I’ve modified the original caption used with this image to be more appropriate for our audience. The original said something like: “When you see it, you will SH*T bricks“. If you are well introduced in Internet subculture, you will quickly recognize the previous line is heavily used within those motivational posters (link). This is where I found this optical illusion in the first place. Anyhow, something terrifying is well hidden inside this photo below. Can you see it? BTW, I believe this was photoshopped – but still makes a nice post!

creepy but cool….
is it the splash that looks like some kind of humanoid thing?
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH … the splashy thing is a monster .. top part its head .. and bottom bit legs … ITS GOT ARMS !!! AHHHHH
its like a wolf person fingy :D
Scary Wolf face. That’s Creepy
the splash looks like a wolf dog face
totally photoshopped i think
That would be a werewolf in the splash of water. Great illusion, even though I spotted it in like ten seconds.
It’s the splash, but it’s not humanoid at all. See the picture name ;)
Holy cr*p!
atupid damm ass ypu gave the illusion away with your tag and picture thing looser
but itZz a werewolf
It’s a bloody wolfman!! LOL
Ahhh, took a bit, but I see it. Look at the top of the splash, it’s there.
well it’s kind of a “monster” (the putter shows straight in his mouth)
I think so, it looks like some kind of werewolf.
It’s a werewolf or something.
The face is near the top of the splash.
It definitely looks like some sort of water demon is about to cause that golfer to lose a stroke… or have a stroke.
Looks like a werewolf in the splash.
Haha… A wolf man. Took a few minutes to see it, though.
Hahaha the splash looks like a small werewolf or something, really cool.
That looks cool.
Looks like the wolfman to me.
it is a warewolf
the splash looks like some kind of dog creature on two legs?
lol looks like some wolf thing to me xD
it’s a monster! Run! The top where the end of his club should be is where the teeth, mouth, and eyes are, and the bottom where the water space is is the space between his legs.
Wow, that’s weird…
the splash looks humanoid or warewolfish good pic dont get that often
I have no doubt it was photoshopped, but it’s still a neat picture.
looks like a bog-cat monster…
yes….. it’s a werewolf!
Oh come now, it is simply too easy.
“When you see it, you will be terrified!”
Well I wouldn’t go that far xD
It is cool though, think about the sport he is doing
omg, i see a werewolf thing in the splash.
Sorry, comment above is useless, I saw a fish, not a fish xD
Look at the tags
Hahahahaha wolfboy XD
I see it… *hears ominous music*
I stared at it for about 5 minutes, walked away, and when I came back, I finally saw it. That’s a good one.
I think it’s a kind of werewolf. The 2 pointed ears are at the top of the picture from the water splach and the circle in the middle is the outline of the legs..I think,..
Oh, I see it now. Very cool.
It looks like somebody finally took a photograph of the ‘bogey man.’ : )
it looks like a werewolf or something
At first i didnt see anything but if u look at the splash at the top you can see a wofl figure with teeth and the two eyes and mouth with the ears.
lol a werewolf kinda thing xD
I see his ears, eyes the rest of the body and he’s like growling in a werid way xD
lol this can’t be more than a photoshopped picture =P
Still funny tho =)
Oh Hell!
I see a demon dog! (top half of the splash)
Holy crap itz a demon made out of water lol
I see a dog lunging at him in the splash
i think there are 2 scary things to see (SPOILER?)
1) after hitting the water you still can see a ball where a ball should be after hitting it (you know what i mean?? ^^)
2) in the upper part of the splash you can see a dog-like beast with eyes, an open mouth, ears and body
good illusion, mate!
greetings from germany ;)
I’m confused, where is it?
I see it :) That’s really cool!! I wonder how its done..
Its a bear coming towards the man. SCARY!
What is that thing???? Like a man-bear-pig!
I saw a werewolf on the splash.
Is it some kind of big fish? I don’t see it.
Kinda like a wolf man thing
Yeah, definitely photoshopped, but still super cool!
