Sometimes a book is just a book, but luckily this time it’s not the case. What you see below can be interpreted as a plain opened book, but if you are more twisted, you will probably see fine woman’s breasts first. So what is it, let’s decide together. This has to be one of my new favorites! Great optical illusion, don’t you think? If this isn’t enough for you, then jump straight forward to body art illusions, like this one. If you don’t prefer this kind of illusions, then better jump over to some more double meaning pictures, like this one.
Well i see the breasts, because the bottom of the “book” just kind of fades off, which is unlike any book i know.
…unlike any breasts that i know, too.
wow that’s really cool! i saw the opened book first and then i thought there were like 2 cylindrical things. i read the description and it mentioned something about the breasts. to be honest i didnt see it till my sister told me LoL
Then your mind is not corrupted.
I know it’s baby’s cute butt, not breast. Right?
kind of looks like a unibrow to me
Obviously it is a book. No wait it is breast. Nah, it’s just a book. On second thought it does look like breast. Book…breast. Breast…book. I see it’s boost or break. Now I am confused, maybe it is boast or brook. I give up, think I’ll just stick my nose in a good book. No wait I rather stick my nose in a good …….
that is sooo gross, and plus i’ve seen better breasts
No theose are most definetly breasts.
I thought it was a butt at first but then i realised it were a pair of breasts. Very nice! I like the dress style aswell!
lmao i saw boobs before i saw the book…maybe thats just cuz ima guy:P
I saw breasts before I saw a book lol.
I’ll admit, I saw the breasts first. Then I saw the book (abit blank), and the breasts dissappeared forever. :(
I saw breasts first, because the bend in the middle doesn’t go all the way up like a book, and it hasn’t got any cover really.
I saw the book first, then a bum element
I saw the book first took me second to find other thing
Are you guy’s men, :-p ?
I noticed brests immediately.
Only the second time I looked closer and saw it was a book…
Simple yet amazing
If it is at all possible, I saw both at the same time…On my left, I saw the cleavage, and on the right, I saw the book. Hah, it’s a psychological test, too!
saw the book first…. maybe because I’m gay?
i see both, however the edges are not the right shape for a body. Im afraid its just a book. It has either been digitally manipulated or underexposed with a strong light source on the paper. Hence the fading in to nothing look. Also its a blank book, chances are it has no cover. It might even have been put together simply for this illusion. Therefore its a book. Sorry to the other avid fans of breasts.
well you can clearly see it’s a book. the “cleavage” isn’t realistic enough. if it were actual breasts they would be contured, not flat. the pages are also clearly visible on the bottom, and for the person who sad the book “faded”, it’s called a shadow.
its a ladie’s wutnots, with a weird bra, wow, thats judgemental. slut cough cough
I don’t think it’s breasts or a book…but what in the heck is it? Do youhave the full picture?
It’s a book,you just have to look and see that clothes dont look anything like that!
It took me so long to see the breasts.
uhh sexist much? the guys get to enjoy all of the naked girls while the girls get grossed out everytime??
Hmmm…I think if you conducted a test all the men would see the cleavage first, and all the women would see a book. Probably.
#6 is too funny, got me into a laughing fit
omg! that is a awesom illusion!.
Freakish joker
I see breasts, butt and book
i see both at the same time . a book in front of the breasts . anyone else see that .
Am i a perv? I saw the breasts first w/out reading the little blurb and then i saw the book if i concentrated F.Y.I. I am a completely straight female and i have a WONDERFUL bf
i saw the book, i think because i am more of a reader than a porn expert
must e a sexy women
this was actually a picture used for my school districts library site, the one you would use to search for a particular book on the library computer, and all the way through elementary I thought it was some lady’s breasts ._.
i saw breats the first time. i wuz disgusted. but i looked closer and saw a book.
Hmm. This reminds me of this picture I’ve seen on image hosting sites. It’s one of those motivational posters. If you look at it with one sense of mind it looks like a lamp. If you look at it the other way you will see a woman’s…. nether regions.
OMG! I saw a book at first…
(Does this mean I’m Super-twisted?)
me also: a book in front of the breasts.
Yeah i saw a book then i saw a bum =^_^=
I say two thighs with stockings on….
Anyone else?
I saw Breast first. I quickly saw the book, and that’s all I see now. It likes like a book thats bottom is in the shadows.
LOL!!!!! I only saw a book but I know the guys probably saw breasts first. LOL!
if it is not a book how did the person get that pic?
if thats a book then were the hell is the writing??
ya i agree wit nobody (lol) where is the writing?
Look at the top left page’s end point. Unless that lady got a slice that didn’t bleed, these aren’t breasts.
It’s a little hard for most people to see this as a book since there aren’t any words. O.O
Whoever owns this website is disgusting
Again, this is photo shopped!, Look precisely at the upper half of the picture. That is the real photo of a breast, why? the “cleavage” or the “center line” is not as fine as a “straight line” compared to the “fine line” or the “centerfold” of the real book down below.
They cropped out the “bottom side” of the photo of the book then paste it on the photo of the breast, then make some “Fine tuning” on both edges, to look like as if they’re one.
Nerj,get a life.Can not just be typical and say woooo tits!
And anyways. maybee…jsut maybe.. its actually boobs that look like a book.
its a wild guess. so im craaaaazy!
yeah just get them out and we can all decide
There hot, gave me a boner.
Books ive u boners
the book part is a dress, thats not a book
It’s a breast looks like a book, not the other way around.
this is very fun…you can make a joke with this picture ;)
I agree with everybody!
they look allill weird
It’s obviously a few pieces of thick cardstock creased and folded slightly at the bottom- just look at the left side of the picture, the “dress” will be asymmetrical to the other side.
It is a book…all ill say to the others who is thinking that its a breast…very nice GREEN MINDED hahaha
It’s a butt on a book.
you’re all wrong: if you rotate it 90 degrees you’ll see it’s obviously a picture of 3 penguins caught in a mudslide while debating the social implications of the taft-hartley act.
offensive for a young lady like me!
It’s a blank book, like a notebook.I have just opened a fat little notebook, and at the right angle it looks very like this. It’s been cropped in just the right place.