It’s the weekend, so a beer illusion seems appropriate, no? After all, for mist of us blue collar people, any time after work on Friday becomes beer 0’clock! Not that we’re alcoholics or anything, but it’s nice to sit down with a drink and relax.
If you haven’t already figured it out, today’s illusion is a beer illusion.
Take a look at this beer illusion and tell me that you don’t see a reflection of a beer bottle on the bottom. The bottoms of each of the bottles line up perfectly with the surface of the water. But, is it really a reflection? To me it looks like two beer bottles set on top of one another. Balanced perilously, mind you, but balanced nonetheless. The neck of the bottom bottle looks like it’s resting on a rock or log. It all boils down to the actual “reflection” of the bottle is way too clear and perfect to actually be a reflection.
What do you think about this beer illusion? Is it two beer bottle balanced perfectly on one another or is it an actual reflection?
2 bottles but very well done
Yes very well done.
Nice illusion. The tell-tale sugn is of course that the words “Mirror Pond” may be written the right way (not reflected) in the seemingly-reflected bottle.