Anonymous user submited this illusion yesterday. This painting is work from Alex Grey, an artist who does simmilar trippy pictures, usually oil on wood. How many faces can you find? There are seven if I see correctly. If you see more, be sure to comment!
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Tool! This image is on the new album from the band Tool The cd case came with stereooptic lenses. The lenses made all the pictures inside appear to have depth (3D), including this one. It has to be one of the coolest albums ever made.
I knew that looked familar thar is the cover for the new TOOL album but they just used the middle three faces. What an awesome picture! Can’t wait to go to his shop the next time I’m in NYC.
Yeah, this image is a lot more kickass in 3d. You should go out and buy the album (10,000 days by Tool), It’s got a whole booklet full of images like this, and stereoscopic lenses to view them with. I wonder who submitted this…
Does any one know where one would be able to find a print of this picture? Oh and by the way definately 7 faces. Though I’m not quite sure that babies count as faces.
Hi I can see 7 faces,the face in the middle, the two on either side of the face ,then 2 skulls facing the middle face and on the either side of the skull u can seee 2 face of foetus……but it bleeds my mind…….
I only see five. 3 human ones and two skulls. I noticed in the past comments there were baby faces in the skulls. I CAN’T FIND THEM!!! Oh well, it’s just an illusion.
I dont know if im meesed up in the mind (Which I probly am) but I c 8. There is like a mini body in the middle guys 4head. the body has its arms up and over the head with his knees bent and out and his feet together and he is just floating there. Just thought I let u know.
There is definately 8. Jade, I see the little guy on the forehead of the middle face. It looked like a gem on his forehead at first, but when you zoom in, its definately a figure. Not a face, but a figure. His body is in the shape of a figure 8. OMG! Get it?? Its another figure, and the 8th one found! LOL, and he’s a figure 8! LOL, trippy! :p
Anyway, I don’t think that number eight should count as a face. It does look like a man, but the picture is too small to tell if that’s not just a decorative bead or something.
I SEE 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t have time to explain where there are but there are 2 little guys on the 1 guy in the middle. and on guys is upside down they are attached together.
11. the central one the two coming of the central the skulls the pointed nose guys in the skulls the foetuses theres kinda another 2 where the ones coming off the middle meet the skulls, I’ts not very clear but i think they look like faces. :D
I see nine 1 middle face 2 faces on side of middle face 2 babies 2 evil/sacry faces 2 skulls (the skulls and scary faces share eyes, scaries look to the edges and skulls look to the middle
I spotted all 6 in like 2 secs the person in the middle then the 2 on the sides of the human and the skulls and in the skulls there are 1 baby in each of the skulls looking down and it is from a side view and they seem to be closing their eyes
those who see anything less than 7, IDIOT! those who see 8, I DONT SEE THE FOREHEAD ONE. those who see more than 9,WHERE ARE THEY???!!!?!?!?!??!!!??!!!??
i see 7 there are the 3 obvious ones and then look at the sides of the one in the middle and your see 2 more and then if you look at the sides of the skull looking ones there are 2 that kinda look like babies!!
Ok so there are 7 faces. But the skulls, the babies and the profiled men of the central man are reflective, so that reduces the total to 4. Furthermore, the profiled men might be the same one as the central man, further reducing the total to 3.
That was just the obvious. Someone pointed out 2 “scary” faces inside the skulls. Not counting reflection, that increases the total to 9. Someone else pointed mini skulls in the 2 main skulls’ teeth. I can see 4 of them in each main skull; they are the molars. That’s 8 more faces, increasing the total to 17! I also noticed a gem below the central face. Looking at it closely, I saw two eyes making it look like some sort of flat fish, a pointy manta ray like sole. Now there are 18 faces in that pic. 18 FACES!!! not counting reflection
There are 7 faces as mentioned in the info, three in the middle, two skull faces and to the right and left about the ears of the skulls are two baby fetuses and it shows their faces
is there 9 faces counting the ones thar are tunring-right (excuse my bad eng, im mexican), the 9’th faces is and old man with long facial hair from the top to the bottom
huh i only see five
Seven faces?, I only can see five faces in the pic :(
Thank you, but the illusion makes my head hurt. Owwwh.
