Clothes shopping is not an idea of a good time to me. It’s boring, nothing ever fits, and it’s time I could use for other, more important things. I never really saw shopping for clothes as creepy, though. Until now, that is! After running across this creepy optical illusion, I don’t think I’ll look at shopping quite the same way. When you see it, you just might change your mind on shopping too…
Can you see what’s wrong with this picture yet? It can be a bit tricky to find, but when you see it, it’ll most likely give you a bit of a fright. When you see it finally, it will probably freak you out a bit, and you probably won’t look at shopping quite the same way again. If you need a hint, take a look at the sleeves of the red shirts.
Do you notice something a little creepy there? Like a face looking out? Told you that when you see it, you’f be freaked out!
I know that there’s not really a face in these shirts, but I do wonder how this image actually happened. Was it just a lucky fluke? Did someone painstakingly arrange each of the red shirt sleeves to create the illusion of a face? Or, was this photo edited after the fact to make it appear as if there was a face peeking out at you? No matter how this creepy illusion was made, it’s still super creepy in my book!