We had celebrities appear in the mountains, stadiums, vodka commercials… but we never had celebrity appear on the Moon. Not until now! This time it’s bad-ass “celebrity”. I don’t like this guy, but have to admit that the illusion is quite scary! Duncan, guy who submitted it said: “This image is circulating around Arab websites and forums, people claiming that Saddam’s smiling face appears on The Moon…” Think what you will, but I can see it. Makes me scared…
yeah, right
thats totaly photoshoped
this sure is scary. such an easy-to-fake picture of an already obscure, blurry moon. idiots. it looks more like one of those muppets who’s always heckling everyone from up in the balcony. no, it looks more like the moon.
LOL!!!!! OWNAGE, you know why he is smiling?, cus he knows america never set foot on the moon. not one but 2 fingers up the a$$ of USA.
Kind of see it… but that could be very, very easily photoshopped… 5 mins tops… I say fake
Isn’t photoshop wonderfull?
fake… and what a nasty propaganda too.
Most probably photoshopped…
But it’s creepy still, especially because the lights went out right after I saw the pic… o_0
Actually, it looks mroe like Joseph Stalin.
A fake if I ever saw one…
LOL You know who that looks like? That looks like a skeleton head picking his nose and his teeth are cracked!!
he really should have shaved his moosetash.
he looks really scary.
and totally photoshopped
right away I thought photoship
wow, ya i can see it, if its real, then thats crazy, if its photoshopped which i think it is, its just another illusion, cool though
It’s not propaganda, infact I think it’s horrible praise. Now if there was a HUGE missle heading toward it, now that would be wonderful propaganda.
Yeah, I agree – it’s been photshopped. I also agree that it looks like one of the Muppet hecklers: either Statler or Waldorf. I don’t remember which one belonged to what name though. If I had to guess, Statler was the tall one and Waldorf was the short one!
Kina looks like Mario or Luigi…
I dont understand why people are declaring it photoshopped. The website is called MightyOptical ILLUSIONS for a reason.
dude that would be like really weird to see him on the moon. i think people would go crazy. they would be like OMG its creepy. o sry thats totaly off topic… still, very weird.
you’re totally photoshopped
looks more like a monkey to me
2 minutes in photoshop. take photo – make b&w – put slight fish-eye curve – put over moon image – lower transparency – and now you too can be on the moon, alice!
people who actually believe man never stepped on the moon makes me laugh hysterically. Their reasoning for it makes me laugh even harder. Anywho, the moon looks different from different places on Earth, so who knows. I still think it may be photoshopped, however. Or it could just be the same type of mental image creation exploited in the Rorschach inkblot test.
i think it looks more like Arafat than Saddam
That could be Fat Albert’s face smiling, much less Saddam Hussein. And anything’s possible in a picture with Photoshop these days…
Wow!!!! This is the best looking piece of crap I have ever seen! Awesome! I think I can smell it even throught the monitor! Great job!
I just installed that widget and was disappointed to see this crap. This isn’t an optical illusion, it’s just some preschool-level photo fakery. I also agree with the previous poster that nobody needs to hear any more about Saddam Hussein, especially something trying to rabblerouse that he’s supernaturally “scary” or similarly ridiculous garbage.
And you misspelled his name.
i see jozef stalin
The moon alway shows the same side to the Earth.
Here’s a link showing how it is without editing:
You can tell it’s been Photoshopped by the straight line accross the top o his glasses. I don’t imagine that there are many stright lines on the moon
If you have the Current Moon Phase google gadget enabled this will show you what the mood actually looks like! You can clearly see where they have added extra seas and messas to make the face.
All you have to do is look up on a clear night to know this is fake…
Okay . . . lemme get this straight. For several millenia no one saw this and then all of a sudden . . . Poof! Besides, I think it’s Burt Lancaster.
looks more like stalin to me
Please, they claim it appeared the day he was hung, but the full moon wasn’t until January 5th!
hmmmm… photoshop. still freaky tho
When did saddam grow that sweet-ass afro. That is just strait-up dope.
The problem with this fake is that they used a very well known picture of saddam hussein.
that is so easy to fake, if that really was there then we would see it everytime the moon was in that position and there would already be hundreds of photos of it.
I recognize that picture, but I do not see Saddam, I see ELVIS!!
I agree, there’s no optical illusion here, and not sure why it would belong on this website.
Here is the snapshot which was probably used:
No no no, it’s not photoshopped. Don’t you get it? Saddam used his immensely supreme powers to carve great canyons into the surface of the moon to resemble his visage. So easy.
Either that, or we now know where all the money being dumped into Iraq has gone.