I will have to decline your magazine subscription offer.
But, I will take an aspirin and call you twice in the morning.
I look forward to reliving this experience again (sometimes).
There are two craniums, two foetuses (in the craniums) and three heads in the middle.
where? i only see 5!
the face in the middle, the two on either side of the face as a profile of it, and the two like skeletin ones on the sides.
where i see only 5
The fetuses either side of the skulls are weirding me out!
i can see 7
yeap! I also see seven faces. Three man faces, two skulls and two babies…
Nice photo!
tool presented this artwork in their new album with stereooptic lenses. the lenses then gave the pictures depth, kinda like 3d
This image is on the new album from the band Tool The cd case came with stereooptic lenses. The lenses made all the pictures inside appear to have depth (3D), including this one. It has to be one of the coolest albums ever made.
I can only see 5 faces.. Where’s the other 2?
I see:
7 faces
2 embryos
I count 5, 2 skulls on either side, 3 faces in the middle. Where’s the other 2?
I knew that looked familar thar is the cover for the new TOOL album but they just used the middle three faces. What an awesome picture! Can’t wait to go to his shop the next time I’m in NYC.
Isn’t that picture from the new Tool album?
I’ll have to check when I get home!
The Rog
trippy man!!! i likes it a lot~
my eyes are bleeding!
I only see 5 faces and 2 things that look like the back of 2 heads but not the faces.
i see 7
One face in the middle.
Two faces turned away from the center face.
Two skulls
Two creepy baby-looking things, one in each skull
Faces feces! I see NO faces. What is wrong?
Well, I’m blind if you must know.
When will you be offering amazing Braille puzzles?
I live in Rio Bravo, Brasil and we don’t get mail here very often.
But, I’ll keep an eye out for your illusions translated to finger bumps.
c’ya later
Yursh, i see seven. come on peepz!!
If you look inside the sculls, you can see 2 babies. They both have faces too.
Yeah, this image is a lot more kickass in 3d. You should go out and buy the album (10,000 days by Tool), It’s got a whole booklet full of images like this, and stereoscopic lenses to view them with. I wonder who submitted this…
i c 7 the skulss the 3 faces in the middle and the 2 babies in the skull
i see dead people! seriously, i see seven, i saw the 2 foetuses first!
cool pic!
Does any one know where one would be able to find a print of this picture? Oh and by the way definately 7 faces. Though I’m not quite sure that babies count as faces.
i see it i took a while but it is really cool
it is also on the album cover of tool
that awesome man
I see 5 faces
and 2 embryo’s
There are embryo’s at the sides….
there are 7, look on the sides, the baby ones
7? Ooooh, the 3 obvious ones. the two foteus, and there are two coming of the side of the head in the middle.
Earth to Li’l Johnny:
Aha, ha! I get your sarcasm toward us sighted people.
Chill, bro; please don’t be bitter. I’m sorry if you really can’t see.
But, think for a moment, that your attitude toward people who can see might be seen as a form of REVERSE DISCRIMINATION.
“C-can’t we all j-just g-g-get along?” and enjoy these cool pics in peace?
Stay cool, bro.
Your friend, Leon
Hi I can see 7 faces,the face in the middle, the two on either side of the face ,then 2 skulls facing the middle face and on the either side of the skull u can seee 2 face of foetus……but it bleeds my mind…….
I only see five. 3 human ones and two skulls. I noticed in the past comments there were baby faces in the skulls. I CAN’T FIND THEM!!! Oh well, it’s just an illusion.
i c 7 lol its mint wow
help! i can’t find the babies! PLEASE HELP AND REPLY! luv th illusions.
