Almost at the same time, Jeff and Cory both stumbled across this funny optical illusion, and decided to share with us. At first, it seems as if the brunette in the back is wearing no clothes at all! But on a second look, you realize that only her left arm is visible, while front girl’s arm gives us an illusion of nakedness. Check out more funny illusions of the same type, filled under the #sexy tag. Don’t worry, all of the material we post on this site is safe for all ages!
hahaha, amazing
realy funny illusion :)
She is not naked, the ladys arm covers her body to make that illusion. Im so stupid
I was worried at first, lol, nice
Haha!..Thats funny!
ehm… I don’t really see her naked^^
I didn’t see her naked either o.O
Uts the girl she is holding on to that is making her look naked
Hahaha, nice one
That took me way longer than it should have to realize she wasnt actually naked.
I mean, the guy behind her has the appropriate face for it haha.
I know right??
I know right?? Haha
who would have thought a flabby arm could be so sexy?
I’m glad no one is naked here. Naked people bore me.
i can see her arms ut her body still looks naked, awesome illusion!
hahaha!! That was too funny…
What a hoot, had me in stitches for ages. :)
wow, her arms are really fat
Well I’ll be damned, no nakedness! Could have fooled me………
Ha, that’s kinda funny! Kinda gross at first though.
This was a great one. You really have to look at it to realize that what you’re seeing is the chubby lady’s arms.
yaaaaaa no offence whoevers in this pic but girl in the front has some PRETTY FAT ARMS…
jajajaj I agree with ya!!
lol @ the flab of the woman’s arm in front being an entire body for the one behind :P
this might be the best optical illusion ive ever seen. Not because its dirty. but because it is so unlikely that womans arm would appear to look like a partially covered breast, groin, and full mid section with a girl that happens to be just in the right place. It looks as if she is purposely covering up her boob. I love it, this was so unlikely and yet so funny. I wonder how long it took for the original picture taker to notice what had happened, if at all.
Funny illusion, but if your arm looks like that you have a serious wieght problem.
That’s both funny and sad at the same time lol
Fair does, that is brilliant!!
You know when your arms look like someones legs you’ve got a bit of a problem…
The movie space mutiny has a scene where one person looks nude simply because her hair covers her skimpy clothing. (I don’t recommend watching space mutiny though, it sucks)
hahhaa!! amazingly funny!! LOL XD
dis illusion is so armful LOL. Brillant ///(*_*\\\
And there`s a devil behind here (right)
very good illusion!
-OMG, a horrible naked girl!
-No, that’s just a fat’s girl arm.
-OMG, a horrible fat’s girl arm!
Looks Like that guy is gonna do her good!
not funny at all….
not sure how many pairs youve seen but ive never seen a chick with a boob in the middle of her chest
lmfao =]
took me a bit to even notice the lady with the curly hair!
Cool! Would hve fooled me.
Her mom said: I told you not to go out to those clubs but you go and in this pic your naked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
lol that is immediately what i saw, shows you how dirty minded i am. :)
good illusions picture
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very good optical illusion
hahahahaha lol nice one
her fat ass arm is covering the girls body behind her. damn shes got some issues. damn fat ppl.
wow it work it took me like a hour to find her arm!!!
OMG it’s the girl’s arm at first it really looked like she was naked but then I relized it was the other girl’s arm but I would’ve been really happy if she was naked but too bad she isn’t.:(