh, and about the illusion… well, you’ll figure it out!
When you scroll up and down the screen, the picture waves like crazy! I like the new logo by the way.
Hi guys, I really like this Optical illusion site.
I have it on my home page, along with a general knowledge quiz…… I like trying to get them myself, but sometimes, when you really can`t, no matter how hard that you try….. It would be nice to have access to the answer somewhere!!
(PS I don`t know if I am alone in this but the ones that I do see happen quite quickly, but some….
NO matter how many times that I look I can not get it at all.)Thanks Anne-Marie
It is a wave of sushi that is moving, and i am the first!
Love it!
i dont get it
This one is really great, it kinda takes me back to the “Head Shops” from back in the 70’s with the strobe lights and all the different posters and colors. But this one is like light years beyond all of that.
Great illusion! I really like the new design and logo.
The new site looks sharp, and the ads are not too obnoxious. The ad at top used to be much worse.
Good job!
I like the new logo, but don’t like backgroud.
i like the new logo
This illusion does nothing for/to me. The colors are hard on my eyes is all.
This looks like it is intended to “move” somehow, but for me it does not. What is the illusion supposed to be??
This one moves a ton! Dizzying.
New design looks good. The facebook share box to the left of the title is cut off for people with 1024 width screens, and I know it’s not essential because there’s another share button, smaller, to the right of the title, but it just looks like a glitch. Also, there are four empty boxes in the right column, for example the one titled “MORE FROM BLOGHER”.
I think the updates look nice; sort of a flash back to 20-40’s, maybe that’s just me…
As for the illusion some I see and some I am just lost, this is a lost to me…
I really like the site updates.
It took me a while….rapidly blink your eyes while looking at the center of the pic
It’s sushi?
to say the truth, I didn’t even realize that the logo and header bar had changed when the page opened. I realized that only after I read it through your post.
As for how it looks? Great.
And just how is this illusion related to sushi??
This thing gave me a migraine!!
FISH ????
What is it?????
Yeah, I like your new logo, too! I link to you a lot, as you probably have noticed.:)
After staring closely I looked away and saw lines green and yellow. I love optical illusions.
How funny but elese its not scary
yes defently not that scary