Happy Queen, Sad Queen Illusion

Elliott Line sent me this nice optical illusion. You might have seen some similar with bank notes in the past. Remember Rupees Illusion? How about “The Queen Is Bald” one? If not, simply jump to our previous illusion tutorial. Elliot wrote: “Here is an illusion that anyone with a British banknote can do. By making hill-folds through the edges of the Queen’s mouth and through her eyes, and then tilting the note back and forth, you can make the Queen appear happy or sad.”

38 Replies to “Happy Queen, Sad Queen Illusion”

  1. Old news, and yet so amusing! Wonder who had so much free time they discovered that! Must have been English, us Scots are far too cool for that kinda malarky!

  2. Um ok…looks like Euan has his head jammed up his rear end, because he doesn’t seem to understand that he is a Nobody. (GASP! GASP!) Ok calm down, only joking. Maybe the English have too much free time, but at least we use better words than Malarky! haha..cool picture tho…

  3. To the person named omg. I am enraged that you didn’t recognise HRH, the queen of England.

    From an apoplectic English person.

    tut tut tut

  4. i would always do that with any bill

    it does not just need to be a 20 pound note it works with any kind of bill as long as you fold through the eyes and eye brows it works
    for Canadian the twenty is the best and the five

  5. Wow. Best facial flip flop I’ve ever seen. Queen works especially well. Also, in general, it’s a nice idea since it’s not a specially drawn face that’s *designed* to have that effect.

  6. Haha. Did is with my brother he wasn’t so happy…then sad…them happy, then sad, happy sad happy sad…I’m sorry what was I talking about again?

  7. I have seen this illusion before. I don’t remember how to do it but you have to fold it in a certain way…

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