Long time since we had our last Google Earth optical illusion. I had this submitted by many people, but somehow forgot to publish it by now. In short – this aerial (or satellite) photo gives impression there is an ancient Indian listening to the iPod. Take it as you will, but the picture truly resembles something. Hey, wouldn’t this be amazing free advertisement for Apple? If I were in their marketing team, I’d really take advantage of it. Here are some quotes from people who submitted this. “Hey fella, have a look at this. May be worthy of inclusion in the list.. Cheers Mark Ward. Manchester England.”
Rachel Creed: “This is a pretty amazing shot of a relief map just outside Medicine Hat, Ab Canada. It looks like an Indian with an ear bud in. Here is the Google Map photo”
James Roseborough: “You probably have seen this one, but I first heard about it on CBC Radio show “As It Happens”. They were trying to figure out a name for this formation. It’s an image straight out of Google Maps, and looks like an Indian chief wearing an iPod!”
xDD it really looks as somebody wearing an ipod!! or a mp3 as well ;)
NICE! very cool! I hope your feeling better Vurdlak!
awesome!! i agree, apple should use this in an ad(and put reely addictive music 2 it- as usual =D)
First and last comment.
I liked your website for its regular content; I fancy optical illusions and you’re doing a good job displaying them.
I usually didn’t mind your (many) auto-referent urls, which never (ever) gave me any useful further information, mostly there -I guess- to improve your page rank on Google. Good for you.
But I’m tired of searching more information by myself when I’m interested in an artist or, in this case, where that damn indian face is actually located on the damn earth.
Tho a simple Google Maps link wouldn’t kill you damn page rank. For anyone interested:
And goodbye.
Maybe iPods have been around longer than we thought.
omg thats awesome, both a indian and an ipod, 2 in one! btw first post.
LAME “i dont see a ipod”
why do you thing this is a ipod
Does anyone has the coordinates?
Hmmm… Couldn’t it also be a Zune? ;)
Where is it?
thats funni LOL! 1st comment? if so YAY!
lol nice one
where is that?
I already knew that one, but it’s nice though
P.S. first port WOOOT!!:D
It’s strange how Google Earth seems to have so many hidden illusions.
I LUV IT !!!
Im first to leave a comment!!!
That’s sweeeet
i wonder to what song he is listening to :P
Ghostbusters maybe? lol
lol do you have coordinates?
That is really awesome. It sure does resemble an Indian listening to earphones!
What kind of music do rock formations listen to? :O
Maybe rock? :p lol
haha the first!! xP..I dont get it!?!
Its actually named ‘The Badland Guardian’…
and first???
Wow, I love google earth illusions :)
First comment?
this one is cool, clearly visible.
Also first
I want to know what sort of music ih he listen….
Wow… makes me wonder if the face on mars is really just an illusion or a martian made structure like some cliam :D
Nice illusion.
I first saw this one in igoogle. How is it anything like an indian? It might be a european…
So funny!! =)
The coordinates are 50° 0’38.20″N 110° 6’48.32″W
50° 0’38.20″N 110° 6’48.32″W
Okay. It really only looks like a person possibly an egyption wearing ear buds that happen to be white like Ipod ones. Your illusions are crap.
GEMP – pull your shovanistic prick outa your nostril and let the man do HIS site how HE wants…
50° 0.758’N -110° 6.946’W
About 40km east of Medicine Hat, AB
WLOL…nice one. Whats the coordinates lol? Nice blog by the way.
I’m Indian, but I don’t look like that. And i don’t have an ipod either. Who wants to buy me one?!
Well, it might have to do with the fact that i’m actually a human and not globs of dirt, but whatever.
To all:
They only call it an indian because he looks like he’s wearing the feathery headdress that some Native American tribal leaders wore. It’s not an insult.
I seen 3 faces!
It’s gr8
But the ipod part is not that gr8 its just a line (i think)
And i see way more than 1 face
It appears to be knows as “Badlands Guardian”.
Here is the link to location Google Maps:
The coordinates are: 50°00′38.20″N 110°06′48.32″W, according to Wikipedia Article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badlands_Guardian
This just shows u how popular iPODs r.
that earphone could not only resemble an iPOD, but an mp3 or any ordinary cellphone…
anyway, great “illusion” (bet u it’s just another google earth image thats tampered with)
oh so thats what the chief does all day…
The “Badlands Guardian” is located in the wastelands of Alberta, Canada, and it’s about 30 miles huge. The “earbud” is actually an oil well, and the “cord” is the dirt road leading to it. That will give you an idea of how huge this thing is. Until Google Earth came along, nobody even knew it was there. It can only be seen from high up in the air, and it’s far from any air traffic lanes.
J A C K A S S !!
This is in reference to your remark that that the Apple marketing team should use this.I had a similar thought regarding Camelback Mountain in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area being used by the cigarette company.33º30’53.0″N 111º57’41.8″W
I can’t see it? Where is it? Someone give me directions :l
the are called aboriganals you are incorrect because christopher columbus was the first person to incorrectly call them indians
There is another illusion here since the head it is not a mountain but in fact it is a valley.