Help Them Find Their Tool – Part III

I don’t know whats happening in my country’s capital (Zagreb, Croatia). In last few months Mafia killed some very important people, while officials and the statesmen can’t do nothing about it, except keep promising absurd promises and public safety. Check previous two links for more info. This is shocking, because Zagreb was always a safe city. Don’t want to make negative publicity, but I’m not feeling much safe where I live now. Should think of moving to NY or Monte Carlo in the near future… Well, just wanted to share some of my thoughts. Also, I visited doctor about my 2 week headache, but she insists it’s sinus inflammation. Well, let just hope it stops already. In the mean time here is the last part of “Help Them Find Their Tool” series. If you don’t know what to do, check previous Part I and Part II for explanation and more examples. Logging off..

90 Replies to “Help Them Find Their Tool – Part III”

  1. Sword – on his left shin guard
    Raven – shadow in bushes
    Steed – right arm/hand/sleeve
    Tambourine – bottom gold sash around stomach
    Pipe – under his left arm, the moulding of the arm rest on the bench
    Bell – upside down on his hat
    Friday – no idea… the brown spot behind his right leg, where the beach meets the shrubbery

  2. I’m very sorry for what you talked about…I didnt hear nothing on tv.
    I hope the situation will change soon!

    I like this games!
    For the moment I didn’t find the tower raven… but I try again!


  3. I usually really like what you post but I have seen these twice and just don’t see anything. I just don’t like them personally.

  4. first, look at right leg guard

    second, right pants leg

    third, don’t know

    fourth, waist belt

    fifth, top of cane

    sixth, hat is bell, sideburns is the handle

    seventh, don’t know…

  5. these were fun to find!

    beefeater and the arab were quite a challenge. cant see man friday however.

    *spoiler alert*
    the tower raven is facing up in the left leg of the dude. and the arabs horse is his right arm, well the brown bit.

  6. Hey,
    I hope you and your friends and family are safe. People just need to stop fighting. When they talked about it on the news, you immediately came to mind.
    Well, anyway, I love these illusions. More of them please. Have not found all, but i’ll kee trying.

  7. i couldn’t find the dancer, beefeater, or arab. :(

    BUT… the sword is on the gladiator’s left leg, the bell is on the crier’s hat, and the pipe is the arm of the bench.

  8. This isn’t cool illusions, no really i don’t like it!

    I’ve find them all but it’s no fun

    If you ask me questions (to ROCK’N ROLL or DIAM’S)I don’t answer…

    Hope you enjoy the other cool illusions on this site!!

  9. Sword – left shin plate.

    Raven – no idea.

    Camel – I think it’s his entire right arm view 90o clockwise.

    Tambourine – The lower most loop on her belt (seen sideways on. (Not too sure about this one)

    Pipe – Top half of cane maybe? seems to be the right shape.

    Bell – upside down: sideburn and hat.

    Man Friday – Best I’ve got is the rock to Crusoe’s left looks a bit like the top half of an octopus. Not that that is meant to be constructive or anything….

  10. Nisam znao da si iz Hrvatske! Ja sam iz Osijeka i ovim putem cestitam ti na ovom ODLICNOM siteu s ODLICNIM optickim iluzijama! Samo tako nastavi!
    Ovo sto se kod nas dogadja je strasno! Mafija se uvukla u sve pore nase drzave!

  11. if you think, NY is safe, where did you get your information? go ahead and read some statistics…….
    on the ohter hand if you think, you are so important that someone wants to kill you, then you have no escape………..they call it globalization.

  12. – Sword On Gladiators Right Leg.

    – Tower Raven, Beefeater left leg, facing up.

    – Arab Steed – Right Arm, Dark Brow

    – Tambourine on her stomach, orange.

    – Pipe, To the right on the newspaper, white.

    – Bell, Is his hat, upside down, the cable is his beard.