8492054** text mehh!
lol you changed the caption to be more suitable for the audience yet you named the old caption in your post anyway…
theres some kind of monster in the mud splash
to me the splash looks like a werewolf.
It be a werewolf???
what is it? i’ve looked at this for some time and i can’t figure it out.
looks like a weirwoof
arghh *frightened* its a werewolf :-S
That’s what I thought at first. There’s a humanoid/skull shape in the top portion of the splash. However, Once you read the rollover text, you will know what it is.
I believe it’s a werewolf…
a werewolf
It looks like a wolf/person. Wasn’t too scary but very good
I see a werewolf or something like that in the splash.
I see a Werewolf
looks like a warewolf
pretty cool!
Oh cool! the skull, very well made! :)
i think the splash is a werewolf
The splash looks almost like a demon/werewolf-type monster … scary
(two legs spread out near base of splash; arms on either side a bit higher up; face with gaping jaw topmost)
OMG WTF THAT WAS SCARY… not the golfer tho >_>
Very scary vertical werewolf with lots of teeth. Had to be photoshoped. Clever though.
It looks like a werewolf.
Very cool, indeed!
Take that you evil water wolf
OMG!!! the top part of that splash is some sort of fox!!!!!!
Yeah, good.
One small hint, Vurdlak. The tags can give the illusion away (and it’s spelled “werewolf”).
yeah thats f***ing creepy lol
looks like a werewolf to me
Looks like a wolfman x_X
it is the splash, but its not humanoid.
vurdlak you should make it so if you go to the gallery, it doesnt have the name of the image, gave it away for me lol.
I see a bow legged wolf.
Looks like a werewolf coming out of the water. Yikes! Photoshop for sure.
Is that Warren Zevon in the shorts ’cause that looks like a werewolf of London!
The splash has a wolf or wherewolf like shape
i see a wolf :DD in the water O.o like…. a werwolf?! O__O i think so…
Looks like an attacking dog.
The water figure looks somewhat like a wolf-bear creature.
looks like a werewolf kinda thing
Looks like the Devil rising up.
I think I see a wear wolf which is terrifying in any form Pattie
mouse over picture to know what it supposed to be
Looks like an aquatic wolf man rearing out of the water.
I see a dog in the splash , but not so terriable.
kinda looks like a bear but like kinda humany aswell
No it’s a werewolf
It may be my imagination.. I see a werewolf!!
I see a kind of monster with what looks like a dog’s head, kinda bow-legged.
The mouth is wide open, bottom jaw about by the end of the golf club. Little beady eyes above the top jaw / snout, and little pointy ears right up by the top of the picture.
Looks like some kind of demon thing
Its an werewolf ?
a dog on two legs ?
pretty cool.
Is it a wolf?
I was going to say demon/werewolf, forgot. then i read the tags; golf, illusion, scary, werewolf. So it IS a werewolf
If you want to surprise us, you should check what pops up when you hold your cursor over the picture for a few seconds. In this case, it’s a dead giveaway.
oh i see it its a wolf
!!!! second??
HOLY CRAP. At first, all I saw was the strange human face thing. However, upon further inspection, I saw what I was supposed to find. Now i AM sh8tting bricks!
There is a wolf in the top part of the splash. It’s bearing its fangs.
It looks like a cat with its mouth wide open.
the splash is a werewolf, arrrf arrrff im gonna eat you oh yes i am lol
I think its some kind of monster. you can see the head, arms, and i think it’s legs are around the big circle at the bottom. about the size of the person next to it. it is kinda creepy…
i think i see a werewolf
yea that is sooooo photoshopped, but either way it looks cool… it kinda looks like some werewolf thing..
The splash is a werewolf, the head is at the top growling.
Supposed to look like a wolf.
A demonic wolf.
Supposed to look like a wolf.
A demonic wolf…
name of the pic kinda gives it away, that did take me a while though! good one!
i dont quite get it.. is the splash formed in some sort of way it shapes something?
