Scary Category contains really scary illusions and some that are ironically titled “scary”. You should enjoy these! Again, you are welcome to comment and rate images you see here. Here are the scary illusions we currently have in our database:
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– Apex Twin’s Devil Face Illusion
– Me & My Head, Enjoying The Sun
– Scary Illusion no.3
– Girl With No Head
– Devil Illusions
– Skull Bakery
– The Headless Gymnast
– Where Was My Head?
– WTC Devil and MS Word Illusion
these arent even scary comon gotta do better than tht ppl please! :P
u know thatwas so not cool. the first ine. y did i do that again? man i’ll go to something more calming
i like this site its realy good
If you want somthing scary than go to under “Flash Animations”, and check out “jinglebells subliminal message”. It may not scary at first, but keep your eyes on the screen and you might see something.( Not for people prone to heart attacks.)
the 1st one gave me a fright but otherwise they r not that scary
The first ones REALLY suprising :O
are they really that scary
the onyk one that scared ,me was the “really scary one”
is the really scary one really scary. its not that i dont like realy scary ones its just that they surprise me and thats what i dont like whats so scary about it. does something appear really scary? its just i dont like surprises.
i dnt lyk the spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All of these Suck so badly
Okay all of you stuck up peeps that already commented u r freakin retarded you just said that to make your self look tuff! ya right like that really scary one didn’t make you jump unless you have seen it before. You all need to get your nose out of the air and take a big wiff of reality b cuz you know you aren’t as tough as you let out to b so get over yourself and take this big bad mouth of you b cuz im only telling the truth and those others didn’t really do ne thing except the really scary one DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just got told by sum 1 you don’t even know but if you are as tuff as you let out 2 b then you can handle it!!!!!!!!lol!
Oh…mm…my…i am eight years old! i am more scariest after looking dis pic
hes got a point o and……………. YOU GOT OWNED
These aren’t scary!
reely scary 1 made me jump even though i new wat was coming
reely scary 1 made me jump even though i new wat was coming
Da person that sed ‘Okay all of you stuck up peeps that already commented u r freakin retarded you just said that to make your self look tuff! ya right like that really scary one didn’t make you jump unless you have seen it before. You all need to get your nose out of the air and take a big wiff of reality b cuz you know you aren’t as tough as you let out to b so get over yourself and take this big bad mouth of you b cuz im only telling the truth and those others didn’t really do ne thing except the really scary one DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just got told by sum 1 you don’t even know but if you are as tuff as you let out 2 b then you can handle it!!!!!!!!lol!’
U R da best
these don’t even make me scream and trust me anything can make me scream so you know these gotta suck
so plz try better
Don’t see the Really Scary Illusion. You will die.Believe-me,it’s not a joke.
The 3rd one freaked me out (im 9 years old, of course)
The site rules, but lets face, it, its near imposible to make an optical illusion scary. It is easy to make them fascinating. Sound illusions however, are easy to make scary. Vurdlak, you should put that virtual barbershop audio illusion in this category. Its not that scary but its scarier than anything here
what exactly is teh scary 1?
This is sad non of thies is scary
Please tell me what is at Really scary illusion… I’m too frightened to ckeck it. Maybe later… I am only 10 years old.
the “Really scary illision” is a room. and then something pops out and scares you fricken shitless. it usually happens in thoes mases and stuff. but i wasnt expecting it in this. i thought i was gonna see like a message or something weird appear. but HOLY CRAP that was scary.
The Really scary illusion is freaking me out (it’s not an illusion)
Could someone tell me one that is not scary im scared of clicking one.
If you’re thinking of looking at one, DO NOT look at the Really Scary Optical Illusion because its not an illusion. It’s basically a room that you see at first. But then an unimaginably horrendously scary face pops up. If you are young or prone to heart attacks please do not view it.
Its so damn scary!! Arrrrgggghhh!!!
when my dad looked at the screamer it was hilarious!
i think this is a fasinating one…i think its weird how that devil faces appear in most wtc pictures…its amazing…it still didnt scare me but ur on the right path!!
The Zoomquilt Illusion is freakier than any of these “scary” illusions (except Apex).
As for the Really Scary Illusion, shouldn’t that be in the anti-illusion category? It’s seemingly an illusion but really a pointless flash animation.
I havent checked them out yet but since all the ppl who said they are scary i dunno if i should…:)
İ didn’t get the ”really scary illusion”. All they did put a fork in the road. What is scary in ”really scary illusion?
i was soooooo scared in the kitchen illusion. You go to reaaly scary illusion, than go to ”go to the scariest illusion you’ve ever seen” and then read instructions. Then a suprise!
İ looked at it with my baby-sitter and the suprise scared me! i told my friend. He screamed and he was stiil scared in the next day!
yea… i love scary things but not at night lol and i wanna look at onee. Are these acctually scary or not because people are sying that they are then others are saying they’re not. im not a little kid im sixteen but still lol. i dont wanna shit my self and not be able to sleep tonight lmfaoo. and the erally scary illusion , by what people are discribing to me i’ve already seen it….
are all these like flash thingerss.?
Actually, the one that is scary as hell is the scariest optical illusion! Not Really scary illusion! There is just a fork in the road the scariest one can scare the s**t!
You people are so brave!
I sh*t myself for every single one.
If Really Scary Illusions can make you die, why am I still alive?XD
What does the Really Scsry Illusion is about???
In the really scary illusion there is a room and you have to find something wrong with it. Suddenly a horrendous face pops on the screen along with terrible screaming sound effect which can give you a triple heart attack at once! It freaked the hell out of me!
Umm so which is the most NOT SO SCARY ONE and waht is that will be about? I think i know that face before… it the one from Scary Maze?
I pretended to be brave when mom was looking with me taking a test for “Bravity” by looking at all these scary illusions Mighty Optical Illusions got, I clicked all of them, they was gonna make me jump, but mom was looking, so I still acted brave, and then I lastly clicked the Really Scary Illusion, my sounds we’re on, HOLY MOTHER OF GOD I got triple heart attacks, I think I’m gonna die now, and I can’t even resist being brave infront of mom. When mom isn’t looking, I go jump when I see a scary optical illusion. Otherwise, these illusions are cool, but the Really Scary Illusion isn’t really an illusion. It’s a prank. Probably, the “Really Scary Illusion” is showing a kitchen and you have to find what is the problem, then boom, a scary face pops out and then screams with a terrible sound scream (with only me hearing it taking the test on my headphone on really loud sound) and will give you heart attacks just like me. Be careful on picking a scary illusion. I saw the Kitchen one 14x already, still pranked.
dude i swar number 5 wass not scary at all
none of them were
if u gonna put them under scary acctually make them scayy
i looked at the rly scary illusion and then
it sker’d me to death.
that house 1 was reeallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy scary!!if you have a weak heart the dont look at that!!
i showed my 1 year old bro the kitchen 1 and he fainted!!!!! :(