Hey people! During the weekend I was forcefully “disconnected” from the internet, so wasn’t able to post an update. If I was lying I’d say it was unintentionally, but to be honest I took a road-trip and enjoyed Plitvice, National Park in Croatia protected by UNESCO World Heritage. Everything was under snow, and we almost got stuck in the middle of nowhere (since my car has summer tires), but thats another story. Not to bore you with my private life, here’s an interesting illusion I received from anonymous submitter recently. The email was titled “Haunted Forrest“, so I named this article in the same manner. Your assignment is to spot all the strange silhouettes in the Forrest below. Just as I finished writing this intro, I noticed how the image is strangely connected with my weekend trip. Main attraction of Plitvica Lakes are their waterfalls,nature and fauna. Look at the picture below! See any connection? Spooky!
i see a deer,fox,wolf, and a lady.And also i think im first comment
I see a woman, two wolves and a bird (eagle?). Am I missing anything?
Very nice, the animals and stuff are really well integrated! These pictures are soo nice
i see 6 animals and a person
but i won’t name them. you can find them for yourself.
wait, but does anyone know what the animal on the bottom is? i don’t know what it is, but i do know that it is an animal. (that was kinda a hint)
i see a bear, woman, eagle, bison, wolf, cougar, salmon….ya thats all i can find
hauntied forrest???
yiay for grammar!!!!!! :D n00bs
I found seven.
Isn’t the title supose to be “Haunted Forrest” Without the I as it is now?
i see a women, hawk, tiger, bear, moose beaver, cougar, and a face
I saw the woman in the water fall, a wolf in the mountain, a cougar(mountain lion) and a bear
No problem about you taking time off. Every one needs some time off. As for the opicture I found 4 and still looking.
What I see here is a lady standing, a bird, 2 wolves, 1 lion or something, 2 hands.
Wow, on first sight, I see a woman, 2 wolfs, a face and a tiger.
Good Illusion!
Very Nice!
At first I saw only the lady but then, the wolves, puma, hawk appear to me ;-)
I count four…
I suck! I only see 3 things!!!! Help me!
cool, so much to find in the pic
so many animals
I see 8 things hidden throughout picture.
Hweee…first post.
The image looks somehow “forced.” Too much “excuses” to make the lady.
I can see 6 beings …
Nice picture! I see a woman, two eagles/hawks, a tiger, wolf and bear. But i have a feeling that i am missing something..?
I see seven strange things. i like it!
Wow, this ist amazing.
I found, first of all, a woman, and an flying eagle, a wolf, a bear, a deer, a puma an a head of an eagel. Have I forgotten something?
I can see loots of preety animals.
i see a wolf at the cliff and a woman as the waterfall…then i see another wolflike thing lower on the right hand cliff and that yellowish spot on the rock seems like an old lady to me…
I have a book with this as the cover page. It’s by O.R. Melling.
i’ve seen it a thousand times to say that there is a woman, a deer, a wolf, a bear, a cougar, a stallion and an eagle
no one has spotted the racoon?
erm, excuse me i can see mr atkins’ room at the back of the photo
erm i can see mr atkins room in the background
i see a big bear in the picture behind the flower
Nobody’s seeing the Mule Deer on the left? That was the first one I spotted. Very nice painting. Would like to have a large print of this for my office, if anyone knows where to find one, please post. Thanks, and keep up the great work!
you spelled haunted wrong…
I see bear, wolf, lady, bird(in sky), falcon(on rocks), and a lion.
i c 10!!! dont ask how but, i just do
oh, and uh, by the way, theres a typo in the name.
its supposed to be “haunted forest” not
“hauntied forest.”
That looks like the work of Bev Doolittle. I don’t know if it’s really illusion, but you can find a lot more pictures like that if you search for her name.
Here’s What I see so far:
* A Womans Face in the clouds and here body is the waterfall.
* On the ladies left hand is a racoon.
* To the top left of the womans head is a Fox in the Rock with pointy ears.
* Look at the top of the Wolf’s head up then right and you’ll see a bird in the clouds.
* To the bottom right of the womans head inline with her breasts is a panthers head.
* Look to the right of the womans dress and below the panthers head and you’ll see a Wolf in the Rock face.
* Look at the womans chest right below her breasts to the left end of the page is a dears head with antlers.
* Look at the womans chest right below her breasts to the left of the page to the right side of the dears head and you’ll see a hand blended in to the rock face by the tree with the green leaves.
* Look to the bottom middle of the page to the left and you’ll see some kind of bird with a beak in the rock next to the water fall.
* In the center in the womans dress right below the womans breasts is a fish head looking to the left.
* At the bottom of the womans dress behind the pointy rock there seems to be a fish of some sorts bending over backwards.
