An interesting look at the parallel world where anything is possible! What you see below is a successful variation of the “Folded Chessboard” classic painting done by Sandro Del Prete. Titled “The Terrace” this illusion became so popular around the net, that not many are aware of its original author – David Macdonald. The illusion by David surpassed Sandro’s chessboard in terms of internet popularity.
One weird thing…
haha!! i got it! no wait..
When I see these impossible stuff only on thing comes to my mind
Photoshop :)
On the right side there is a ladder
You can see on the top the man is facing towards the picture
And the man in the bottem is trying to climb facing you
Anyone saw that starfish in that birdbath?
It would be interesting to see how the artist would have connected the top fence with the bottom fence but alas they are cut off at the side of the art.
heh heh dis is like so kool!!!!
itz almost like it curvz upward!!!!!
oh and um and jawa, itz like, a WATERFOUNTAIN not a birdbath!!!!!!!!!
Could this be photoshop? Its years and years old I 13 and i saw it when i was 4-6. Is photoshop that old. Looks like a painting to me
wow, this is making me mad!!!
Seen this before somewhere else, I never get sick of looking at it.
i always liked this one…i wonder..are those real people…or are they painted so good that they look real?…=^.^=
It’s on a diomand hilltop.
it’s a painting and a real awsome one, i’ve seen tons of this kind of art it’s really cool
hey ive got it.
i think
its becauz the picture has been pushed in a little bit so thats how they did the picture
but it could of been done by graphics
archie, no duh it’s photoshopped. i think thats the point. but to all those other ppl who kno good illusios when they see them… Yay! fun i luv it!!
even if this wasn’t painted, it could be real. just set out to make it look twisted
imposible world..but cool world!
uh to purple mo mo about jawa it is a bird bath derr r u blind
It´s not Photoshop, it is a PAINTING! Remember that? Brushes, ink, paper? C’mon, we had no $1000-worth programs back in kindergarten!
Thats nothing. You need to see Convex and Concave by M.C. Escher.
THAT IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. You have got to see convex and concave by M.C. Escher. Go to
It is possible if you suppose that the ground is convex !!!
arrrrrrrrrrrrr my eye
yo rabbit you sound like Shakespeare
So what? My patio at home is exactly like that. When I have friends over, they have to be careful where they walk or they fall away into nothingness.
i’ve seen this one so many times…
That is AWESOME!
yeah i dont know how they did it…
I have to say that this is my favourite illusion of all time. It’s just brilliant.
Well, it’s my favourite illusion until I find a better one on Mighty Optical! I love your site, keep up the good work!
this reminds me of monty python and the search for the the holy grail.
when they first come up to the castle and all that.
imagine what it would look like if there was a building there!
Love this one!
Very classic idea, but nicely rendered.
I always liked that one ^_^
one side is curled up and the man climbed at the opposideof the ladder and so on
This is really cool. I would love to watch a video showing an artist creating this illusion.
Thanks for all your kind comments on my illusion. A couple of people asked how this done and one to see a video of how it is done. You can find a video of me at work on a different illusion (in French I am afraid) on my website Enjoy.
a guy is walkin on a ladder onto the cieling while another guy is above the ceiling doing something but the guy with the ladder is….0.o
This is why escher shouldn’t be alowed to be a archetect
woooooooowwwwwwww …. !!!
Know how they did it..
who knows gaiaonline?? cuz it reminds me of something
Trippyyyy! Love it!
this makes me think of the movie Inception
Bande de bouffons