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I see 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798 (rounded to 99 decimal places) shelves.
georgina is right, guys. (and girls) I am a girl anyway. My name is Gianna and i hate my friend Michelle and I love Ashton and all the bouys in my class. I kissed my cousin once. I want to marry a boy named chase, and i am 10 years old. I LOVE kissing!
all of you. have you noticed that if you stare at it for 1 second the shelves totally become four possible shelves but before 1 second your eyes make you think the shelves are impossible
Thats wierd, makes my eyes strain sort of.
whole i saw both three and 4 shelves wierd it sorta strand my eyes for a second or 2
i see 2
i see 3.5
did anyone notice that one the left there seems to be 4 shelves but on the right there seems to be 3?
-.- That’s the illusion!
I c 7
heh heh lol
lets give a round of applause to hai, finding out how the picture was drawn
Stupid purple momo there is only 2. I have a PhD in optical illusions.
its been done to death
this is far to weird
This is easy, it is one big shelf, the top on one becomes the bottom on the next.
i c 3
this completely confuses me, but it’s just the impossible flowmeter except they have put it horizontally
I see 2365874652873469283725683476 shelves
I see 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798 (rounded to 99 decimal places) shelves.
georgina is right, guys. (and girls) I am a girl anyway. My name is Gianna and i hate my friend Michelle and I love Ashton and all the bouys in my class. I kissed my cousin once. I want to marry a boy named chase, and i am 10 years old. I LOVE kissing!
this one isnt so bad coz i got this on a peice of card in a tricks and kicks optical illusions set so it isnt new to me
There are precisely ‘pi’ shelves shown!
doesnt anyone else realise that all of the illusions are basically repeated???
all of you. have you noticed that if you stare at it for 1 second the shelves totally become four possible shelves but before 1 second your eyes make you think the shelves are impossible
(anonymous)yeah i think ur right!
It made my mum feel drunk! Very impressive, although I’ve seen this illusion numerous times before.
i see 4 look to the left
Woah! That is SO weird! I can’t tell if there is 3 or 4, but I thin there is 3. On the right, on part isn’t there.
I see 2 the ones in the middle don’t have either a left or a right side (depends on which one you looking at) this makes my eyes hurt too
I see 3 when I’m concentrating and 4 when relax my eyes.
i see both cause if you look at the middle you see 3 and if you look at the sides you see four it depends on the side of the shelves!!!
if you look in the middle of the shelves you see 3 if you look at the far left end of the shelves you see 4
sorry messed up i didn’t know i submitted the first one so the first one is right the second one is wrong lol
wow these arer hard.but i see 3!
their hard but @ the same time their gr8
The illusion is that on the second board you can see the end on one side and its left out on the other side!
i see 4
i see 4 when i look at it from the left then i see 3 when i look at it from the right!!!!
1234… NO wait! 7 No 8
hi guys wat u up to theses days
There are four edges
Definitely four!
there are 3 cause the second one aint comleted
the top and bottom shelf are completely possible
There are only two complete shelves, one at the top and one at the bottom, the rest are incomplete non shelves.
make that a second person.
there is really only 3.
there are 2 full shelve,, the others do not connect
I see four ( 4 ) shelves.
There are only TWO shelves that I’d put anything on. >^;^<