I’m almost positive it’s photoshopped although I believe many other things on this site aren’t. My reasoning for believing that it is photoshopped is because you can look at a real picture of the moon and it will be different. I think the same side of the moon always face’s the earth, the rate of rotation in comparison to it’s rate of revolution around the earth causes this, though I’m not positive.
surely photoshopped, a crater is missing (Copernicus i.m.o.).
OK, I see the Saddam face (only Without …the straight line accross the top o his glasses…by dville)I
don’t see any glasses.
Anyway, Wanna know what’s RREALLLLLYYY FREAKY!!!!
…None of you noticed any of the other images inside the picture???
…like the small boy standing in the centre…
…or the Yin-Yang to the right…
ps. for the seeing blind people I can upload a modified pic
to SHOW you some of these…
that’s so pshop!
If you believe that it was made with Photoshop, and are not truly convinced that the moon truly is that way, search for a picture of the moon online, and compare. =) I havn’t done it, but I will.
Eid can never be on full moon,rather its on the first day of moon lolllllllllllssssssssss
I think that if it wasn’t photoshopped, or even if it was, it could be anyone’s face. I think that any of us could look at this picture and say there was a face, but without it saying that it was Saddam Husein’s face nobody would recognize it. It’s just people trying to scare people. An interesting illusion all the same.
WTF? I don’t see any strange face. Where is Saddam in that picture?.
Looks like an older black man.
No offense meant.
I agree w/ the third post lol, they r all anonymous
i see it three ways…if you look at it long enough you might to 1 is saddam 1 is elvis presely and another is jim jones (if you dont know about him look him up you will be shocked) elvis is looking the opposite way of saddam and jim jones is the same face as saddam looked at so it seemes as it has sunglasses
all of you need to shut the hell up!!
lol j/k
god ppl dont take it so seriously
Just where HE needs to be!!!!!
i love saddam
if i could only have one word to describe this it would hav to be…FREAKY!!!
well this is a real image.
and even if u think it’s not saddam still makes u never to forget him cause here we are talking about him
the guy rules
Yup, can see a face but NO WAY IS IT HIM- OR REAL!!! Totally photshopped. Bull!
Totally looks like mario. Weird, but photoshopped!
yeah we get it…its photoshopped people.quit saying it!
BUT, most scary is the phantom of a man walking…behind the face…do you see it?
Stuff Saddam, you were’nt the ones who used extremely advanced telecanetic energy fields to carve my face in the moon. So there.
dude i cant see it ive been staring at it for like 10 minuits
that is Stalin’s face
its a fraud. i found a pic of the real moon and the pic that is shown here is a definate photoshop look at the real moon from this website. http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/image/s_full-moon.jpg
http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/image/s_full-moon.jpg on this link you see a guy gazing into the cozmos
The moon realy is alive! lol
OMICHEESE this is so dang kool….. but it scared the hell out of me
Looks like Obama
I think it looks like my friend’s step-dad….
Oh, and for all of you thinking that it’s a photoshop coming in with “real” pics of the moon, have you ever thought that this may be the other side of the moon?
I can’t see Saddam Hussein.
But for a weird reason I can see Barack Obama. anyone else see this?
well i see a skull like right next to him … to your right anyone else see it ?
“Oh, and for all of you thinking that it’s a photoshop coming in with “real” pics of the moon, have you ever thought that this may be the other side of the moon?”
We cant’ see the other side of the moon, idiot, that’s one of its wonders. This is a blatant photoshop, more spam for the internet.
To the person who said it may be the other side of the moon…REALLY? Yes I see the good photo shop job!
Ok that is REALLY creepy!!!!
I have a very good 12 inch reflector telescope, and his face is NOT on the Moon!
saw him immediately =) just luck for me, and i really think that is like sadams smiling face…don’t care about if it’s edited with photoshop. Cool stuff ;)
Naa, there is no moon like that, dont be fooled people. its only a made up one. iv checked on google.
What the…has anybody noticed the ghost behind him?
Is not Saddam, Is Stalin.
hi people ,am from Iraq all of this shit is a lie made by some sick people who loves that dick head
i see it, but it’s not scary at all!!! the reversed faces is the scariest one.
Looks like Barrack Obama to me~
That is the face of Tom Selleck look at the mustache!
I see a man with a mustache smiling. Looks a little like Albert Einstein except bald.
I see the big face, but look closer. You’ll also see a head n torso shot of Michael Jackson. The shoulder sash is in the Saran cheek
anyone else see the woman standing to the right of his face
its ok
That’s not Saddam! It’s MAGNUM P.I!!!
ooohhh there it is