Woah!!! I see it!!! Itz like a bear or a wolf or sumthing!!! At the top it looks like a wolf’s head and its mouth opening about eat the guy!!! at the bottom u can see itz legs!
it looks as if the golfer is beheading a demon-ish thing.. or something with the head of a jackal (sp?)
its a wearwolf!!! holy poopknuckles!
the splash looks like a werewolf or something…
It looks like a lychan… werewolf. Cool.
The splash looks like a wolf…I didn’t notice til I put my cursor on the picture by accident..you should fix that..
some humanoid/canine looking thing in the splash
it’s like a werewolf thing, spooky!
at the top of the splash you can see a screaming wearwolf.. thing
It is like a abstract werewolf…standing, growling and looking to pounce…not bad…not bad at all…
interesting and I do agree it does look photoshopped. But it is still cool.
its a warewolf
uhh… i don’t see it… i see a boob… XD
ohh, i see it! looks like a demonish-wolf liked creature standing. hahas.
Wow, its a werewolf.
Is there a wherewolf in the water?
If you guys really look at the black-strange thing the golfer guy is shooting at, it looks like a fox! Hmmph, a standing fox, , mouth open, have 2 ears, looking angry at the golfer, rofl. Oh yeah, it’s legs are just beside the golfer’s left leg
Looks like a werewolf with jaws wide open
Green Goblin!!
First i see in the splash a sort of an iris, it look like an entire eye.
But suddenly i see on the right hand side in the water a face of a green goblin, a small face looking at me just below the suface.
there is a head of a wolf at the top of the splash. cool!
it looks like a white shark??
and it also looks like a werewolf………..
anyway great site ,,, bigup from amsterdam
i see a warewolf..
Look like a werewolf to me!
It’s a dog? wolf? fox thing (:
pretty impressive though.
I’d say the splash looks like a werewolf or something like this…
WOW!!! There’s a wolfman in the water and the man…
Is he trying to catch it???!!!
uh, looks like an angry bear :D
anyway: it’s photoshop, but cool
To me it looks like a werewolf standing up right out of the water
The splash is actually a werewolf
to see it, zoom out far
or look at the top, you will see ears
good one
it looks like a werewolf!
a wolf :)
Its a wolf or a dog?!
The top of the splash looks like a werewolf!!!!
WOW! Wolfman or the devil??
Looks like a wolfman to me. And yeah, the face seems to well defined to be genuine, so some sort of photoshopping must have been done. Still pretty cool though.
its a wolf look at the top bit of the water splash, once your looking into it think of it as a wolf head. If you still cant see it click this link http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/8640/oohdude.jpg this should give you a hint
WOW! Wolfman or satan?
it is like a image of a wolf. except it is a human body :D
I see it!
There’s a face at the top of the splash that looks like it’s screaming at the man.
Nice…..took a while :-)
Your tags and my common sense tell me there’s a werewolf in the splash.
i think i see the head of a wolf just where the golf bat ends
Werewolf.. or swampwolf.. nice, i like!!
I don’t know i don’t know what it is
Ohhh not i see its a werewolf.
Looks like a Wolfman/werewolf standing there
Wow. it look like werewolf to me…
the splah is supossed to look like a wolf
i.. don’t get how this is scary at all.. this definitely wouldn’t make me shit my pants..
oh wait.. now i see it :L
still didn’t shit my pants tho :D
The splash looks like a wolf stood up in Dungerees?
I don’t get it.
The splash is like a big monster thing. The bottom part shows it’s legs (that’s where it is clearly photoshoped – a circular area was removed from the splash to show the legs). The sides are the arms, and you can even kinda see a face. BTW does any1 remember those little troll things with the big hair? I sware I see 1 that looks like stewie from family guy in the monsters left leg.