The two skulls on the side if you look at where the ears are you can see the two embrios (babies with hands & feet).
And on the TOOL CD if you look throught the two glasses that are built into the CD case these illusions are actually in 3D
I can see:
1 middle face
2 faces on sides of middle face
2 skulls
2 back of heads on ears of skulls
2 noses on bottom of skulls
Anyone else see the noses?
I dont know if im meesed up in the mind (Which I probly am) but I c 8. There is like a mini body in the middle guys 4head. the body has its arms up and over the head with his knees bent and out and his feet together and he is just floating there. Just thought I let u know.
are the skull’s teeth not also skulls? take a closer look…
There is definately 8. Jade, I see the little guy on the forehead of the middle face. It looked like a gem on his forehead at first, but when you zoom in, its definately a figure. Not a face, but a figure. His body is in the shape of a figure 8. OMG! Get it?? Its another figure, and the 8th one found! LOL, and he’s a figure 8! LOL, trippy! :p
Who names themself Melf?
Anyway, I don’t think that number eight should count as a face. It does look like a man, but the picture is too small to tell if that’s not just a decorative bead or something.
And Seven’s one of my favorite numbers
i felt like this on DMT once
You slow people who only see 5 try looking at the skulls on both sides, now look at the edge of gthe skulls see those circle things faces 6 and7
i can see 7 cos there are 2 little bean eds
See toni gets it
ya theres babys in the pirate/skulls bandanas
the skulls look like pirates because of it :P
I SEE 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t have time to explain where there are but there are 2 little guys on the 1 guy in the middle.
and on guys is upside down they are attached together.
wow, its spelled fetus, not foetes or whatever you said
but yes, i saw seven.
Easy!! I found 7 straight away!!!
there are seven faces if you count the to infants inside the skulls
the central one
the two coming of the central
the skulls
the pointed nose guys in the skulls
the foetuses
theres kinda another 2 where the ones coming off the middle meet the skulls, I’ts not very clear but i think they look like faces. :D
There are seven! Inside the skulls all the way to the outside there is a fetus with a face in either one. It may be easier to find the fetus’s foot.
There are seven faces. The skulls all the way to the outside have a fetus with a face in each. It may be easier to locate the fetus’s foot.
i found all 7.
jus so u no…
I see 8
theres one in the middle, two to the side of the one in the middle, 2 skulls at the edges, and in those skulls r two babies
I’m totally crazy…I see 11.
Hey, There Are 5 Faces, But On Each Side (Symetrical) There Is A Foetus (Unborn Baby) =]=]
Nice see all 7
Woo! All Seven
woop woop woop woop woop woop
amazing, the fetuses in the corner are well hidden, i only got seven faces however, so is that it? awesome image
I see nine
1 middle face
2 faces on side of middle face
2 babies
2 evil/sacry faces
2 skulls
(the skulls and scary faces share eyes, scaries look to the edges and skulls look to the middle
there’s something below the little faces that are at the skulls. OCTOPUSES (tenticals anyway)
i see 7
I spotted all 6 in like 2 secs the person in the middle then the 2 on the sides of the human and the skulls and in the skulls there are 1 baby in each of the skulls looking down and it is from a side view and they seem to be closing their eyes
7 faces?u kiddin’ me? i can’t even spot 7 let alone more than 7 .i c only 5 and i think there should be 5.
this is from TOOL 10,000 days if im correct and if im wrong theres somthing really close to this in their cd
I see seven. Two skulls two babies and three faces in the middle
i c 7
I See 7
i see eight
i see 7 (one in the middle, one on the left, one on the right, both skulls and there are 2 babies in the skulls, one for each)
i see nine, the babies, the three in the middle, the two skelintons, and the two distorted face next to the skulls
those who see anything less than 7, IDIOT!
those who see 8, I DONT SEE THE FOREHEAD ONE.
those who see more than 9,WHERE ARE THEY???!!!?!?!?!??!!!??!!!??
i see 7 there are the 3 obvious ones and then look at the sides of the one in the middle and your see 2 more and then if you look at the sides of the skull looking ones there are 2 that kinda look like babies!!
you do know that is is part of the album art for Tool’s 10,000 Days yes?
