So yo’ve managed to spot the hidden coffee-bean man, and you think you’re special? Let’s see if you can repeat the task with the “hidden face of the woods”. If you manage to complete this much harder task, then you truly deserve recognition ;D Happy hunting! P.S. When you find it, don’t tell – instead rate the illusion accordingly, and don’t forget to share with your friends!
This was nice! Sounds like stereograms….
Hmm. I found 4 faces. One looks more like a tribal mask, the second one is looking out at me. The third one seems to be screaming and the fourth one is sort of incomplete but appears to be grimacing. Of course the artist intended the second one…but I wonder if the artist realized there were three more faces that manifested in the painting?
I’d rate this a 9.9 as I had to come back several times before it jumped out at me. Would have given a 10 if I had to have help. Good one.
Took me a few times coming back to and I finally found it after finding the coffee bean face one.
I was expecting to have to stare at it for a minute before finding it, but I found it within the first 30 seconds. Kinda spooked me a little when i first spotted it. LoL.
found it. it scared the heJJ out of me when found it. LOL
woww!! really nice illusion.. the face is exactly at the right side of the picture, 2 inches up from the bottom.. hidden behind those green follen leafs.
oaky found it, was really just like the coffee beans.
Love these hidden face pictures. I found the face surprisingly fast in contrast with the bakedbean man. Well hidden but after you’ve found the face it keeps jumping out of the picture. Keep up the good job!
That was easier than the beans, I won’t tell exactly but look towards the right of the photo.
i can never find these things, but i took ur advice and i found it!!!!!!! thanx
its kinda creepy!!!!!!! :/
why i cannot find?
I think I found it. Took about a minute.
Clever. reminds me of Peeta in The Hunger Games :)
That is utterly terrifying when you find him. Only took me about 30 seconds, but I was looking for the rest of him as well.
i found it!!took me 30 seconds
Creepy when you realize he’s been staring at you all the time :D
see it. at the right.
I see one, but it is so small that I’m not sure if it is the correct one.
Got it easily… luckily
Yes! It’s at bottom right corner.
nope… i don’t see it…
nor do i
wait wait wait, yes i do!
Found it, scared me!
And the cows are only a 4
I can also see a hidden bear!
Good one, took about 35 sec. just wondering if there is only one as I can see several possible maybe’s
What was hard about that??? Found it in under three seconds. I mean he’s staring right at you.
OK, I see the obvious one that is pointed out, but there is also a larger transparent one floating in the air.
ahhhhhhhhhh that scared the living daylights out off me
where is it
took me 3 seconds
With zoom it got preatty easy. 7,5. though it was frightening
Dude that scared the crap out of me!! took me about a minute before seeing him.
Tehe! KJ and Cheddar have it right. When you do find it, it does kinda spook you and once you do find it, you’ll have a difficult time in TRYING to enjoy the rest of the pic! (cuz your eyes will have a tendancy to look into the eyes of the “hidden” face) Just my opinion. ENJOY! (now for my “illusion”,….is to have a flippin keyboard that actually CORRECTLY WORKS instead of having to backspace a bazilion times to get the keys to function!) Anyways, ENJOY! ‘n PeAcE! :)
I tool some time, but I actually found two hidden faces…
Is that a face or a discarded severed head???
Found a total of 13 I think there is more
I see 2 faces I think. One is very small I don’t think that it’s the correct face, the other one I see is a little broken up. Am I close or looking in the wrong spot.
Someone more besides me have seen the face of a cat-like superhero, apart of the man face?
I see 2 faces I think. One is very small I don’t think that it’s the correct face, the other one I see is a little broken up. Am I close or looking in the wrong spot. I FOUND IT. LOL. bUT SERIOUSLY, there is 3 faces in that shot. 2 animated, 1 live face
I think I see two faces! There is a tree above the leaves that has a lump formation that also looks like a face.
I suspect that if I had this hanging on my wall, I might take years to spot it unless someone told me he was there! Very nice.
wow I just couldnt find him. Someone posted look to the right and there he was. This one good
Oh GOD! found it.
Anyone else see another “face” in the pile of rocks on the left, Looks kinda like the Thing.
Ahhhhhhhhhh…disapointment…i was like ‘ok here we go, get ready for spendin like 5 min’…after like 30s i was like ‘just found it, ok this is it?’…i though it would be alot harder…not very good.
It is Jack Skellington sort of looking? If so I think I found it…
Far right, about a quarter of the way up from the bottom. He has eyes and a mouth.
