Tomato Kosir and Wolfgang Gosch used the famous optical illusion by Akiyoshi Kitaoka , and combined it with Galileo Galilei’s saying “Eppur si muove” (and yet it does turn). The finished product was then used as a presentation poster for the 9th Festival of Slovenian Film. I believe most of you have already stumbled upon Rotating Snakes illusion in one way or another, yet I couldn’t resist posting this high res photo showing the effect in its full glory!
Top illusion!
You can show this as many times as you like, when an illusion is good…it’s good!
They are all spinning! Stop the spinning omggg!!!
how is it different to any other rotating snakes illusion?
I am dropping you from my web page. It used to be fun I looked forward to it every day, but there is to much grief now; I just can’t be bothered…………..:(
If there is good reason, let me know, please, then I’ll put it back………..
your a terd!!! realy how much crap could you be getting out of the 10 people that visit your site, most of them is by accident! get a life and stop harrassing others!
This is a very neat illusion! I like it a lot!
duuuuude, thats super trippy…I LOVE IT!!!XD
Wow, Can’t believe I’m the first to post a response. I have seen this illusion many times before, but never with much apparent movement. It really does look like they’re going in circles. Amazing that the brain can create motion ot of a series if colors arranged in certain ways.
One of my favorite optical illusions.
Something odd: I was listening to a song and the snakes turned to the tune!
as u see amazing but starts spining ur mind
The picture are not moving. It’s just the background of the picture that control the light from dark to light that make picture to move.
Gr8 work!
I dont know who started these illusions but they provide me some sort of joy when i look at them
stop spinning it man, i can’t watch it. :P
nice illusions.
great creation!
this is a great illusion i like it
there are two ZEBRAS of mirror illusions
With these illusions its best to look then look slightly away. you get a better effect.
I did not see much spinning, not much more than normal.
i felt it running
wow………………’s amazing
Snakes don’t run.
Besides that, it’s a great illusion!