While many countries, such as Brazil and India, have required graphic warning labels for years, the U.S. has only recently enacted laws requiring tobacco companies to include incredibly graphic images paired with large-sized text warnings on the front of all cigarette packs. While many people are debating how effective the ads will really be, given that practically everyone already knows the danger so-called “cancer sticks” present, the tobacco companies are still suing the FDA, claiming the mandatory labels violate their right to free speech.
Of course, when artists like Jamie Jasso make art like this, cigarettes will always seem beautiful and romantic. While I don’t know if Jamie smokes or not, I do know that he grew up in Guadalajara, Mexico before moving to Los Angeles, California and that both areas have a lot of smokers and, up until recently, fairly small warnings on their cigarettes. Would Jamie still have created this artwork if he lived in Brazil or India? It’s hard to say, but it’s an interesting concept to consider.
What do you think of tobacco warning labels? Are they an effective scare tactic or just a redundant way to spread information people already know?
i wonder if this is photoshopped…
It disappoints me how he used the same cigarette twice.
Besides that, it is nice art. Not good, not bad but nice.
About the the scare tactic ads:
In Holland it was in the news recently that the amount of smokers was pushed back to 24,3 percent: the lowest amount of smokers in Holland ever. Last year it was 26,3 percent of the population.
But that was all without the scaring ads of black shivered lungs.
Touching little piece of propaganda, eh?
I don’t think the images of what smoking does to your own body influences people as much as the TV ad we have in Australia that shows a little boy scared and crying because he lost his mum in the crowded train station. The voice over then says, ‘if this is how your child feels after losing you for a minute, just imagine if they lost you for life’. It always makes me feel so sad for the little boy and glad that I quit smoking when I had kids.
The warnings work big time. At least when they consist not out of warnings only. Nasty pictures on it work way better. Tobacco Companies know this. Why else would they protest how they do now in the first place? They see billions disappear now because of those labels. Basically what it says now: “Sure, buy this… ut you’re in idiot if you do”! Everybody buying it knows that of course. But they like to forget…. which becomes a lot more difficult now.
Nice photoshop work though :P
Well, the warnings probably follow eht general feeling. So in countries where smoking is less present, the warnings will be greater, so it’s not the warnings that cause the low numbers.
while I am not a smoker I dont really want to see the very graphic pictures on packs of cigarettes when I go to the gas station or my local drug store. I do remember hearing on the news that countries such as Canada(which has the graphic pictures) do have less smokers, so I have to assume it works. I dont think the pictures are going to stop smokers from smoking but our children will grow up seeing these pictures and think twice about picking it up.
Graphic warning images and large text may have an impact, but it has been my experience living in Canada, where these things have been law for quite some time, that those who wish to smoke will continue to smoke. Many people don’t believe in the elevated health risk, regardless of propaganda.
The warning labels are useless. As an ex-smoker I know you won’t quit until you want to.
Both are the same cigarette.
Well here’s one maybe with a much stronger message about smoking.
I already know the ill effects of smoking!Big brother doesnt have to show gruesome graphics for me to quit
I live in Canada. We have had graphic depictions on cigarette packages for quite some time now. I smoked for many years looking at limp cigarettes to show impotency, real blackened lungs extracted from dead people, wickedly nasty looking teeth and gum cancer. These images on cigarette packs don’t make people quit, or stop new smokers from starting. Addiction and peer pressure are far more influential on a persons decision to smoke. Our stores are not even allowed to display cigarettes. They are hidden in cabinets in an effort to make people forget there are even cigarettes for sale, but that doesn’t help much.
They are truly redundant and are only there to make people think the government is actually doing something for us besides lining their own pockets.
I miss the old optical illusions…. real optical illusions :-(
Where’s the ‘illusion’?
Nice art but I see no optical illusion
That`s cool.
you’re a slave to cigarettes… escape now, or FOREVER be ashamed of the choice!
Ranch: everyone’s a slave to something.
Interesting Artwork, not sure I actually like it but hey its still interesting.
As for the ads well they do work, I mean I dont know about you but if it wasnt going to work the tobacco companies woudnt be complaining about it. In Australia it’ll be plain packaging now too for smokes with only the brand name, and all the warnings on the packaging. The TV adds though are the best, very graphic make you fee sick watching them but they shock you into the reality.
i think it was computerised personally