* At the bottom of the womans dress to the left is a horses head looking towards the womans dress and the head is in the rock face.
1) Hauntied is spelt ‘Haunted’
2) Forrest is spelt ‘Forest’
3) Get a spell checker!
4) I’ve found: a woman, a wolf, an eagle, a deer, a tiger, a bear, a beaver, a crocodile and a fish of some sorts.
That’s 9… I’m sure the artist would have rounded it up to 10 so I’m going to keep looking :P
I think ur missing the eagle on top of the lady
wolf,fox eagle,woman and thr last is a mountain lion
I agree, its a very beautiful painting….
from upper left: I can see a deer, a wolf, an eagle in the air, the waterfall lady, the tiger(cougar, whatever!), a fox, another head of an eagle.
I am missing the bear though, someone please give a clue!
And the fish?does anyone see the fish?
I see a deer, a fox, a woman, a bear, two wolves, and two eagles, plus a little man that resides in the water-fall. Is that all?
i see a lady in the waterfall, eagle in the sky, wolf on the left rock on the top, bear by the waterfall in the middle on the right, a cougar just abouve it a little to the right, deer in the middle left, a beaver chewing on a log on the bottom left and i think the lighter color in the rock on the right is a bird….. idk.
I see a bear, wolf, lady, eagle, falcon, old man, baby, elk, cougar, bison and a bever
I found 8… atleast I think I did.
There is an eagle, beaver, cougar, wolf bear and deer. I’m not sure if there are more or not…
There are 7 animals. An eagle, bear, cougar (not puma), beaver, deer, wolf and a horse. There’s also the pretty lady.
wow! I went to plitvice, croatia 2 years ago and saw the amazing waterfalls! They were jaw dropping.
hey there… wow this is such an awesome picture…
i see the lady, an eagle, a wolf, a cougar, a grizzly, a raccoon, a bison, a reindeer, a stag(male deer) and something downside on the left… but i can`t name it…
Bye bye Jessi
I see a wolf, a hawk, a woman, a cougar, a deer, and a bear. I also think I might see a second eagle and a dog that I would determine a horse if not for how the ears droop forward in the rocks in the water.
has anyone spotted the bison besides me??? its made of green bushes in the lower left, facing the waterfall. Also there is a sheep or some deer above it.
I see a woman, a wolf, an eagle, a dog, a bear, a beaver, a fox, and a cougar
Wait, im confused, where is all of this stuff. Eagles? Women? Foxes? All I see is a nature scene. What are you guys on???
WOW that bobcat is hard to see :)
I found alot, and yes I did see all of this. a lion head, a woman,eagle,deer,bear,mountain lion, wolf, horse, buffalo, another wolf(or small dog), a racoon, a face, an owl, a head of another eagle, beaver, a hawk, a red robin, and I think why it is called haunted is because you really dont know what else is lerking in this picture. It symbolizes the potetial dangers lying in every shadow, and in every rock.
Truly wonderful illusion. Seems like this art should be hanging in my room instead of on this sight…
I see 7 things,
also see something which looks like a racoon behind the rock in the center in the waterfall
wolf, eagle, lady, bear, racoon, puma, another wolf kind of thing, hand (doesn’t realy count)
i see a wolf, a fox, a lady, a bird, and a lion!
I definitely see a bird, fox or some kind of cat-like animal, a woman, buck/deer, and a bear. I also see a possible tortoise (spelling?) and a face.
i see an idiot dancing.
i must be blind coz this aint on here im a tit
i see a lady, beaver, wolf and fox.Pretty good.Nice illusion
seriously, is the rock in the middle giving the middle finger?
=p the animal on the bottom is a bird just o tell you so u all got a animal morelol
i seen an animal at the bottom on the log i dont think any1 has seen it yet
I see lots of extra Rs in “Forrest”
I saw a lady (obviously, a wolf, a bear, a lioness, a deer, an eagle-like bird,and by the way, the lady was wearing a glove.
i see a wolf a bear maybe another bear, a woman a snake a killer whale a bird of some sort and an eagle
I saw a bear and a beaver, also. Six images, in all. Cool!
I see a wolf, eagle, lady, racoon, cougar, and I think a beever or something?
I see an eagle, lady, 2 wolves, a tiger, cougar, deer.
that’s pretty much it I guess…
i see a women, a wolf, a fox, an eagle, and a beaver, some trees, a waterfall leading to a river, a cliff, some sand, and clouds. if you spot anything more, let me know!
i found a woman,man’s face, bison, buck, salmon, beaver, fox, bear, eagle, and what seems to be the feet of a giant!
We can see 9 beings- 1 bird in the sky. 1 bird in the water (bottom left), woman, 2 wolves, tiger, deer, mans face above right hand of woman, and a horses head below right hand.