OMG!! i found the babies but I am not telling where they are! but there are 7 faces
look on the side of the skulls on each side of the painting……
The babies are inside the skull’s.
Really nice picture~!
Duh! Talk about obvious. 5 are blatant- see foetuses but really, they are just swirls. Made me feel dizzy- weird.
i se 5 faces and 2 babies with a side view of their heads so 7
This is from Tool’s 10,000 Days CD, i see seven!!
there ae two fetuses in the craniums of the skulls, its hard to see but u can see their faces
this is what DMT sort of looks like. He must have done some when he came up with it.
Theres two little babys in the skulls heads. those are the other two faces.
i can see 7 faces. look closely on the isde and inthe skullz u will be able to see a little baby.
Am I the only one who sees 13?
The first 7 are easy, 8…9…10…11…12, quite hard. But the “unlucky 13th one, I am not even sure!
Ok so there are 7 faces. But the skulls, the babies and the profiled men of the central man are reflective, so that reduces the total to 4. Furthermore, the profiled men might be the same one as the central man, further reducing the total to 3.
That was just the obvious. Someone pointed out 2 “scary” faces inside the skulls. Not counting reflection, that increases the total to 9. Someone else pointed mini skulls in the 2 main skulls’ teeth. I can see 4 of them in each main skull; they are the molars. That’s 8 more faces, increasing the total to 17! I also noticed a gem below the central face. Looking at it closely, I saw two eyes making it look like some sort of flat fish, a pointy manta ray like sole. Now there are 18 faces in that pic. 18 FACES!!! not counting reflection
I see 7.
i counted seven faces aswell. there are 2 baby fetus…see if u can find
I see 19.000 faces
acid, baby
yeah igot7 faces kool
thats tools picture in one of their albums
There are 7 faces as mentioned in the info, three in the middle, two skull faces and to the right and left about the ears of the skulls are two baby fetuses and it shows their faces
middle face, on either side
is the missing 2 since some can only see 5!
mmmm I can only see five!
i think the two they are missing are the babies in front of the skulls
D: i only see one and two skulls
I see 7 heads but only 5 faces
I see 5 heads and two feotus
I see 7
OHHHH I only see 5 ?
awsome! five faces, 7″heads” is that right?
i see 5 heads and 2 fetuses (fetuses??)
Fetuses have faces… 7 faces total.
You can see the shape of the eyes and nose on the fetuses if you look closely.
is there 9 faces counting the ones thar are tunring-right (excuse my bad eng, im mexican), the 9’th faces is and old man with long facial hair from the top to the bottom
5 faces with 2 fetus
7 FACES IN TOTAL!!! if you look at the sides of the skulls, you’ll find two baby forms. I guess they count as a face…
I’ll say that faces ARE different than heads, A duh
haha 7 i see 7 . 2 skuls , 2 baby forms , and 3 faces in the midel :)
This is from Tool’s album “10,000 Days” – it has stereoscopic lenses built into the cover.
there are 7 heads but 5 that have faces.
in the middle there are 3, then the skulls. and by the skulls are babys but you cant c their faces
I see 7. But the two are like baby fetus haha. On the skull heads
I see 2 R’s
its a tool album art skulls and fetusès are kindof their thing infact this picture is a 3d illusion if you buy the album lateralus
10,000 days nvm
3 faces, 2 skulls, 2 fetuses
also you can see the fetuses’ eyes, noses, and mouths
I see 7
Hold on guys, i see 8
I see 7 I <3 this website
I see 7 I <3 this website.Loads of illusions mabe 900
7 counting the babies
there is eight because look right above the huge face in the middle and theres a face
I see 10