The splash look like a werewolf r something. Pretty freaky, but as the description says it might be photoshopped…
i think it’s that the splash is supposed to be like a werewolf… if you hover your mouse over the pic it says “wolf optical illusion”… that’s my guess. (not very ‘scary’ though in my opinion..)
yes it does look like some canine monster standing on its hind legs.
mh… yeah, a humanoid thing with a wolf-head… i think
Theres a werewolf inside the splash, isn’t it? A really angry werewolf i think.
it’s a demon, well that what it looks like to me at lest
The splash looks like a werewolf to me :)
The splash is a werewolf.
Its a wolf!!!
Nice Illusion
Its not terrifying but as a golfer myself
I dont think ill ever take swings in the water
Probably photoshopped
It’s a werewolf (un loup-garou). En tout cas, c’est ce que je vois.
Looks like some sort of werewolf thing. Can make out the snout, eyes and teeth…
Its a warewolf!!!! YEA!!!!
lol it looks like a bear going potty…lol
i see it! The top of the splash looks like a fox-type head. Then the gap at the bottom separates its legs and then if you see these, the rest of it’s body takes shape and you’ll see it
squint your eyes and there is a big crocodile in the splash
haha its a wolf
Not humanoid exactly… something more like a daemon. :) Cool illusion!
hahaha i see a man in the splash
I don’t see it could someone help
Well, I’m sure it is supposed to be something like Jaws but it sure alludes me. Didn’t you use to give us a link that would show us what it is? I’d really like to see it, but somebody needs to point it out for me please.
werewolf in the splash :D
A dog or something, you can see his legs and his head. The white spots at the top of the splash are his eyes.
where he hit the ball, the legs are either side.the end of the golf club is his mouth, and just above are his eyes
Its a Warewolf
I see a wolf
Yeah it some kind of werewolf form you can see the eyes with the ears and an humanoid form
Now THAT’S what I call a water hazard!
It’s anubis! The dog-headed god of ancient egypt!
i don’t get it at all
is it just some freakish wolf thing
i really don’t get it
can someone articulate for me?
a watermonster!
OMFG a werewolf!
it says wolf
Ahhh! I finally see it! Yup, had to be photoshopped. Pretty good job!
Can it be Scooby-Doo ?
It’s a werewolf.
i think it is… thought it’d be someting else…. it looks cool xD
the filed under description gives this away but it wasnt too difficult anyway !
I don’t see any illusion just an angry water sprite (guess it’s tired of being pelted by golf balls) :)
At first I only saw the legs…
Then the head came and I saw the arms
is it that the splash looks like a meteor?
O_O I didn’t see it until now… For 24 hours I was thinking it was just a splash but with my friend, he saw it and said “OMGehehwoah!”
It’s a human-looking wolf figure. The ears are the two sharp things at the top of the splash, and the eyes are very defined. It looks like it’s walking out of the water and its arms form an upside down U.
its no a humanoid thing, its Mr. Belzebub aka the DEVIL himself!!! lol nice one!!
Scary devil! Or it could be a werewolf…
Cool pic I’m not terrified but I see the legs arms and what looks to be a head of some kind of wolf-looking creatureat the top. I see eys ears and an open mouth. All coming out of the water toward the golfer. cool pic like the postings. keeo it up.
its a werewolf!!!!
See the wolf-man thingy, but anyone else noticed that at the bottom there looks like there’s a tee and golfball set up in the water?
Nice pic tho
pretty good even though i do think it of photoshopped!
i suppose it’s a bear
Is there a crocodile behind his left ankle
It is a humanoid with a cat face… Urgh!
It’s a freaky wolf type creature. Head and ears at the top of the splash, rearing up on its hind legs which go down the side of the splash. Photoshopped or not that’s a cool and eerie illusion. Thanks for this one.
Yes… looks like an humanoid with a cat face…Urgh!!!!
DAYEM!! I got it!!Its a bear or some similar horifying animal like wear-wolf looking back at the man.Thank me people if you saw it, coz this wasn’t easy!!
What is it, a bear or the devil himself?