What about the face in the left antler of the Mule deer
i see a woman, person in the rock on the middle right, an otter on the bottom left, a bear in the middle left, a wolf on the top middle, an eagle in on the top middle above the woman, another wolf in the middle right above the mans face, and a maountain lion in the middle right above the second wolf, there are also some ripples in the water on the left that could be fish.
do you notice the woman’s hands and dress? one hand is on the dress (waterfall) and one is reaching into the forest. i think it signifies mother nature.
i see a woman a lion a wolf a bear and an eagle
#’s 15 and 18 are obviously idiots who can’t count. No 15th isn’t first. And guess what? Neither is 18th.
I thought you weren’t posting submissions like that…
Guess I’ll keep wading through the trash to get to good posts.
I only found 7, is that all?
I see a Lady, Eagle, bear, bob cat, dear, bever, horse, fox, bird, ox, and i think a dog?
Eye lik ther piktur ov ther hauntied forrest – Eye kan sea a wumman, a wulf, a bare & an eegull.
A puma is the same thing as a cougar… You know, Puma concolor?
-woman (in the middle half in the water fall/ half in the sky)
-fox (to the right of the woman’s skirt)
-eagle(in the sky, right above the woman)
-beaver (in the rocks in the water in the bottom left coner)
-panther (right next to the womans arm)
-deer (to the left of the womans left right hand(on the left of the picture))
-bufflo (in the green trees on the left side half way down the picture)
-wolf(left of eagle)
-2 horse(bottom of woma’s skirt on the left, and top left coner top of trees)
-man’s face (right under the bufflo’s head on the shore on it side)
I see a lady,fox,cougar,wolf,eagle,some bird-like thing,and that’s about it…
I love this site! =D
What the hey is a “Hauntied Forrest”? It would be much more interesting if it was a “Haunted Forest”.
i believe that the animal at the bottom is a beaver
I see a bar with a few beers on it, behind the bar is a beautifull woman lookinh at me.
did anyone else see the castle in the middle of the picture it the lady’s belt
I see a lady, of course. Then an eagle. Then a wolf. Then an antler. On the right side are panther, sheep and a fox. There’s also a rat or a beaver I guess. On waters, there is a head of a hawk. There’s a pig also. A womans’ head on trees. A dog facing slightly in front. There is also a man in veil with his hand (the hand is very obvious)
I see a lady, a wolf, an hawk, a bear a puma, a castle and a reindeer…
nice spelling…hauntied?
i see 8 animals and a woman…. how many are supposed to be in here?
wow… so clever..
I see a lady, fox, wolf, otter, deer, hawk, tiger, elephant and a white faced man at the bottem.
i see 3 wolves a wild cat a lady andanother face 2 bears a muskrat eagle i might find more l8r
Very cool I almost found everything.
I found a lady, eagle, wolf, Bear, Cougar, Deer, Horse & sheep.
i find picts. like that creepy but really cool!!!
hundredth comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go to eyecanlearn.com and look for the hidden images button. There’s a list of things to find in this picture and some are difficult as all hell! A Turkey?!
Yeah… the turkey’s made of trees… here’s what I saw… a woman, a bear, a cougar, a wolf, an eagle, a deer, and a snake
I see women, and lots of animals.
a woman and lots of animals indeed, is there word out how many there are?
i see a woman and tons of animals
nice picture i see a woman and a lot of animals like everyone else..lol
I see the turkey :)
You’re supposed to fin al of these. I found the deer, the dog, the wolf, the eagle, turkey, bobcat, and the racoon as well as another that could be the fox or the dinosaur. Hmmm…
Can you find a deer, buffalo, possum, ape, fox, horse, dog, wolf, bear, eagle, turkey, bobcat, dinosaur, lamb, and raccoon?
Funny it dosn’t mention the woman, hehehe
I saw a bird, a woman, a lioness, a wolf, a hawk and a penguin. ?????
That is way coolz
I see a hand showing middle finger! Seriously look at the rock in the river.
I saw the wolf right away, like it was about the first thing I saw, then the woman besides it, in the coulds.
I saw pants. That’s all I could see.
i see 1 womman and 6 animals
a fox, eagle, snake, cat, another fox, 1 lion (girl) :D
that haunted isn’t spelt with an i…
i think i found 1 fox head , 1 wolf head and 1 woman and i think the fox is bobcat head
Ok Here is what I found;
The Lady, The Castle, The Eagle, The Wolf, The Deer, The Horse, The Turkey, The Otter, The Snake, The Cougar, The Bear, The Dog, The Buffalo, The Squirrel & The Beaver. Did not find The Fox or The Bobcat!
Who can see the WW soldier jumping in water. Nose of horse….bottom lefte of waterfall.
my godlish, it is homework from boinic. I hate it