Mr. Robert Watson used some sort of modeling computer program to create these magnificent 3D stereograms (or magic eyes, if you will). If you jump inside this post you can play with all 5 of them. Unfortunately, those of us having problem seeing this kind of illusions will have to train better, or simply wait for tomorrow’s update. Which one do you think works best? Esthetically, first example is my favorite!
sorry, dude– I don’t get this one? What am I supposed to see?
Go cross eyed.
Cross your eyes Like I did…
Number 1, then 3. 2 has good 3D effect, but 4 and 5 are more 2 1/2 dimensional.
*** hint ***
It makes it easier to get your focus properly if you zoom -out- ( in IE) the page to about 50%.
They’re 3D Stereograms. If you cross your eyes just slightly, and overlap one image over the other, you will see that the image jumps into a full 3D depth image….
Or swap left and right so they can be viewed full-size as cross-eyed versions.
crossing one’s eyes and then focusing on the extra picture in the middle seems a better hint
By 2 1/2 dimensional, do you mean that there are basically 2 planes shown rather than continuous depths?
Wow… when it works it’s really cool
I like the first one! Number three was a real strain on the eye, and four and five weren’t all that great…
sorry, but I don’t see the illusion? Those are regular parallel 3d images right?
They should have been set up to cross-fuse. As they are now you have to view them with uncrosed fusion: MUCH more difficult on a conputer with these types of images
Was there no editor to preview these?
Awesome! The chess pieces were the hardest for me to focus on and the first 2 were the easiest. Love it :)
i hate these i cant do them
I had a lot of trouble seeing this one.
Here’s some tips that might help you if you can’t see it:
Zoom out your browser, just a tad.
Get a piece of thin cardboard or card stock square that’s about 8″ x 8″.
Now, put the cardboard/card stock on the seam of the two images and put the other end between your eyes.
(o) | (o)
(This will separate your view and you’ll be able to see the images)
That was the ONLY way I could see it. Browser any larger and I couldn’t see it.
I just got my double vision straightened out.
I ain’t crossin’ my eyes again for nobody!
This is like magic eye i suspect.
I find the best way is to cross ya eyes then slowly un-cross them till the two picture overlap
All I have noticed in all of these is a marginal camera rotation in all of them creating a “spot the diff” effect. Still cool though.
I don’t get this one either. What is it suppose to do? Is it just suppose to look 3D?
i think these are so cool. but it took me awhile to figure out how to see them… and i agree.. 4 and 5 suck.
Let me start by saying these are poor examples but i have somethign that will blow your mind. You are supposed to cross your eyes until the two cross images merge together creating what appears to be a 3d image. please go here.
I promise you that the examples on that link are phenominal and will wow you. The ones posted above are very poor and show little 3d effect.
hi me again. i believe dat to have da 3d effect is to cross ur eyes properly.
Oh dang! I was about to comment that these weren’t really magic eyes because you have to cross your eyes to see it in 3D instead of “looking through it,” but you don’t! They still work the normal way! just a little harder. kinda hurts the back of my eyes. Lol. They’re pretty awesome though. 1, 3, 2, then 4 and 5 are tied for last. BTW there isn’t any hidden image, they just appear 3D. Sweet post! Thanks!
I dont get it either… I only see that the pictures are not exactly equal, but dont get the illusion
Couldn’t see them in 3D ’til I reduced page to 50% as Highspeed suggested. The chess board is my favorite…many layers with great depth.
#3 is my fave!!
Do more please!!! I LOVE THESE.
Do more please!!
no…i am very good at magic eyes…these i cannot get. these suck. sorry.
It’s sort of 3-D,but I’ve seen better.
I can never do these. I have to use stereoscopes…(did i spell that right?)
1,2 and 4 are nice…3 doesn’t seem to be aligning well, though I don’t know if it is just me. (i usually do not have a problem with this..hmm) the last one is cute. :-)
Definitally need to make the pictures smaller before you try this one. The smaller the picture the easier it is, but has the drawback of been a small picture.
Also nice to be able to see what the picture is even if you can’t see the magic eye effect, unlike a more traditional magic eye images.
