Happy April Fool’s Day! Today is Wednesday, the first of April, and you know what that means! There are always all kinds of practical jokes being played today, but what we have for you today is no joke. There has been a development in the natural world, and a hybrid between a human and a spider has been found. Here is today’s optical illusion that is all about the human hybrid that is a combination of a human and a spider. This discovery is remarkable because this means a lot to the world because now a person and a spider can reproduce and create such a remarkable creature! Just kidding! Happy April Fool’s Day because that’s all this was, just a joke. The truth is, this is a body painting of a human made to look like a spider. You have to admit, the paint job is remarkable because it does look like some kind of freaky creature.
Ready for an awesome optical illusion? This poor man loves hunting in the woods so much he is becoming a human hybrid tree! Perhaps, if the man goes to see a doctor he can do something before he becomes a full tree, or maybe that’s exactly what he wants! We know its April Fool’s Day, but we hope you all have a good day and don’t get pranked too many times!