I might be wrong but i think the basic outline of the splash looks like a giant golf club swinging at him
its truly photoshopped
Yeah, it looks like photoshop, at least, the face. But the body looks quite real and nice!
The water and mud splash takes on the form of a Wolfman-like being.
Try squinting just bit and look for the lower jaw of the open, fang filled mouth and head near the clubhead.
Not all that terrifying.
What is it?!?!?!
I see it now! It’s a type of wolf-person! The two large parts on the bottom are the legs, and the ears are at the very top….about the same size as the golfer. NICE!
there is like a face of a bear or something on the top of the splah with its mouth open
I have no idea what about it is scary at all. :T
Oh, wait! I see it now! I guess it looks like some weird… demon… thing.
its a werewolf
I can see a cat, screaming cat.
Cool!!!! I saw a werewolf! really nice!
The splash is a werewolf figure…definitely photoshopped.
The splash looks like some monster like a warewolf. Can see the eyes above the stick and the teeth of it. The hands on either side and the legs – standing warewolf.
If you look closely, the thing has a face
It looks like a Werewolf
The splash looks like a ferocious dog’s face if you follow the shaft of the club
werewolf!!! werewolf!!!
hm… i really don’t know were to find something therrifying.
But the man shoots the ball in the wrong direction I think! I mean… it will fall in the water again, don’t it?
it looks like a werewolf or human
i just saw it the water is a werewolf
Agreed, it’s photoshopped. Still, it’s a cool thing to see. Good one!
it took me a while but i see it. not that scary. is it meant to look like its walking towards him or was that just me.
If I were the golfer, I would be very scared
Can it be a wolf?
Sorry I cannot see it :S
Ah, looks like some sort of little werewolf type monster thing walking towards him.
Aaargh! Scary monster!
It’s head kinda reminds me of the cover of REM’s Monster album?
thats pretty cool actually!
i see the werewolf.
Looks like a wolf to me
it seems kinda werewolf creature…
XD nice dog… (at the top of the splash)
or it could be some sort of snake… where he hit the ball is the snakes mouth, and theh snake is heading towards the ground
Holy cr*p! It’s ManBearPig!!!
i cant see anything can some one plzzz tell me cause i really dont get it and it really annoying me
there’s a dog or sth. like this in the water..
There is a guy standing there, looks to me like he as the head of a german shepherd. pretty scary :P
Its the Devil himself
It looks like a werewolf made out of water.
It looks like a demon/wolf/monster thing that has it’s jaws wide open.
Nice illusion but your alt tag gave it away and the tags listed.
Otherwise I’d still be looking.
its a werewolf!!! goddamit im sure!!! ehehe nice
Great image. I would love to find out how people make these in PS.
I see a kind of human form within the splash, looks like the golfer got scared and tried to hit its head off :P good one.
lol, its like a wolf’s face at the very top.
Freakin’ cool. Looks likfe a warewolf!
duh its like a wolf or dog in the splash
oh no, I think I was totally mistaken!!!
XD I thought it was a golf-player, who hits the ball out of the water!! *lol*
oh my good… so stupid!
so I guess he holds a fishing rod.
But I stil can’t see something terrifying
I think it’s some kind of creature….you can see it’s body shape, catlike ears, big eyes, and jaw open wide…like it’s screaming….
It looks like some standing wolf or something..
i see a standing cat! so great!
Poor guy, I’d be scared too, no golf ball, will cost him a stroke!
There is a wolf’s face at the top of the splash.
Face of a Dog on the Top part of the screen…
Water and Mud look like hands and feet…..
looks like a zombie,or creature of some type in the splash
a werewolf looking thing. in the splash. i like it.
wow, only one response? (apart from mine)
warewolf in water splash
Looks to me like the golfer shouldn’t have worn an all white outfit!
Just kidding, it’s definitely a werewolf looking creature!
