Just Two Dragons… Nothing More

Two Dragons and Face Optical IllusionOk, a fine medieval-looking gal appeared in your widget and you decided to follow the link, thinking there is more to it then just her pretty young looking face. Well, to disappoint you, in a moment or so you’ll realize our pretty guest has seamlessly disappeared, and left us alone with nothing but lonely memory of her.

So I romanticized this article a little, but I’m sure you won’t mind. Either way, concentrate on this Fantasy scene a little deeper, and soon you’ll realize there is “nothing more” then two scary dragons threatening each other (or kissing, as far it concerns me). It really amazed me how well did the artist manage to implement the girl’s face, and then bring it to the the center of attention. We have had some similar attempts before, but most of the time they involved mistakes and were not-so-well integrated.

Those of you who are into tattoos, here’s a nice idea for you. Remember our old friend Greg Grease Lehman? Print this, and head straight to Greg’s tattoo shop! I believe he won’t have anything against illusions like this one! Hehe…

Have you noticed how some of the illusions have evolved? When I saw this picture, somehow it reminded me of a Young Lady or an Old Hag illusion. Wouldn’t it be awesome if this illusion contained another hidden effect, where you could see the lady’s face both as young and as old one? Comment!

51 Replies to “Just Two Dragons… Nothing More”

  1. I’d like to purchase a print of this “Just 2 Dragons… Nothing More”. Can I get the artist name or source for this print?

    1. My dragon is gone…………I am left to walk the land ..fly the dark skys…alone.

  2. well there is a lady’s face, but it also cleverly includes her hair (look at the lower portion of the red dragon while concentrating on the face), upper portion of the body, type of garment, and necklace :)… without removing any detail from the dragons :D… other than maybe the left foot of the black one :?, and it’s tail looks broken.

    None the less, it’s still an awesome and well done illusion :D, you do a fantastic job finding these ^.^.

  3. The symbol is Theomachia. It’s a word from Theomachy. A battle between the Greek Olympians. (the necklace is really cute!)

  4. You should make sure to put the artist’s name in your blog, so we can follow up on them if we like them =) If you don’t, it’s just plagiarism…

  5. Have you seen the painting of Ocampo? also has a lot of optical ilucion, I recommend. I like your articles, the only drawback for me, i is slow in traslating the english, only speak spanish. My congratulations.
    Sorry if wrote badly english.

  6. this isnt special for me anymore……
    first i see 2 dragons, and then a womens face, oooh, look a face……
    its always the same,
    BUT, nice illusion anyway

  7. I would like to find out the name of the artist as well. Also if it is possible to purchase a print anywhere.Thanks

  8. i don’t really get though because all i can see is two dragons on a womens face, what is supposed to meen or reprasent in my opinion i think it is rubbish.!!! :~@

  9. I don’t want to sound cynical or anything, but I heard you like feed back. I love your website and I know there are only so many optical illusions in the world. But I’ve seen a lot of double-meaning optical illusions and I always see both images immediately. I’m not sure how many people you’ve had say this but could you tone down the double meanings? I know this probably isn’t going to change much, but I figured I’d just put my thoughts into it.
    Thanks for the great site!

  10. awesome, so many ways to look at it, shows significant meaning….LUV IT!!!!! much more than an illusion WOW…..

  11. mennoillusion can i just say that ur feed back was not at all meeningful>>> negative energy is what changed that illionsion for u. Look at it with an opened mind, anyone can see the meaning of this illiosion was much more than two dragons and a womans face….

  12. I really like this picture. Who is the artist and where can I buy it? What other paintings did this artist do?

  13. @Crazy – I also always see both images at the same time, and have been told that it’s just the way my brain is wired. Apparently it’s not a common occurence. I don’t think it would matter if it was “toned down” as you request – we’d still see the whole image immediately. Hey ho – that’s life. I actually enjoy being able to see both immages at the same time – it means I can enjoy the whole picture as well as appreciate the illusion. And I LOVE this particular example of that art.

  14. With regard to people asking about a poster of this: I’m not sure where other people got their posters of this image from, but mine’s from a company “Alchemy Gothic”.

  15. to,ladyofshadows, i guess your one of those people who crave attention, the type of person who would rather make up an elabarate “interesting” story to explain a the reson for a scar or skin blemish, insted of admiting the boring truth.
    (A lie is a lie, just live with it)

  16. I don’t understand by what you guys mean by “tone it down” or being able to see both images at the same time. It’s not animated so why wouldn’t you be able to see it in both ways at the same time? I’m looking for a full version of this. It used to be on a decal site but when I finally decided to get it in a skin it was gone.

  17. I actually have this on my back. It takes up about two thirds of it. I actuallgety compliments all tehrTiem from lots of different types of people.

  18. I love greek history its soooooooooooooo awesome you should research about
    going to do some reasearch greek stuff never gets boring!!!!!!!!!!
    P.S i’m 11 and i love research!!! :)

    please comment!!!!!!!!

  19. So far, nobody seems to know who the artist is. This person at “http://scene360.com/uncategorized/4266/the-dragon-illusion/#.Uc2GwqDUpZo” has been asking for the artist since 2010


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