Images 1 and 3 are best because they seem quite natural, the 3d fades into the background. 4 and 5 are plains of 3d and look fake (the same way some 3D films look bad by having layers of 3D)
this is great.
Checkerboard is the best.
I agree with Johnny JJ. I don’t get what am I supposed to see.
I typically do OK with the stereo grams.
For this set, I crossed my eyes till I could see three of the image. Then I try to focus on the center one. That’s where you will find the effect.
(Then scroll up and down the group without breaking focus. The other 4 will be easier that way.)
Just relax your eyes as if you would stare holes in the sky…
In this case your left eye views the left picture and the right eye the right one.
Then you see it in 3D!!!
I thought you had to try see the left image with your left eye and the right with your right.
What did work for me was:
– Look cross eyed, shift the 2 images over each other.
– Try to make it 3 images next to each other; All will be fussy.
– Block the left and right image with your hands, you will only see the middle one now.
– Gently ease your eyes, so the middle image sharpers.
– Be astonished about how the image looks more real now.
– Get back to normal and enjoy your heading.
Even if those are not stereograms, you need the same look to see the 3D illusion. To see a stereogram, you need your eyes not to focus, like when you’re looking for something without seeing, because your mind is occuped. There is 2 ways to see a stereogram. The easiest way is to cross eyed at maximum and to move the effect until you see the image in the center. In fact, you then will see a negative of the 3D, not in depht !!! Hope it sounds clear, so difficult to expalin for a non native english…
3rd is awesome….to do that u need a trick…cross your eyes and let the 2 images become one…
ItĀ“s fantastic.
You have to peer and then it works.
You can see always 3 pictures and the middle is in 3D
is this supposed to be something like stereograms? if so, i usually see the effect in stereograms easily… these ones, i don’t get them
if you go a bit further from the monitor, or scale the page down it will be easier to see the 3D effect.
I am checking the site on a 22″ 1680×1050 monitor and the images are too big here. Going away from the monitor is the easiest
I think Nr.3 created the greatest depth of view.
You are supposed to see a crossed-eye stereogram version of the respective images. It does help to zoom out as Highspeed suggested
It’s also quite hard without the guide dots.
Number 2 (boxes ‘n balls) & 3 (chess set) are the best 3-D viweing and stunning!
I personally prefer the chess one. Perhaps it’s the complexity and the more normal scene. Johnny JJ, these need to be viewed like magic eye pictures (in this case using the parallel viewing technique). It’s explained on various websites, but basically you need to get close to the picture and stare past it til the images on the left and right consolidate into a central image. This is the one with the 3D effect. As Highspeed says, it’s advisable to put a 50% or 75% zoom on, as the images are quite big, and our eyes aren’t generally able to stretch to that focus. If you need a starting point, I’d advise Pic 4, as the small white dot (sun?) on the right can be used to adjust your focus.
@Highspeed1964: good about the 50%, i could do it at 100% but is harder to focus, especially 2 and 3.
Agree with you, except that for me 1 and 2 looks like real 3D, 3 so close, and last 2 are just flat images, but not bad anyway.
I see them, all there are are 3D pictures of the pictures show.
Its the same affect as if you was looking at them with 3D glasses.
still dont get it
Easy ones ;)
They’re all good, but the third is my favorite ! =)
this is pretty awesome. I never thought 2d images would turn into 3d images by just crossing your eyes.
I love images like these. There are 10 more with directions on how to do this here:
These are really easy to do with a regular camera. Take a picture, move about three inches left or right and take another picture. Put them side by side like this guy did and you can see the same 3D effect. Doesn’t work too well with moving objects.
Place a piece of card on the join of the two pictures. Place your nose to the card, so that each eye can only one picture, eg left eye see’s left picture and right eye can only see the right picture. The pictures then merge as one in 3D.
Uh-oh. You need to “look behind” the images to see the 3D-effect correctly, which is really hard with such large images. So you need to zoom out or move your head back to make the images small enough to match without going derp.
Cross-eyed is better.
Ok, at first I was all “WTF are you on about, you must need special glasses for these”, then I read what to do on the other link, and wham, very clever.
