Update: in deed, it seems that the artist behind this one isn’t Rusty, but in fact Bev Doolittle. Thanks to all of you who pointed it out!
Donald “Rusty” Rust is an artist with a repertoire as extensive as his talent. He is an immensely prolific painter, who adeptly renders intriguing camouflage wildlife scenes, landscapes, seascapes, still-life’s and portraits. If you think you never heard of him, well he was the one responsible for our most commented optical illusion ever – The Hidden Tiger. Many other successful illusions from our archive were created by Rusty as well. This time Rusty draw a landscape with a Native American portrayed inside it. But our little Indian isn’t the only living thing inside this picture. Can you see what else Rusty tried to hide from us (for reasons unknown to me)? Shouldn’t be too hard for you, optical illusion veterans .

there are some animals reflected in the water but I can’t really tell what they are…
some kind of sheeps, I think.
They are drinking
All I can see is that the rocks appear to be some sort of animals drinking from the pond.
the reflections in the water are bisons/buffalos :)
i can see a face! to the right of the water is
the front of a pac-man kind of thing, theres a bit of dirt that makes up the eye and some small rocks at the bottom tip of its mouth that makes teeth.
Im the first who commeets XDD i like that lanscape but can somebody explain me that what that be for animals? Bears or Wolfs?
A yellow angry dog’s face (side view) & the rocks are his teeth. No?
i think i see elephants in the water
Theres a green beast in the grass (eye closed mouth open) about to leap on to the grazing sheep in the centre. (And I think I see an eagle’s head just behind the figure?)
I won’t give it away, but think of it this way. Look at the hill the Indian is standing on, with the rocks representing something…
Good job Rusty! Keep up the great work!
The rocks look like small animals, one looks like an elephant. Also, the entire landscape forms the shape of a crocodile
theres bears drinking from the pound (formed by rocks)
I think it’s the hawk?
A very beautiful painting. The artist tried to hide the buffalos drinking at the pool of water. Patti
Just look at the reflection of the rocks in the pool in the middle of the picture.
The rocks, seems to be animals trinking water
one word: LAME!!!!! Sorry but its bogus! :P
OH First comment WHAT!!!!! Take that HA!!!!
I see a bear on the lake. Is that right?
The rocks are bison drinking
I see a dog rocks and reflectiosn are teeth
Very pretty illusion
It looks a little bit like a species of now-extinct rhino-like animals that lived about 30 million years ago on the savannah. Their horns were a weird shape.
I see Bison drinking water.
i guess everyone else saw bison or sheep, but i saw elephants haha!
the rocks look like some sort of animal but is unclear as to what, but if you turn the pic upside down and look at the water you can clearly see the reflection of the rocks are buffalo. nice
lol – i didn’t knew that pac-man or elefants was native american… Seems this is difficult.
It looks like buffalos!
Buffalo, I’m certain, which goes with the Native American scene.
I can vaguely spot an indian blowing a horn just above the drinking buffalo’s.
I think the reflection in the water is a heard of buffalo
Perhaps it is a political and environmental comment on our times. Pan calls to the lost great herds of buffalo that drank here in the past, where now there is only the rock to remember their passing.
So many facets to a single work of art.
I think this is actually a Bev Doolittle isn’t? The rocks reflect as buffaloes in the water, I have seen it in a book of her work.
Rusty “hid” a Bev Dolittle signature in the bottom right corner. Someone needs to check his facts.
There are buffalo in that there picture
Bison drinking at the pool of water.
i think it is an elefant, polar bear?, bison, bear, and two other things i cant make out
turn it upside down and look at the pond and youll really see it
i think some kind of stones..donno..
This picture was painted by a watercolor artist named Bev Doolittle. The title of the painting is “Calling the Buffalo”. What I think Ms. was trying to portray was that the reflections of the rocks were taking on the appearance of buffalo. I have no idea who this “rusty” that you are talking about might be.
Is there any special feelings you got by being the first to comment? Even more when you turned to be NOT the first?
The rocks over the pond are actually rocks. They weren’t meant to hide anything. However, their reflection on the water are not rocks. Flip the picture vertically and you’ll see that the rocks are rocks and the reflection is CLEARLY a bunch of… I don’t know, yaks? Bisons? Buffalos?
If you turn the pic upside down you can see sheep in the water.
dead buffalo
is DOG,
Buffalo, duh!
The painting (buffalo) is not by Dinald Rust but by Bev Doolittle .