Thats not really scarry… you should of made a box that showed the thing cause I still cant c how its a werewolf. All i c is the face.
ist that a werwolf?
the splash looks like a werewolf
I guess it is neat, but if we can say that this is an “illusion” then why not all these long cat shop jobs? why not anything photoshopped, hell all these big effects in movies are now illusions.
You can make anything in photoshop and just because I can make it in a computor does not mean it’s an illusion.
It is photoshoped. Please see
for proof and you can test it yourself with
There is a crocodile next to his left leg near the ankle
There’s a werewolf walking out of the water!!!!!
Anonymous, the JPEGsnoop software you link to is absolutely useless in this context. If an image is converted from any format to any other (as from RAW to JPEG), then it will report that the image is “processed”. If an JPEG image is loaded to a website and is resized, optimized for filesize, or cropped in the attempt, it is likewise “processed”. And it only works on JPEG software, which means that any image whatsoever that began as a different format is read as “processed”.
The ONLY time it works is when your camera produces a JPEG image, and this software is run against that exact file as it came directly from the camera.
IOW, this software can report that a JPEG-formatted picture is an unretouched original, but it CANNOT say with 100% accuracy whether a processed image was actually “photoshopped” in the sense of being faked.
For instance, 100% of my family photos are reported as having been processed, although none of them are fake, and some of them I personally know to be “as-is” from the camera.
Personally, I think the “it’s photoshopped” argument is used far too frequently and without having exerted a little brainpower to show other possible causes, and JPEGsnoop doesn’t actually “prove” anything. Frankly, the image above doesn’t look any more like a werewolf than a passing cloud looks like a bunny rabbit… and you don’t see people shouting down God for “photoshopping” the clouds. More likely, it’s just the human brain looking for patterns in randomness.
ha! i couldnt see what the illusion was, i looked away then the second i looked back i saw it! the water is in the form of a person/warewolf faced creature thing :) excellent
no, AishaLove this is not an optical illusion BECAUSE it was photoshopped, it is an optical illusion because hidden in the image is another image that becomes obvious when spotted. its not so hard to understand…
This is really coooool!!!! I like it!!!!!
I see a fox.
the man’s stick
is hitting the fox’s neck.
how come it’s a werewolf??
Awesome illusion!
You can see the ‘werewolf’ walking out of the water, the same size of the golfer. Its head at top has white eyes & teeth. Its arms is down like its waling. and its legs is around the circle splash.
Once you see it…
look at the symbol on the golfer’s leg
it looks like a dog to me not a fox or a werewolf but to tell u da truth i thought it wuz a giant fish u kno wit da big mouth all wide open
This is why should never try to hit out of the water and just take the drop and 1-stroke penalty instead.
sweeeet! i FINALLY found it after like 10 minutes. Thanks to Knix. The man’s golf club is against the “creatures” neck. The “creature” is standing up on two legs and i guess is ‘walking’ out of the water. (:
It wouldnt be photoshopped. Its just a coincidence. It hardly looks like anything.
i can see 2 images the 1st one i saw was the face of a devil but upside down and the 2nd was the dog or werewolf right side up,kinda twisted but it didnt make me s**t myself,lol
.. I see the Shoop Da Whoop face in the water. Like, if you look closely at where the ‘eyes’ are, and the way the mouth is opened. It looks like the thing that was made internet famous thanks to 4chan. : )
LOL, nice one!
nice illusion, i don’t see the point in complaining it’s photoshopped. It’s still great!
props for yor site, keep up the good work.
greetings from italy.
It actually looks like a sad clown’s face to me. Don’t see the werewolf at all
It’s some kind of monster, you can see the faace at the top of the water splash and the rest of the body is beneath it
coooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllll, now i get it, it’s a were wolf!