Basically savagely force your eyes into cross eyed mode, then slowly draw out of it so that the picture in the middle comes into proper focus. Took me a few goes, but now works perfectly every time, can even scroll the screen up and down, and eyes stay in their falsely focussed state.
Most odd!!
It makes my head hurt doing these lol
they’re cool, but i don’t know what they are
I got it but this pictures are so poor.
seems like rings have different angles….can’t see any other details
Thanks for the tip, Highspeed1964. :) I couldn’t see them until I tried your suggestion.
2 and 3 are hard
lol thats so confusing the left one looks more up then the right one
nope it’s not working for me.. and i am one of the few that makes 3d camera’s :( ah well… back to circular polarised glasses i guess :P
These were great. Especially the chess pieces. The secret to viewing these easily is to simply cross your eyes till both images overlap. And don’t worry, Mama was wrong, They won’t get stuck.
Definitely zoom out to 50% size, otherwise its way too hard. As highspeed mentioned, 1 and 3 are best.
I found the last 4 good to get, but had problems with #1?
I went to 25% of zoom & closed out all other clutter on page.
These are hardly ‘magnificent’.
Seems to be using the wrong program.
The front seems to work reasonably but the distance is chaotic, even disturbing with the chess set.
Must try harder.
The distances are not wrong. There are two ways to view these.
1) focus in front of the screen until the two images overlap in the middle, and gently tilt your head shoulder to shoulder to get the edges to line up, and the you will see it in 3D.
2) same again, but focus behind the screen.
If you use the wrong one you end up with a pseudoscopic image where objects further away look closer in the 3D scene. That’s a clue you’ve used the wrong one. I find it much easier to do 1 than 2, but these were done with 2 so that’s the way it is. If you prefer you can open the image in something like Paint and swap the halves around, then you can do it the other way. Also try zooming out a little to make the images a little smaller (or stand further back) as that means the eyes have less strenuous focusing to do so it’s a bit easier.
Takes a little practice. I find it helps to note a prominent part of the image that stands out, then use that to get a ‘lock’ by doing the eye focus and head tilting. Once you get the two parts of the image to align perfectly hold it for a moment and you will quickly see the scene in 3D.
Another way to train is to go back into Paint and on a white background draw a small cross and a small square nearby at random. Select both and copy them to horizontally to the right by a couple of inches. Then select the right square and move it slightly back, say quarter of an inch.
Now do the same focus/tilt trick and you will see the cross and square appear to have different depths. Focus the other way and the depths are reversed.
Yeah, but it’s way cooler when you zoom in!
TO THE CREATOR OF THE SITE(i dont know how to contact you) – I know a thing or two about viewing 3d images, and i believe you should repost tthese pictures with the following adjustments made to them. First the creator of these photos made them viewable as a stereo gram in which you relax your eyes and let the images come together, but it doesnt work well because it slightly blurs the image (only works well on those wild pattern sterograms as the image is crisp) Basically what happens is the right image is being seen by your right eye and the left image is seen by your left eye and it brings them together. What you need to do is edit these photos and move the left image to the right side, then you can view them cross eye and it will give you a glorious 3d image. Viewing them cross eye means your left eye views the right image and right eye views the left image then brings them together. If you look closely at the photos they are slightly different, because it is two different perspectives a few inches apart. But if you view them cross eye you are actually seeing inverse depth, and it looks weird. This is because your right eye and left eye are viewing the wrong sides of the image. If you swap the side each image is on, then view them cross eye, you will see the 3d image perfectly. Please take my advice, it is well worth it. Viewing them sterogram style is currently the correct way with the way the images are set up, but like i said it is so much more difficult to do and the image isnt as clear because your eyes blur it slightly. So change the images so that they are on the opposite sides, then view them cross eye, it is magnificent. I did it myself in paint and it is glorious, the chess peices especially, if viewed correctly are fantastic. Like another guy commented, the depth right now looks false and un realistic and slightly disturbing. That is because we are viewing it inversley. Changing them will make the chess peices look amazingly real. Please repost this illusion.
