If you’re a regular follower of the Mighty Optical Illusions blog here, you’re probably already familiar with the blivet, or Devil’s Fork illusion. Heck, even if you aren’t a regular follower, you’re probably still familiar with this impossible object! It’s one of the most widely recognized illusions out there. Along with the impossible triangle, the Devil’s Fork illusion of the illusions that most people immediately think of when they hear the term optical illusion.
We’ve seen the devil’s fork illusion so many times that we can recognize it in our sleep, whether it’s hidden in a picture of deer and trees, a coloring page, or one of the many other Devil’s Fork illusions. Another popular variation of the Devil’s Fork optical illusion is hiding the cylinders of this impossible illusion in people legs.
Today’s Devil’s Fork optical illusion is a simpler variation of the leg blivet illusions, but it’s still pretty striking and interesting!
As you can see, it’s not as detailed as, say, this cowboy legs illusion. But that doesn’t mean that it’s any less cool! It’s just cool in a different way, no?