Happy Monday morning everyone! We hope you all had a good weekend, and that you did something fun! To celebrate the fact that its Monday, we have decided to show you all an optical illusion that is a lot of fun. There is a famous statue in Rio De Janeiro of Jesus Christ, and it is one of the most recognizable statues in the world. What makes this statue so recognizable is the fact that the statue has the arms spread wide, like it is trying to give the world a hug. Check out today’s optical illusion, which is a plane that is flying near the statues, and when the plane goes up, the wing spread is just like the statue with the arms out. How cool is that? Is the pilot of the plane paying homage to the statue or just a little bit on the bold and daring side?
Ready for something else that is also a little bit on the fun side? Check out this forced perspective picture of a couple having fun in the snow. According to this picture, a woman is married to a giant man, and he is so big he just picks her up right off the ground! We hope you all have a good day!