Happy Monday morning everyone, and the Christmas countdown is now down to just three whole days until the big day! How many times have you all looked up at the sky and saw the moon even in the middle of the day? Imagine what your reaction would be if you happened to see a parachute that looked like he or she was landing right on it? Take a look at today’s optical illusion, and you all are going to see something amazing! Does it not look like this man is about to land directly on the moon? This is truly an amazing perfectly timed picture, but maybe one day human beings will be able to parachute to the moon.
Want to see another amazing optical illusion involving body painting? How many of you all love motorcycles? Check out this amazing picture of human beings that are painted to look like a motorcycle! Would you all want to take a ride on this special bike? It is hard to tell just how many people were used in the creation of this bike, but however many it is, the artist did an amazing job because those people do look like a bike! Have a Happy Monday!