Family photos are the perfect way to preserve precious memories. Professionally shot posed family photos are nice, but it’s always the more fun and informal candid shots that I love the most. I have lots of really great and fun family photos in my home, ranging from pretty normal to downright strange! But it’s those strange ones that will continue to bring us the most joy in the years to come. Surprisingly, though, I haven’t ever taken a good illusion family photo!
Maybe that’s something I’ll work toward this year. I have a few ideas in mind, but I love this island photo and might try to shoot for something like this…
What do you think? Would you display an illusion family photo like this in your home? It’s such a perfectly posed photo and it really does look like the two little girls are lifting the island. I’d call this a pretty lucky shot too, since it must have taken a lot of shots to get those little ones to pose just right long enough to take a photo!