Good morning everyone and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Today is March 17th and everyone is Irish today! For those of you that really are Irish, hope you all enjoy your corned beef and cabbage! So, how many of you love to watch soccer? Well, here in the United States it is not as popular, but the sport is growing more popular by the year. A lot of Americans really do love soccer and follow things like the World Cup. Today’s optical illusion is all about soccer, and this player has a real advantage because he has four arms! Do you think having extra arms helps his game? So was this man born with four arms or is it a trick? Well that is a good question!
Ready for another optical illusion? How many of you all are familiar with Mickey Mouse? Do you think Mickey Mouse is wicked? Well this optical illusion might disagree with you! Mickey Mouse is wicked according to this illusion, and for all of is that love Mickey this is a concern! So is Mickey Mouse wicked or not… good question! Well we hope you all have a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, and enjoy your corned beef and cabbage!