  13. sorry about your security problems it seems that its a world wide problem people just seem so self centered and have no compassion for anyone feel better soon love you illusions


    found the sword : on his shin shield.

    Raven : going up his left leg behind the cane, i think two of the floor racks are its feet.

    Pipe: end of cane resting on seat

    Bell: possibly his hat, sideburns as handle.. thats all i can find so far

  15. “Should think of moving to NY or Monte Carlo in the near future.”
    Move to Crni Lug, closer, safer, cheaper ;-)

  16. These are lame. After doing this 3 times (Part 1, 2, and 3) they get really dumb. Get something good. The one before was pretty cool.

  17. 1. sword, left leg shin guard
    2.?, right arm
    4.bottom waist band
    5.newspaper edge
    6.his hat, upside down


    sword- on the gladiator’s left shin plate. (his right from your perspective)
    tower raven- concealed on the beefeater’s left leg. (his right from your perspective)
    steed- made of the arab’s right arm-hand. (his left from your perspective)

  19. Along with the sword, steed, and tower raven, I have discovered:
    bell- On the gentleman’s sideburns retreating into his hat if you look at it upside down.

  20. I’m very sorry for what has happened in your country. News here in Finland, hasn’t informated at all about it!
    And my friend was going to come there, but luckily she wanted to go to somewhere else, and she went to Nizza, France.

  21. Gladiator: Shin guard, left leg.
    Arab: Right arm. (the horse is in vertical position)
    Dancer: Girl’s belt (lower)
    Crier: His hat. (In the sideboard is the handle)
    Crusoe: Maybe in the palm tree (upper left corner) I see a face.

  22. I can’t find any! I guess I am looking the wrong way… is it like the 13 hidden faces image? Can someone give me a clue for any of them?


  23. Hello!!

    Let’s say it: in the beginning your illusion were really fun, but now, it’s a little bit worse than before


  24. You can find man Friday on the parrot, just beside it’s right wing.
    It’s pretty small, so blow up the picture a bit.

  25. Hey Vurdlak! Do come to New York! lol.
    For the Dreaded Crussoe one, i can’t find it but i do know that Man Friday has dark skin and is raher burly. hope this helps!

  26. I foundthem all, including man friday, but since ive read the book, it was easy to look for…anyways, i think these would make for some fun and unique postcards! im going to see if its legal to print them out so i can send them to my family :)

  27. the man’s pipe has 5 different pipes in it.
    -to the right on the news paper
    -the arm of the bench
    -the golden part of his hat on the rim
    -the top of his cane
    -and the red stripe on his left leg

  28. Google translate:
    I found them all:
    1-A sword is on the LEFT loss. I was induced to believe that other reviews were right.
    2-Crow is behind the stick, his left leg.
    3-The horse is the arm / hand of the whole Arab world.
    4-Another who went induced error. The timbrel / tambourine is the dancer’s hat, look good!
    5-The pipe is well ahead of the stomach, forming the outline of the paper.
    6-The bell is inside the top hat, you can clearly see the contours golden.
    7-Look very closely at the breast of the bird’s shoulder will find the Crusoe and Friday.

    1. ACTUALLY…
      4 is IN HER HAND

  29. gladiator – his left shinguard?
    beefeater – his left pants?
    arab – his right arm?
    dancer – her sash?
    chelsea – his visor?
    i can’t see the bell and what the heck is man friday?

  30. I think the bell is in his hat. Look at his sideburn, it looks like the bell handle.

    Man Friday was the native that Robinson Crusoe made friends with on the island when he was ship wrecked. I couldn’t find this either. I saw a couple of things that might be what they are after but nothing clear.

  31. I found man Friday! So proud.


    At the bottom of the bushes to the left, it is his head, side on, facing down. His beard is the grayish part ffollowed by his lips and nose, and his eyes are closed.

  32. Nice:-)
    The pipe is on the walking stick.
    The Bell is the upper part of the hat -upside down.
    The man’s Friday face is in the tree in the upper left corner.

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