I shifted the position of the images as you said and it looks great!!!
Yes! Pls fix it, it doesn’t do justice to the images if they stay like that
I agree with this poster, it’s much easier to view by going crosseyed rather than trying to relax the eyes. The chess scene is absolutely glorious, the room looks like it’s 50 foot long and even the nearby pieces have a great depth.
these aren’t optical illusions at all!!!!!!
Yes these are they “fool” your brain into seeing a 3D image that does not “exist” by using two 2D images. Brilliant in my opinion.
You must cross your eyes until the align with eachother to get the 3D effect.
#3 and #5 show the most 3-d effect, but #3 just pops right out at you.
Very cool!
It’s much easier to see correctly if you copy them to photoshop and zoom out (50%). If you focus “past” the image, it comes into proper perspective. Focusing between you and the image works too, but the picture depths get inverted and it just looks a bit odd.
I like the first one the best.
Hello all – Thank you for viewing my images. I did create all of these using a program called “Cinema 4D”. Essentially I used to cameras inside of the program set apart at a distance roughly equivalent to the human eye (at scale)and a focal point of a scale 20feet.
This is EXACTLY how someone would create a stereo gram using two cameras. Eveything within the pictures are 3D generated as well – none of it really exists :) For some it snaps in right away. For others, it’s a little more difficult. In either case, I’m glad you enjoyed them.
Not only did i manage to see these, but i could keep my eyes crossed, and scroll the page at the same time, seeing all the images in their full glory..
of course, now i must keep my one eye closed, since i am having a problem focusing the normal way due to prolonged “crossed eyes”.. :P :P
“CTRL + SCROLL DOWN ” Three times towadrs Zoom out,
U can see Stereogram Effect.
i can’t cross my eyes enough without it making it go blurry
Hi creator, I am an old fan of 3D pictures and there are two ways to see them.
First the size of each picture should be 65mm wide, that is the distance of the eyes of most people, if you make picture bigger, so it is almost impossible to see them correctly.
Tric in seeing them is to look relaxed, as if you look at something far away, a pleasant country. But you need to focus at them in the seme time, and that is the problem, it needs a bit of practice, to look relaxedly into distance and focus at close range.
I did not try to switch pictures left on right and right on left, probably it works, but you have to cross the eyes too much. Have nice day.
At pics 1, 2 and 4 I can reach the ‘3D WOW effect’ by back focusing (or crosseyeing) but on the last one (5) I rather front focus (I imagine a beautiful landscape far behind the monitor) but only after zooming down drastically the picture to the size of my hand (wide). The number 3 (chessboard) is more challenging to my eyes and mind (I’m not convinced yet).
First, thanks for the amazing site!
Second – to all people who think they know better than the artist how to view his pictures, maybe you should learn proper mode of viewing.
I personally have always had immense trouble with cross-eyed viewing, today was first time I could move my eyes around the picture and did not lose focus. Relaxed-eye viewing on the other hand happened almost by itself and I have had no trouble if I want to blink or look around in the picture. Only sometimes those details that have to blend are too close, even 2 cm is too little relaxation and I tend to relax 1-2 steps farther. Of course it spoils hidden image. Pictures here are on my outer limit (ca 10 cm). But you can make them smaller.
In my opinion easiest is #4, it has nice white areas to practice your control of blending on. I learned viewing with big, contrasting details and still find those dots under some pictures very helpful. Not only show they right step but also help blending. You can start by trying to look through some mark on white background – notice how there’s suddenly two of them and try to control the distance.
Best picture I think is #3, so much detail (and very sharp, if viewed properly).
#5 is fun when viewed cross-eyed – shuttle in a hole, but such beautiful colors almost on my nose. I must say that for this method I have to use my thumb – focus on the thumb, but try to look and keep my attention just over the thumb. When picture comes together, very slowly remove the thumb (or try to grab the picture!).
Guys thing about this, look in the middle of the pictures, the cross your eyes, you will see a 3rd image appearing out of nowhere.
Love these things. :)
They now officially support these on Youtube as an option to view 3D videos (or a bunch of other options)