Few days ago I’ve been invited by Google to test their new Ad Serving technology, which resulted from their recent Doubleclick takeover. For those of you who don’t know, Google bought Doubleclick for 3 billion dollars last year. If you are asking yourselves why is this so important for little’o me, it’s because license for Doubleclick’s ad serving solution costs $20,000 yearly, and Google is now offering the same product for free. The end result for Mighty Optical Illusions, is that now we are able to serve advertising campaigns from our buyers more efficiently with targeting capability. For example, if you are visiting this website from UK, you should be able to see Zippo or Sega funny flick video at the bottom of our sidebar, but if you are coming from a country different than UK, you should only see regular Valueclick 300×250 banner. Can anyone from UK confirm this? Are there web proxies that let you choose country from which you want to appear visiting certain site? This helps me in my long-term plan to reduce the number of ads on this website, simply by making them targeted and shared through same ad-spot instead of two. Final step would be to remove all the ads of the site, and placing one golden spot for our sponsor in a way of custom theme, background ad or similar. Still it’s very difficult to find such golden soul. If you are interested in targeted advertising per country, drop me an email!
Let’s jump to optical illusions now. I have found another one in the series “Hidden [insert animal] for The Millionth Time”. Don’t laugh, I really mean this. This time in my belief there are few hidden wolves inside this image below. Not sure if I’m seeing wolves or tigers. You can help. Also, am not exactly sure, but I think the author is the same person who painted our previous “millionth” edition. The style is to similar to be only coincidence. Please pardon for posting this in such a hurry, but I’m in the middle of my exams, and have to learn 24h/7. The good part, is that I already passed and concluded 3 university courses in last 2 weeks. I have also started refurbishing spot the object section – you can check the current progress if you wish. Some minor design changes have also been made to this site. Can you spot them?
Yep… I can see the lighter ad. (In UK)
i see 2 wolves, 2 tigers
I see three wolves. There is the one howling and there is one in the rocks beside it, Then one on the side of the house. Then a tiger, then a lion.
I now see a wolf in th tree that i didn’t see before…
there are 4 wolves actually look between that wolf standing and the wolf in the tree, you should see a wolf in between them, on the little slope :)
I can see three hidden wolves, 2 hidden tigers and one obvious wolf.
I’m in Australia and the ad below the right-hand sidebar is for, um, Myspace and some kind of piercing questionnaire…?
People still see ads? :)
ok looks like two tigers =middle and left house.
then a wolf =right house.
another wolf bush on the left=
yet another wolf= mountain on left
and a final visable wolf
From Canada it see the “Swinky” ad…
Behind a proxy server in UK I can see the lighter ad.
Good Proxy list from Yahoo Answers: http://samair.ru/proxy/
According to http://www.ip-adress.com/ my location was near Paisley in UK
On the subject of ads, I really don’t care or notice them as long as they don’t pop up. So do what makes you the most amount of money.
Redundant (but interesting) illusion time:
2 tigers (1st and Middle Building Section)
4 wolves (Obvious, mountain, Tree Right section of building)
Now for the more fun conceptual ideas:
An owl behind the left chimney (it’s eyes being on the left and right side of the smoke)
A rabbit on the ground (The path looking shape below the right tiger)
Idk what it is but on the tree on the right,the 2nd branch on the right looks alot like a human chin mouth and nose, though hard to confirm.
Oh and for fun there is the one armed fetus on the middle tiger’s left cheek.
This is very well done by whoever made it. I believe their are 6 wolves: The 3 houses, the obvious one, the bush or tree covered in snow, and the wolf made by sticks or branches right by the bush/tree. Again this is very well done.
Ok, I see the two hidden tigers and three hidden wolves that others are seeing, but I also see a profile of a mountain lion (aka puma) face between the two tiger faces. It is looking left.
I see 1 obvious wolf, 4 hidden wolves, and the 2 tigers.
There are wolves, tigers, and a lion. (The house on the far left. The trees behind it make a mane)
I’m from Holland and the ads at the bottom are both dutch (Phillips “zoek de verschillen” and some commercial involving dutch football-players)
I see one tiger.
Three hidden wolves.
One obvious wolf.
And no ads!!
Is there something wrong with me and my computer?
From Spain I see a IMVU (The World’s greatest 3D Chat) Ad below tne right side bar.
OK good – so now can we lose those horrible “Smilet Central” ads? They make me sick.
PS FWIW those Zippo tricks are fairly lame.
Well im from the UK and the only ads I see are; crucial memory ads, o2 ad and visit florida ad, lol.
So none of the ads you mentioned
ahh oops ignore last comment I found the sega ad lol
aint that the sun tho? lol – kidding… cool illusion =]
I can definitely see 6 wolves. 3 on the house, two to the left, and the original.
well, i see
4 wolves (including the visable one)
2 tigers
but that was only when i first looked at it!
if you can see it (its really small and hard to find) there is another animal!!! when i saw it i was so proud of my self!!!
i really hope everyone else can see it! too bad, i dont think i was th first one to see it!
oh and REALLY cool site! i go on it every day!
I believe I see the following:
From left to right
* the small standing wolf (visable)
* two wolves
* a lion head (looks more like a lion than a tiger)
* a tiger head (in the middle)
* and a wolf head (far right)
5 wolves 2 tigers
we seen 5 wolve’s and 2 tiger’s/// i think we saw more but not sure////…..
I usually stink at these kind of illusions, but i saw 6 animals! w00t!
saw that right away
4 woleves. 1 tiger. 1 lion.
the houses and the wolf facing you are not joined at illusion only the 2 wolves that are facing at moon oh yeah hello my fans
3 wolves 2 tigers
i mean 4 wolves and 2 tigers
That is so cool! I see 3 wolves and 2 tigers
i see five wolves two tigers…at least i think that little orange smear is a wolf, in the center of picture.
saw thee house right away, but didnt c the others until a few seconds later. For those who dont c anything here:
The wolf house on far right house, tiger face for middle house, it looks more like a lion face on left house, the small, yet visable wolf in far left bottom corner, the pine tree is a howling waol, and below the tree to the left is a wolf face in the snow, for a total of 6 animals hope i helped :D ;)
saw thee house right away, but didnt c the others until a few seconds later. For those who dont c anything here:
The wolf house on far right house, tiger face for middle house, it looks more like a lion face on left house, the small, yet visable wolf in far left bottom corner, the pine tree is a howling wolf, and to the left of the tree is a wolf face in the snow, for a total of 6 animals hope i helped :D ;)
5 wolfs
1 tiger
1 lion
1 owl
1 rabbit or reindeer
1 aligator
1 face
Hey i love your website butt some people put somethings that some of these dont make sense please put more i just love them oh and some are inapropiet thanks for listining what i have posted on your website love your #1favorite fan Msriah Hahaha (i love your web……)etc……………
thats way kool!
Four wolves (including visible), and two tigers. The wolf many people may not see is beside the one howling. It looks much like an outline of a wolf snarling. There are only four. Not a fifth one beside the tigers mouth, to me that merely looks like a window with a light on.
I see 2 tigers, 1 lion and 4 wolves.