Here’s a collection of nature’s illusions I’ve had for a while on my hard disk, but never published them for some reason. Today I decided to take deep breath, and browse through my illusions folder to find some of them that were amazingly created by mother nature. It’s similar to funny billboards collection I posted recently. Here are the results! First one can be seen from mainpage, other’s are inside this article. Which one did you find the best and why? I have few more, but they are rather insulting so I didn’t post them online :) Posting this, made me remember our first illusion of this type, Tree With an Attitude. Boy it gave me a smile! Made my day nicer :) You can maybe find more inside outdoors category, drop a comment if I missed some.
haha that’s funny
First and second are great, thanks for sharing theese. I would deffently DO both of theese ladies – they are beautiful ;)
Peaches are so sexy man! The third one is obviously manmade though. If u want a fruit tat is really sexy, find a nice cherry like the one at
i agree with anonymous, this is disgusting.
this is for perverts
nicely done
1 and 3 are pretty obviously photoshopped.
First comment ^_^
I like these illusions.. Anyway, the first, second and especially the third can’t be “natural”!!!
What do u think?
:) Those make me smile. I think the one that looks like a dancer is so elegant. I almost feel like the one at the top is altered slightly to give her more of a face/hair, a more “natural” shape to her bosom, wider hips, and a cleft in her private area. I don’t care for the mosaic one becase that’s mostly not nature’s doing, but the 9-year old in me has to chuckle at the rear-end and crown jewels!
I think the first one’s made by an advertising agency actually…
Am I seeing what I am NOT supposed to see???
LOL Suggested nudity. I love it.
the first one has deffantly been played around with in photoshop for sure.
the rest are all amazing though
Why is it that all you focused on were sexual pictures
Did I miss something? How is #3 sexual?
the first and second have bee photoshopped, the third man made. they are all great
the tits on the first one have blatently been photoshopped on
the first one looks like it might be someone dressed to look like a tree
The only thing photoshopped about picture 2 is that the background has been removes for clarity!
your first pic of the woman blended in in the tree, not even if i saw it would i belie it was done my nature, the breasts especially are to well done this is photoshop work the others im ready to eblive but not your first pic and if ever it were 100% natural peopel should worship such a creation.
Spending time in nature very often myself, let me say none of these have to be photoshopped. The third looks like some kind of statue being overgrown; not perfectly natural, but nature’s doing.
I liked 3rd:)even it ‘looks’ manmade its cool;)
obviously all are either photoshopped or someone grew them to look like that: the grass as hair…
very neat art- but thats all it is. It shouldnt be on an “illusion” webbie. Its obviously not an illusion- just cool art.
I’m not sure about all of them the first two look like pictures from
i like them. the first was photoshopped, look at the boob, and the last was funny. i like it!
pervs they are trees and plants, if you want you could bone a tree i guese, splinters ouch though
Haha #1’s got some pretty mad herpes.
The first one is not photoshopped. It’s a body paint picture. That’s actually a woman painted to blend in with the tree.
i liked it, it was just true
at least the first one is a fake. check the margin of the boobs.
yeh, i’m a graphic designer, and you are obviously a very talented “photoshopist”. they are cool looking, but i’m definetly not buying “nature” solely. it takes some time, but it’s not hard to add texture to pictures. :D
The first 2 are shopped to
After reading through everyone’s comments, I can’t help to sit here, jaw wide open, wondering if you are all looking at the same images I am. I mean GEEZ, some of the comments here I can’t even take seriously. And btw, if you can’t speak/write English…don’t try, it just makes for a laughable post.
these illusions are great but whats the last one supposed to be ???
HAHAHAHA the butt, boos, and penis were funny, this stuff should be on Adult Swim!!!><
that is digusting especilly you boy lat are glaring at thier chest
The 5th pic is WONDERFUL! I LOVE this kind of sexy ass!
this is funny and cool
nice…but all except last three are photoshopped
ew gross im a girl for god’s sake u boys are disgusting all u care about are naked ladies ur so gross
eew thats disgustin whoeva made this is sick o an by th way 3 is man made
luk guys can’t just appreciate the fact that sum1 tuk they’re tyme 2posts these so kalm down n anonymous who said #3 isn’t sexual i totally agree actuall 2 n 3 aren’t they’re elegant peices of art of a woman.i perssonally think that thy’re beyond kul n sexy also funny n wy don’t you just not look instead of comlpain my God!!!!
the first one is the best its crazy theres a tree actually like that wow
There’s a tree that we call the butt tree at my old daycare. It looks like the 4th picture!
they where very good! but the third was just stupid,who belives at that!
kewl i guess
How can u idiots think thats cool? Its pretty disturbing if you ask me…. btw there is a tree in my yard and it is scarred and it looks like a face frowning lol
pretty sure the first is a body paint image as well…. due to the detail of the Eyelids on the lady.
I have some pics of cherries that might interest all of you. These are some beautiful pics. Nature is a great artist.
I agree with Steve, body paint image. You can see the left thumb where the branch forks downward & the left nipple.
Photo #3 looks “designed”.
number 3 is definitely designed.
These pictures are SO inspirational. Even though the first two are obviously photoshopped, they are very creative. They remind me of a woodcut by Gustav Dore called “Forest of Suicides”, done way back in the 15th century for Dante’s Inferno.
did you have to show the last one?
i dont get the last one ???
Lol you suck.
Bless your young mind.
u c her camel toe[if thats what its called] , bust and nipples, eye lids, and obviously her arms,legs, and flat stomach(1st picture). 2 me the 4th and 3rd pic are man made[obviously]. the 5th one looks like the butt lookin p-nut from “baby got back”.
English please.
the 2nd one dont look ps AT ALL!
There interesying but some r gross
the first one just seems dirty the kind of tree I would only spend the night with but the scond one is sexy, and graceful, i coudl see long term relationship with that tree. maybe even have a couple shrubs and plant roots.
Aren’t these photo shopped?
Great archive. Natures beauty. Its time to get the good fruits and medicines in. If you know what i mean?