Those provocative-sexist billboard ads are getting more and more popular lately. What can I tell you – sex sells. Anyhow, I was given this funny beer ad I think you will love. It was sent by Martin Couture, who found it on the internetz. What do you see in the photo below? I’ve never head of Schneider beer before, but I’m sure I’m gonna try it :)
hahahahahaha its a boob!!!
i think it looks like a fully loaded condom to be honest ;)
I think it looks like an x-rayed alien boob.
I guess this guy was never weaned.
is it weird that i don’t get it? haha x
Yup! I would like to get my hand on one of them, too.
That was an absolute laugh, your right sex sells !!! I say bring it on
of course, i dont have a dirty mind, so i understood that is was a top view of a mug of beer
oh, now i get it :P that’s so wrong, haha
lol its a beer mug handle
ahaha niceeeeeeeee
LAWLS!!! ive seen these kinda things before and there are hilarious!
um…i don’t get it!!
Hun, it’s the top view of a glass of beer that is supposed to look like a boob.
I remember seeing this ad on the huge advertising signs by the freeway a couple of years ago. I’m from Argentina and Schneider is a local beer. Not even near the best one, though.
while you’re on it also try “Fuking Hell”, a german beer which will be out soon.
that is really cool.
Yeah First lol funny picture :P
That’s really quite dumb. It takes far too long to discern that the glass is being viewed from over head. If this is a billboard, I don’t think the viewer has enough to realise that it isn’t a breast, and as such, is a poor sell.
thats so cool! that is really great. damn…
Love it! Thanks! :-)
Girls Breast if it is related to SEX. I think so
what is the hand actually grabbing?
ummm… what is that?
These ads are EVREYWHERE! maybe we should call this cheating?
other than a breast, what’s that supposed to be? i totally don’t see what that blob is
LoL,,,,not realy an illusion,i think,,, but its sure as h*ll looks like a tittie! XD
i dont get it
It looks as if it is a filled to the brim beer mug.
It is a hand reaching for the handle of a frosted full to the brim beer mug.
I can’t believe all teh people who “don’t get it” or who say it is dumb. Everyone is intitled thier own opinions though. I loved it, thought it was quite funny!
I rather see it…. A used condom filled with lot of semen….
thats wrong
Нɑ..нɑ..нɑ yeah…i get it
i looked at it for lik ten minutes thinking it was just some hand reaching for a mug then i read the comments to figure it out i was like ……………… really?
is this a real ad?????
dont u people feel shame at all…
they r insulting women
At first i thought it was half of a lemon. Then i saw the beer mug top. But id LLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEE to see one with a real boobs …
i meant a real set of boobs not a real boobs. =(