ROAR! ^^
And yes, it’s an optical illusion because it’s a hidden image, photoshopped or not.
i see a werewolf
Seriously go and look up the real deffinition of illusion please. If you were to make an “illusion” in photoshop then it wouldnt really be an illusion, all of the resulting effects/appearances would be intentional therefore it is what it was meant to be.
cool, if you turn it upside down it kinda looks like a werewolf’s head.
if u don’t see the werewolf I’ll give u a hint it looks like a werewolf in some fog
If you look at the golfers leg in the water you will see a face
The werewolf looks like its doing a shit…
He shave his legs look lol
neat! i was a little startled at first
It’s a Wolf Man! And I’m with Destroyer, the dude does need to shave his legs.
crap crap crap crap crap crap crap i freaked out, now i cant stop seeing that face
was it that creepy face that pops up? (eee)
AishaLove and anon, here is the definition:
illusion- noun. a deceptive appearance or impression;
a thing that is or is likely to be perceived or interpreted by the senses.
In other words, if it’s photoshopped, it’s an illusion.
If it’s not photoshopped, it’s also an illusion.
I see water splashing which becomes a wolflike figure standing in the water. Thus the image is deceptive whether it was intetional or not.
not the scariest ive evers seen
i see a demon…. or it could be a werewolf but im going with it being a demon
i see one of those tree-like creatures from WoW lol
UMM IS NO ONE ELSE SEEING THE MAN WALKING TO THE GOLFER?! You can clearly see the shape of a body with the legs spread and arms swinging! HAHAH WOW SCARY!
how is any of this scarey? do u still sleep with your nite light on?
Werewolve aren’t scary. What’s scary is so stupid that he is hitting his ball farther into the water on purpouse. I hope he’s not driving
It looks like someone coming out of the water.
a cute (not scary) husky dog
i dont get how it is scary
Soooooooo cool a werewolf
i dont see an illussion
WTF i dont get it
It looks like the illusion is screaming maybe because it’s getting hit with a golf club
Oh wow…. You see some person made from the mud when he shot. And hes screaming i think. D:
nice illusion
this is why i hate golf weird crap like this happen -.-
i saw it from the thumbnale ↨
O.O I saw it. I screamed. That thing is tre freaky.
I wasn’t really terrified…. more confused
the first time I looked at this I didn’t see it, then the next time, it was obvious. The werewolf looks a little sad to me actually…
that is weird
Actually its not that scary…
…not really scary
I CANT SEE IT :::((((((((((((((( WERE IS IT??????????
It’s in the mud that the golfer has splattered. If you look to the top of the mud, you will see two triangular shapes in the mud, then below that, two circles. That is the ears and eyes. After that, you should be able to see a werewolf. Also, the bottom mud is the legs of the werewolf, walking out of the water. It’s not really scary, so don’t be frightened.
thanks i cansee it now :)
They were my favourite pants.
that’s pretty insane, like a demon roaring
this is not scary at all, just weird.
shivers down me spine
seriously not scary i saw it the first time
It looks like the demon from Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony
looks like a skeleton with the muscles showing
is it real or photoshop??
what the hek not scary
also he is hitting the ball into the lake.
What I can’t see is what it is supposed to look like if you DON’T see the wolf.
I am unable NOT to see it
u sure thats photoshopped?
it’s not that scary
wow cooool !!
actually its not freaky but coool!!!
Werewolf? I’m too busy looking at the alligator by his foot!
it is not scary it is cute to me. but what do you think?
i ment to say that the wolf is cute nothing else ok people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bow-legged monster?
Where’s the werewolf, I see Calcifer from Howl’s Moving Castle! jk but still I think the “werewolf” looks more like a cure german shepherd :D
Not only the werewolf but the zigzag man on his right calf>>haha
Nice, and I agree, it does resemble a german shepherd
yeah I saw the warewolf, but more interesting, I think the man is wearing one white and one black sock LOL (although it might be a shadow too)
I totally think that is a werewolf there. That is totally creeepy. Yuck! MUdderss..
that was pretty cool tho its probably a photowarp
Water splash = shark?
It looks like a dog head with a human body
Well, I see the wolf. At first it looked like a cat. And the tag gave it away.
Oh…You can see a human rear end…
Turn the werewolf upside-down, it looks like a cow skull.