Great picture
Is there just a face or whole body? I am not seeing anything. *sigh*
OK Now I see the one on the right but these another faced in the middle of the pile of rocks
I’ve found four faces so far, but probably none of them are the one being talked about. I’ll probably have to be one of the “I’ll find it when I come back to it” people!
couldn’t see it at first. The I put my glasses on and saw it in a second! I think it’s the expression on his face that makes it so eerie.
when i was looking at the comments some guy named micah said it was at the right and i looked at the right and i found it and its kinda scary
Wow, better than the coffee beans. Now it sticks out everytime I see it. Creepy, too.
Bottom right, look for the green
I found it i thought at first it was the small face on left but i was definitely wrong lol.
Wow that’s creepy
can’t find it. but i found an Uruk Hai lower half of head lol
found it. pee’d myself
That was so simple! found it so fast! Id rate it a 10!
Ohmygod. I was looking at it for like a minute and then OHMYGOD IT’S STARING AT ME.
It’s so obvious once you find it. It’s pretty freaky.
I don’t see the face in the woods or the coffee bean face. Are the answers posted somewhere?
Good one. A little spooky.
Took me .0456 seconds to find it, I win
found it, but it startled me. he looks dead
I mastered the coffee bean man but I almost had a heart attack when I saw him.I just can’t find him! I keep thinking I find him but, it is not an actual human face.
OMG! I just found the face and it also just about gave ma a heart attack HINT:near bottem left. It is freak’n scary but, hidden well!
its a creepy lookin face though only took a minute to that thing staring at me
Not gonna lie, it only took me about 5 seconds to find it but boy was that freaky! I wasnt expecting to see it that soon and it kinda just popped up out of no where…kinda creeped me out, lol
I got this picture in an email. It’s actually a guy in camo and under the leaves.
Found it…spooky
took me 10 seconds.
whoa! i found that really fast!
Aren’t there enough things hiding in the woods without throwing a face in there too?
I see two one that I know is the one they want to find and I imagine the other is the one that Jerry Rosie found. Saw both within 10 secs.
Coffee bean was the clue, found it immediately
That was a hard one…
Hmmn….. found it way too fast :)
Pleaseeeeeee, help !!!
found it as soon as I scrolled down. WHAT A FLUKE!!
I see two faces, one a bit scary, one rather calm.
Lol s/he is just chilling there without a care in the world. Took less then that Coffee Bean illusion, but still a good way to practice ones attentiveness.
I found it but i wouldn’t compare with the bean one. In the bean one the face is hidden because we think it’s a bean.
in this one the face is hidden by leaves and stuff and one can only see part of the face (eyes and mouth basically)
the bean one is superior.
Found it – then found a sort of other one.
Yep I see him…creepy…took me a while though!
Yep. That was creepy.
Found it within 2 secs.
Couldn’t fined it at first but After i found coffee been man I found him straight away!
PS. if you have not found it, prepare to be spooked!
2/10 – but I’m not a fan of ‘Where’s Wally’ either so many, I’m sure, will love it.
Got it! Well hidden. thanks
Now that I’ve found it I can’t look at the picture without seeing it. I give this illusion a solid 8.
Wow I found it but it almost scared me to death it looks really weird and if you take a while to find it then you do.Please wonder how long has that creepy face been staring at you !!!!
The first face I’ve found was not the one similar to the coffee-bean illusion.
So for me ther his 3 faces/figures in this image.
One like the coffee-bean illusion, one of a famous sunday night cartoon character and a third more spectrum like of a woman.
The first one I saw was the cartoon character
Can you find all 3?
I couldn’t believe I didn’t see the face at first. I zoomed in on my screen to make it easier (I feel like I totally cheated.)
I was like….”Whoa! There you are!”
Great stuff! Keep these coming!
scaredthe hell out of me! I am still shaking!!
for those who dont want to get frightened, dont look for him
Good one, but it was really quite easy…
Once you see it, it just stares at you. Kinda freaky. I watch my friends trying to find it and most of them find it within 45 seconds..
anybody notice that there’s an animal hidden in there too? I was all ears when my 19 month old grandson pointed it out.
I’ve been staring at it for a half hour and I don’t see it. I see one facelike thing, but I doubt its the one. It is not definite, or clear, or human like the coffee bean man. I found the coffee bean man, but only after reading the comments. I don’t think hidden object illusions are my cup of tea (or coffee), so I’m not going to rate it.
OK, after posting that, I suddenly saw it. I wonder why people think it is scary.
