Boy, we had some serious trouble with our server yesterday, but more on that after the illusion (like we agreed here). Today’s video gives just a glimpse of Patrick Hughes doozy artwork. You have to see this video to believe it! As the camera pans different angles of the piece, walls seem to fly out, while secret hallways appear. Before the trick behind this painting is reveled, your eyes will perceive the depth, yet your brain will refuse to believe it.
This artwork is called Paradoxymoron, and is currently being shown in the basement of the British Library in London. After you’re done with it, I recommend seeing Dick Termes’ Termespheres. Both have a pretty similar effect. Even though I posted only a fraction of Patrick Hughes opus, you can find dozen more videos on da internetz.
Concerning the previously mentioned problem, it has something to with our server load. This is why some of you may have noticed our website behaving strangely over the mentioned period. I have experimented with caching to prevent it, but nothing worked. In the end I located the queries responsible – it was the “Top 10 Optical Illusions” box in our sidebar. Each time someone loads this site, gazillion calculations in our database are being made to give you current top optical illusions list. I have disabled live update of the list, but will be back shortly!
Holy mogoly!!! nice
Use youtube or something else, this player is actually terrible, “Playback of this video failed. Please try again a little later on.” ;o…
That said, the video is very good i like this ‘painting’! :)
Excellent! Impossible to see the reality when looking at it dead-on. And the player works fine for me, haven’t had any problems with it.
cant u tell
thats a pop up!
Wow! That’s amazing :D Hopefully there is a better video of this and less shaky. It’s hard to figure out what’s happening with this video. Still though, this is great!
A masterpiece of illusion art! I can’t imagine what it would be like to see this piece in person. WOW!!!
didnt expect that
Now that one is totally out of this world. Kind of reminds me of a library I was in once. It’s also probably why I’m a writer. Life is too weird to leave some things unsaid.
Nice! It’d be gold if someone who’d only seen it from the front walked right up to get a closer look and walked straight into it.
Wow that was amazing! Thanks for sharing.
WOOOW that was so cool.
I like this a lot. Very cool.
Very cool!
When playing the movie a second time, i could visualize it while in the “illusion” state
So very clever!
Wow! That’s pretty awesome
First time I saw it in the British Library it freaked me out (in a good way). I was so no expecting it. I loved it!
Wow, this is a nice one. I really like it.
Really nice illusion.
The video could be better Mr. Steady-Hand
tats is absolutely Brilliant
Really good illusion!
This is great, I had the chance to see a couple of Patrick Hughes painting in the Gallary of Modern Art in Glasgow about 10 years ago. It was very funny to see people walking from left to right and back just in front of the pictures.
Definitely ouststanding and reminds me that I have some overdue books! :~D
is this the coolest illusion ever?
Isn’t this just a variant of the inverted face illusion? It’s cool, though!
OMG tht is sooooooo cool! aaaarg
Dag nabbitt. I canna get this typin’ thin’ down. So sorry for my earlier mistkes. I heard ’bout paradoxymoron paintin’& drawin’ from me Dad back in the early ’90s. I ‘ave tried me hand at it & L’ii br yhe firs
please del ete all my comments. i canna type w`orth the damn today. thank you.
Wow, that is really cool!
Stellar! One of my favorite of yours so far :D It’s great to see a movie of a physical, 3D illsion
I saw that on an exhibition in denmark copenhagen it’s reaaly cool.
ive left this in my google widget for longer than usual bc i thought it was nothing special…
i was fooled…this is a great illusion!
I have seen the artisst in person, and your mind is totaly confused He is the best, and it is wonderful
wow that was amazing hats off to the one who created them !
Guess I better switch to Youtube cuz nothing’s happening except every minute or two the upper left corner of the painting jerks upwards a bit.
Holy Crap! Awesome.
OMG this player sux..i couldn’t even see it i had to replay over and over
thats asome really
I am gonna feel so stupid when I ask this but i it 3D or not??