Glad you managed to solve the Youthless Illusion from yesterday. It wasn’t that hard, wasn’t it? Not much of a revenge I thought it would be. But do me a favor and open the previous article. Now jump to the comments section. See any difference? I did a small test today, and approved only those comments left via Facebook Connect in addition to regular ones that have their gravatar set. Now doesn’t that look much better? I’m desperately asking all of you to start practicing Facebook connect when leaving comments (link can be found next to the comments box), or at least merge an avatar to your regular comments. This can easily be done via Universal Gravatars. Don’t worry, all of the comments will be approved eventually, I just delayed the process to show you how nice and warm would it be if we all had some sort of an avatar (yeah, I know I haven’t set mine yet but will do it soon!) Oh, and the illusion – can you spot today’s one yourself? Hint can be found here.
wow this post very quickly after this come out!
cat with mouse for nose YAWN
i dont have a facebook so guess i cant comment as much
Mouse head in cat head silhouette.
BATS!!!! aaaaaaaAAAaaaahhhh!!!!
like it, it’s awsome
Facebook Connect? Are you SERIOUS?
Cute illusion, though.
Ah. You’re playing the old game of cat and mouse with us. Interesting concept. If the cat catches the mouse he ends up eating his own face. A little gruesome, don’t you think?
i think you already posted this before. it is a cat face where the mouse is in the middle. the mouse’s ears is the cat’s eye
Please don’t support the facebook world domination…
The old mouse in the cat trick! Yes indeed.
I agree with Oola… Seriously?
Yeah like this one. I couldn’t quite figure out what was wrong with the picture until I opened up the page fully.
I will never use Facebook connect. I prefer that I not get overloaded with advertising.
I kept looking for the 3rd level, bug/cheese/? I think that would have been note worthy.
This is almost as lame as the horse/turtle. On that I kept looking for the turtle!
Nice simple illusion.
It’s okay to want a avatar next to a post but I will never use FaceBook connect to be able to comment. I don’t want random people to even now what my FaceBook page is, even if it is closed for other people. I digged around some comments and already found a guy from my University. I will watch him and when he makes a stupid comment, I will gather a group to laugh at him! MUHAHAHA!
Not really ofcourse.
My point is, FaceBook is something to share semi-personal stuff with your friends. Not the world! That’s why I will never use FaceBook Connect to be able to comment on an optical Illusion, no matter how desperate you will ask for it.
You got a Gravatar out of me and that’s the best you will get.
when this illusion is in the widget box, its easy to see there is a cute cat, but here its easy to see the mouse. so is it a cat or a mouse?
Whats with this Facebook conformity? I don’t care for Facebook! I’m kind of a non-conformist.
This is freaky
anyone else think the mouse is pretty evil looking?
It’s kinda creepy when you see them both at the same time, lol
I can’t comment via Facebook connect, my network at computer blocks Facebook :(
Might be a problem for others….
Great illusions! I love your page!
It would look better if the mouse’s head were slightly larger.
I agree with Fiona, you really need to start hiding the image name from us, they’re so often dead giveaways. And I agree with Oola, some of us don’t even use Facebook, please don’t punish us for that!
That looks freaky but can see the illusion
what about people who dont do facebook ????
When the tags are “Multiple Meanings, Spot The Object, Cat, Illusion, Mouse, Nose” and the hovertext is CatOrMouseOpticalIllusion, it’s not hard to spot :-)
Facebook connect? I don’t even allow facebook scripts to run. I don’t think seeing images next to comments is worth letting facebook follow me around taking notes about everything I do.
You have a good thing going here. Please don’t help facebook ruin it.
Ok haters, you come up with a new illusion everyday! I think its a fun one today!
Something is very disturbing about this image….I think the mouse is just freaking me out.
Cool elusion! Took me like.. I don’t know 30 seconds! But dude u should seriusly think about taking the name off. I was playng with my mouse and I found yesterdays elusion! Think about it. (btw: I found the “revenge” elusion really easy!)
Sort of Creepy!
Yeah, Facebook Connect? No thanks.
When you see the mouse you can’t see the cat anymore.
A cat’s teeth and nose don’t look like that… I’d argue for a cat profile with a rabbit’s face inside, and then a mouse in the nose.
I got a kick out of this one! Great fun!
You know, I have an Avatar, I use Facebook. I just really don’t like it that my comments apparently can’t be seen by others after I write them. I have yet to figure out just what is being ‘moderated’. This has kept me from leaving very many comments and I think I just may stop altogether.
There’s a story here. Cat has mouse in mouth. Mouse is not happy about being in cat’s mouth. Cat is happy, has eyes closed savoring mouse.
lol mouse makes up the cats face.
hee hee
good one – but the faces of both cat and mouse are little distorted to make it a illusion.
its a couse or a mat
Gravatars are a waste of my effort (and reduce my privacy since I have to sign up) and I will never join Facebook.
Nice illusion, simple and effective.
I feel if the mouse didn’t have it’s teeth it would be a nicer image, and probably work a little better too
very nice. Shame that you dont want to display my comments any more – dont feel that you have to. I really like this website, but I don’t have a facebook, and I’ve tried a couple of times with gravatar and couldnt get it to work. I’ll still comment though! Its a good illusion today, quite obvious but still effective.
Too easy.
This is sort of creepy. The mouse looks evil.
Too easy!!!!
Wow, that’s actually amazing! It’s better to be anonymous admiring the works of other people :)
I saw the cat and mouse, not bad, cute. Son thought it was cool.
cat with rat nosr, i love it ha ha
I use gravatar, but I really don’t like facebook connect. I know, you could find my fb page with some quick google-ing, and I don’t mind that at all, but I don’t like how personal it feels to have it link straight to my fb. I’ve set my website to my DA, which feels a lot better, to me.
Anyway, onto the illusion, rather cute! I like the cat/mouse symbolism.
It’s a pretty ugly looking cat. I mean, where are the canines that make a cat look like a cat?
By the way, I won’t use Facebook Connect either. I keep my Facebook very private… private as I can, at least.
Illusion for me is better in small image. But I see this as a bear with a nouse caught on its nose.
The illusion works better when the picture is smaller. I say the little mouse right away, but when I opened the gallery, the thumbnail looks much more like a cat with a white face.
I’ve been linking to fb since I found this site. Good stuff, I like this one!
It looks more like a MOUSE THAN A CAT!! whan it was loading only hafe was still there i thout it was loaded i got *This illusion Fails* :( pls make a good illusion!!!
this one made me giggle…i think it’s really cute…it looked like a normal cat at first but wtih only a few seconds of inspection the illusion was obvious
when i first saw scared the living shit outta me..but then i realized..THIS IS ONE UGLY ASS CAT
cute .. a cat and a mouse in one .. !!
haha that is a menacing looking mouse!
is the worlds UGLIEST cat/ a twisted version of catdog.
I used this for my science fair project on twins and their ways of thinking and almost every one said that they saw the cat. I wish I would’ve chosen a different one :(
the fnny thing is i cant see the cat
I spot the mouse on the cat.