See in http://clickart.homestead.com/files/doolittle_calling_buffalo2.jpg
I kinda see a T-Rex, maybe a crocodile (the teeth being the rocks/buffalos). The green grass looks a bit like an eagle
poo is awesome
oliver is right, although the rocks do look like animals, i think the overall picture looks like a crocodile, with the animal/rocks as its teeth.
The reflections in the water are of bison, the guy on the hill is holding a bison skull…maybe praying to bring them back and save them from the invaders of Europe…quite a strong message
The most obvious thing about this picture was that it was not painted by Donald Rust. This is a classic Bev Doolittle painting. You can see her signature in the bottom right hand corner of the painting.
hahahahaha good eye
Its beautiful and the optical is just perfect.
Are they bisons? i know the look like something, but i cant tell whats…
kinda lame
There’s a head of a bird in the right, formed by the grass (right border of the lake).
The rocks definitely are reflecting bison. But I also see another image to go along with Fixit Dave’s post. Look at the far right rock. The shadow is part of an older man’s nose. Just beside that rock and below in the green grass are shadows that frame the man’s moustache/mouth. Once you see that, making out an eye in the clouds of the horizon is easy. Focus on those and there is a clear shape to his head.
It almost looks as if the “European Gentleman Hunter” is looking at the bison in the water!
The yellow grass is a crocodile, with the rocks as teeth, and the green grass is an animal with its mouth open, probably a turtle, with the brown in the grass being its eye.
Yoredm, your right! There is a persons face. Its eyes are in the clouds, and the far right rock makes his nose. ohh creepy
I see a bear and an eight-legged animal in the reflection.
I can see bison in the water, a snake in the green grass and an aligator int the golden grass.
my first thought was the rocks were polar bears but it’s hard to tell.
Great painting overall!
a crocodile eating a bear . the great fight between a crockand a bear off to left. the crock consumed a bunch of baby cubs , mans face in clouds
look at the bottom right corner/bottom right grass, its an eagle or a bird. theres no crocidile
The original may be found here:
and the illusion can be found in the pool.
Surey the illusion is that the ‘bison’ above are rocks but reflected as bison?
I’d say it’s similar to Dali’s famous reflection pieces (Metamorphosis of Narcissus & Swans reflecting Elephants) with the rock outcrop and the reflection.
Rocks reflecting bisons..?
This is a Bev Doolittle painting, not a Donald Rust >:(
look close those rocks look like dogs.
Did everyone miss that this is a Bev Doolittle painting???? Christ people it’s even signed
The pond is a giant bison hoof print.
i dont know if anyone happened to notice that the grass on the bottom left is an eagle/bird. the hidden animal is not a crocodile and the rocks are not associated with teeth watsoever.
look at the reflection upside down to see the illusion.
One, Bev Doolittle did it. Two, animals are going for a drink
Wow….look at the reflection in the water. Its a heard of Bison drinking.
It is a Crocodile. It is formed by the yellow grass and the rocks are teeth. It is eating a bird which formed by the green grass.
the rocks are buffalo right?
above the water it looks like hands trying to claw its way up but im sure its not that of what he hid there
the rocks also look like animals
a flock of sheeps drinking water. the green patch is a predator maybe a crocodile
omg, this is a famous painting. the guy is calling to spirits. the rocks reflected in the pool are bison, they don’t look like it they are it! turn the picture upside down and its clearly an almost photograph picture of bison drinking water, god’s face is all the bison put together, in the reflection, but here’s the thing it isn’t god or some random man, its an Indian, get it? the whole picture is about another time. bison, an Indian, and a man with a bison horn calling out to the storm. WTF are you people talking about? there are no sheep, no crocodiles and there are no birds. WTF, really people, do you know nothing? and yes i have better grammar than all of you combined, and yes i’m being a bitch, can you blame me? i’m a teenager.
Dont see But I Tottally Agree Theres No Fucking crockodile Or Sheep Or Bird Or snakee Fucking idiot people !!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a really interesting painting. There are storm clouds brewing and the indian is blowing a horn to the rain spirit while the herd of bisson are drinking from the pool of water. Their reflections show clearly in the water surrounded by the golden prairie grasses. The grass on the right is shadowed by the dark clouds rolling in.
End of statement…….
Turn the pic upside down, you’ll see :)
it’s a picture of spiderman alright
Buffalo and people can’t see a thing realy
I agree with mel
I think the rocks look like sheep drinking out of the water
guys, has no one noticed the large green lizard in the grass on the right!?
this painting was done by Bev Dolittle and there is no croc!!
it looks like jesus’last stop, bearing his cross on his lft shoulder and the soldiers are nailing oters to their crosses… someine has a sword with siething on it to absorb water..women r crying
Anyone else see elephants instead of bisons? Maybe it’s just me.