Good; About a minute and three stares:) Rating: 6/10.
I found it like immediately after reading the description
it was fun for like 3 seconds!
wow that is so spooky my heart jumpted :D
i give this a 9.5 :D
i love all your optical illusions they keep me thinking every day:D
Help! Can’t find it. Looking toward the right. How about another hint?
Wait, maybe I have it. Not much of a face if it’s what I think it might be. Is is small? Could be covered by a dime on the screen?
Didn’t see i before, came back today and spotted it in 15 seconds – but, all in all, a really great illusion
Found it, indeed looks a bit weird
I still can’t find it!! Can someone help me? lol
Hmm. I actually see what I believe to be three faces or my mind just making me think that they are faces. LOL Can someone please email me a detailed location, as not to spoil it for the others? Thanks.
Got it. Had to go look for the coffee bean man, when I came back it jumped right out. Neat.
I saw two faces, both around the same area.
Still can’t see it!
Thought I found it the first time I looked at it and was wondering why people kept saying look to the right. When I came back it jumped out at me as the face everyone is seeing. The other face, the first face I found, is more ape-like. It’s in there too.
i know I’m gonna be giving it away a little, but Idon’t know whether i’m looking at the right thing or not. it’s at the lower right and part of it is concealed by leaves, right?
Found It!!! wow its great… and scary just like Cheddar Says.
can someone give me a hint? i can’t see it all… is it in the centre? top? bottome?
Is it under rocks? Thats the only one I see.
I found the silhouette of a person, but no face. This is really starting to frustrate me…arrgh!
Never mind…just found it (as soon as I posted a comment about not finding it – never fails – lol)! Very creepy!
It’s easy, bottom right corner… not too close to the bottom though. If you are wearing glasses, don’t bother. I showed my auntie who wears glasses and it took her a day and night constantly at the computer (she didn’t go to bed) to figure this one! She’s only just seen it now.
awesome, but creepy looking. 10
ya good one. spotted the face. i was expecting something between the woods and in fact some vague figures can be seen
Clever-ish. Think small. But then, that does make for an easy composition …
That was cool! Took me a minute then, wow starin right at cha.
took longer than i want to admit but when i did find it it about scared me.
I was looking at the picture from a distance though, thinking i was looking for a “big picture” kind of thing. As soon as i got close…
I see another one in the leaves
before this goes away, I need help to see it!!!
yesterday i didn’t, now i found it in 2 seconds!!! :-D
good one
Still not seeing it. Some more hints please???
lol! so creepy when u find it … look 2 the bottom right of the screen
Maybe I was lucky, but I found it in two seconds. Much easier than the coffee bean for me, Then again I hike around the forest and measure trees and plants five days a week so I had better be able to spot an abnormality quickly. He is kind of freaky though. Reminds me of an X-files episode.
Anyone else thought the X-Files episode “Detour”, with the invisible people in the woods?
Absolutely awesome!
Woah! That scared that scared the **** out of me when I fund it!
OMG that face is creeping me out
Just a day or two before you published this I watched Danny Wilten’s video on pareidolia & apophenia
( )
Interesting … and I still can’t see it.
hwooo! thats creepy..
Oh, I loved the coffee bean man one so much I put it on my facebook but this one…. How easy??? :(
Is it that thing that looks a little like a dog?
I found it in about 10 seconds.
i can find the face… a clue?
that took a several tries but I found it…great
This isn’t really an optical illusion – just camouflage.
But, well done. Gave it 3 stars.
Nice! Found it in less than 5 minutes! By Luck!
10 out of 10,
I found it in seconds but it definitely made me jump when I saw it.
Directly to the right of the rock pile
After doing that coffee bean one some how it took me a second to find it
this is hard!!!!!!!
that face is a stalker! plus it’s scary!
Cool, I found it pretty easily.
ok, got it. But not spooky at all.
WOW !!! :0
Took A While, But Then I Found It. Or Him
It’s In The Right Buttum-Corner In The Leafs :)
Creepy plant dude!
I found four faces a panda a scary killer face a real face and a tiger face
love it. wnt more of such illusions
found it, does anyone see the stone frog in the middle?
thnks for the hint, found it superly done!!!
omg it is creepy lord help
oh god that looks like tom felton
I found the wrong one to start with! I found another partial one just to the right of the rocks, looks like a man screaming in pain!
I rate it a 1 out of 10. Over-sold under-delivered on the pic description.
Got it in about 2 seconds.
