Salvador Dali’s Apparition

Remember our previous Supercool Dali illusion? Maybe you won’t like this painting at first sight, but it is a work of a genius. There are four scenes hidden in one. You can see an Afghan dog, a face, a table with a fruit dish in the middle and a desert landscape looking out on the sea. The bridge in the landscape is the dog’s collar, the figure in the desert is nose and mouth of the face. Did you find them all? When you’re finished, be sure to check more Dali’s illusions: Lincoln Face & Dali’s Portrait.

23 Replies to “Salvador Dali’s Apparition”

  1. i got three of them easy….took me a while to find the dog….that brush strokey thingy on the left is the tail, and the rope and towely thingy make up the head.

  2. The dog is not the towel thingy. The dog is at the top of the picture. The bridge looking part in the top right is his collar and it is a brown and white hunting dog.

  3. ‘me’ y did u think the dog was the towel thing. like Tara said, the dog is at the top, is big, and the collar is the bridge thing. i got it at first sight.

  4. this one it was very easy for me because i love this artist… his hands are magic in pictures… thank u

  5. does any on of you guys notice the naked woman among the stuff just below the dog ? there are more than just a dog,a table,a face.

  6. i see the dog, the face and the dog. Apparently, aswell as the face and the fruit bowl, there is a lady sitting.

  7. There’s more. On the right of the fruit dish, some of the fruits look like birds. Hanging off from the edge of the dog’s collar are two baby birds. The birds in the fruit dish look like they’re feeding the baby birds on the dog’s collar.

  8. When I was in college, I bought this print and had it hanging on my wall for about three years before I suddenly saw the dog. It totally blew my mind at the time.

  9. Gregg, glad I wasn’t the only one that had a delayed response to this piece. Took me a little while to catch it…had a similar ‘wow’ effect. :)

  10. Where is the table w/fruit? I see the dog at the top right…it looks his rear end on the left…The first thing I saw was the huge white face…then I see a woman to the right of the face just below the dogs head on the right and looks like 2 children reaching upward one of them has a redish hew, and that one seems to be reaching up to the stuff below the dogs face…but where is the fruit? I don’t see it…

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