C’mon, try harder…
It took me a good minute, but yeah, once spotted, I was totally creeped out! LOL
I give it a 10
I found it in a couple seconds but, the eyes spooked me. I would rate it at 8. I prefer to see the art work or chalk drawings rather than this kind of thing.
I’ve have come back to this page for several days and I still find the face. All I can see something that looks like the “Pink Panther” involving the rock formations. Somehow I think I miss this boat.
Someone help me I just cannot see it!
Can’t get it :(
OK I give up – where is it?
I was expecting this one to be hard but I found it pretty much straight away were as it usually takes me ages
These types of pictures are annoying because I never know if im looking for a huge face, made of various elements, or the word ‘face’ or like this one, a tiny little thing hidden due to its size in a 95% normal photo.
Foound it after a few days/trys. It is an 8 or 9.
i see two! one on the right side of the rocks and one in the right bottom corner? you see them?
Ok, I see at least 5 faces. One is an actual face, one is a floating translucent face, and there are 3 made of rock, one being a side profile.
am I the only one that sees two faces?
I found the one to the right of the rocks, which I think is the one they are looking for, and another one in the trees top just left of center, this looks like a ghost man.
I can’t believe they left a naked man’s bum in the woods back there disappearing in the trees. I wonder if that was intentional or in the original photo. The shoulder may be apparent, too, or it may just be another branch knot.
That was hard. Nice one
Good one! I see two, 1 man and 1 tiger face.
Lame-o! This is not an optical illusion by any definition.
It took a minute or so! Staring right at cha!
Haha omg that took me a few minutes lol. wow its kinda funny XD
Nice ! Comparison with the “Hidden Coffee-bean man” is a good hint ! For those who are yet to solve, zooming the page ( Use “Ctrl” & “+” keys to magnify the page – since in the website there is no other option of zooming is available)may help you in identifying the face.
That face at right looks like jigsaws puppet billy!
LOl thats pretty creepy
OMG!!!! CREEPY!!!! :O
Found it.Looks like a scene of CSI
easier than coffee bean, but very creative
fgdfgfasddf WHERE IS IT?
Didn’t even take me a second to find it.. :(
Based on most of the comments I am reading, most of you guys have NOT found the face. Here is a hint: it is an ACTUAL face, not a bunch of items put together to “resemble” a face. Still haven’t found it? His face is very dirty, but his eyes and mouth are very easily identifiable. It’s partially obscured by some green leaves. OK, he’s on the far right, about 3/4 of the way down the photo.
Look at the top ryte…I jizzed my pants…
Omg that scared the s*** out of me
OMFG i hate typing these but…
get OFF the computer, spin once, kiss your hand 5 times, post this on 2 DIFFERENT sites or else the love of your life will DIE one week the day you see this.
sorry cant see it
-up right, up left, down right, down left,
middle left, middle right, middle, nothing
-squinting my eyes nothing
-staring/looking from close,far,left,right nothing
-looking direct,away nothing
cant see whats not there
I find it….
oh god that was scary, like someone buried a corpse only 3 foot deep and didnt cover the head
Not a big face, it is small one, look at the right,about 1 inch above from bottom. Reddish lips. just stares the green leaves.
The Eyes… I see them in my sleep… It’s creepy..
I regret I ever found it…
When you find it, it just stares at you. so creepy.
I found another one… it looks like a shrunken gorilla head…. … 0_0
Can’t find it :(
Bottom right corner next to rock.
HOLY CRAP!!! that`s scary :O
The first face I found: starting from the Top-Right corner, an outline of a face looking towards the top-left corner. Sure, it’s awkward looking but it sort-of looks like a face. It’s not a spoiler because it’s not the main face. :)
Kind of “find Wally” and a bit hard if not aware of this fact.
(Did anyone called the police, btw? ;)
Could someone explain exactly where it it thanks in advance
thats creepy
first thing i saw was slenderman
It’s on the bottom right of the picture. Nice xx
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thats so creep. its going to be in my mind forever its like its staring into my soul.
ehh. 7/10. Creepy as heck though. I found it really fast.
i could see her body too
A little creepy, but not difficult. It was the first thing I noticed when I glanced at the picture. Cool picture though.
OMG it took me a minute to find it and it is creepy
Lol it reminds me of the rock scene in THG
OMG THAT SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA ME!! (Cool illusion though!)
About 2 minutes, then i froze. He’s looking at me!
The 2nd face is : the closest tree at the left
The 3rd face is : between big and smaller rock
the 4th face is : jus bottom left the screen (only mouth, nose, and 1 eye)
that’s what I found